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Two questions. Does this site and features all play well with an iPad? I do 95% of my reading off one. And 2nd does the 1 year subscription start from the day you join or is it Jan 1st or something.

Thanks Brett.
The points have been up for a few days now. I haven't done anything to check the accuracy. I figured they would of made an announcement of I would of said something. When I emailed them last week for the eta, they told me perfect timing and it was about 15min to launch and it was. I like how they have it in the chart format and it's in the individual units.
The points have been up for a few days now. I haven't done anything to check the accuracy. I figured they would of made an announcement of I would of said something. When I emailed them last week for the eta, they told me perfect timing and it was about 15min to launch and it was. I like how they have it in the chart format and it's in the individual units.

They have some of the point functionality up, I don't think it is complete, or at least I hope not. Several of the units I tried showed "not enough data to calculate draw odds", several of the elk units show a different percentage for odds in the calculation section than in the bottom section by the charts. The bottom number by the charts appears to be accurate though. They must be working on it, looks like it will be really good when they get it fully implemented, I hope that is soon. They are more than likely going to miss Wyoming Elk as it is.
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I've been a member for a few days now and so far I'm fairly impressed. There are a few little glitches that I've noticed, but I'm sure they will be worked out over time. It definitely stung dropping that kind of money on a research tool, but I've been having fun playing around with it. It sure is easier than having 8 windows open on your computer in order to compare data side by side.

I used it to help a friend decide on what antelope units to apply for over the weekend and it saved me hours vs going through the Game and Fish website listing units he can draw with the amount of points he has. Of course, before applying you need to double check your information with the Game and Fish site.

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