Yeti GOBOX Collection

Getting prepared for Big Game by.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Taking it easy just before the Big Game season. Making the Yearly trip down the Canyon again for the Next 3-4 days. You boys and girls behave !!!




110 Deg weather , Big rapids, and Cool water............
Are you going to hunt Hell's Canyon? There's a road at the bottom, eh. If you see a bear or something, just shoot it and drag it down to the road. Would that work? At least on that one side of the canyon with the road?

It doesn't look like you could get it out on a raft, unless you tied it down pretty good.
Tom...... I jsut don't know what to say somtimes when you post :D

But No, I wouldn't be hunting it, and No, there is No roads along the 3 day Float trip.
Ahhh yes, there is a Road "TO" the dam. Very Good observation. You're like Barney Fife !!! We do have to Launch from somewere. thanx for the Arrows... red to boot.

I will do some Fishing if I get a Chance.

Pictures ? I might take one or two ;)
I hope you launch somewhere near the water. Its a heck of a drop if you do it from the top. No road for the whole 3 day float, I guess they get you out with a chopper, eh?

It sounds great!
Rolled in Late Last night. Dropped the Film off at Wally World a few Mins ago. This was one of the Best trips. There was a Fire going on in the Canyon, saw a Big horn, Took great Video of some Smoker Bucks, Played Launch Moosie in the River, and a Whole lot more.

Pictures coming soon !!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't upload all the Pictures But I uploaded a couple. You can't see it with the Water disposable camera I took even thoug hI snuck in < 10 YArds :


So I cropped it :


When his "BOYS" left HE stuck around :


So I cropped him too :


I didn't want this to be a TougherthenDungs "What do you see in this picture" ;)

River Pics later..........
Awesome photos there Moosey! It wasn't long ago that I did a trip similar to yours, except I went through a place called Hell's gate not Hell's Canyon on a two day rafting trip. It was the same idea though, lots of sheep, and a couple muleys.

Hopefully I can get my magical camera to take a picture of me sitting beside a dead bull moose this weekend, and don't worry I'll take a bunch of photo's just to make sure one of them turns out.LOL.
You made it, I was worried with the launching, no road, and all. haha

Wow, what side were the mulies on, Oregon or Idaho? Doesn't that canyon divide the two states? That is one giant muley, I'd say!

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