"Freedom's Safest Place" NRA Videos...have you guys seen these!

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Would you do their job for 50K?
And if you would, it sure wouldn't be for the money.
Heck, would you do your job for 50k?

I looked into a deputy job 2 years ago. 36k/yr

Whether or not I would do their jobs is of no matter. Nobody forced these men and women to take jobs on the police force. They didn't take those jobs not knowing how much they were being paid and they are free to leave at any time.
Well, if the intent was to divide it has certainly been successful. I am a liberal and I make no bones about it. I am not a libtard just because I don't see things your way. I support the 2nd amendment, and the first. I do not support the NRA because I have seen them turn their backs on democrat representatives with strong second amendment record (James Oberstar of Minnesota) to back an extremely right wing Tea Party candidate. As a liberal I am also opposed to runaway spending and socialism for the rich. Instead of cutting SNAP for kids, reform it so the top five agribusinesses in the US don't collect hundreds of millions each year. As for the media, there is no such thing as fake news. It is either truth, lies, or opinion. Rush does not give news, he gives opinions. Morning Joe is opinion. Fox and Friends is opinion. Good luck finding straight news.

I for one am not willing to be forced into a false dichotomy. Senator Daines is for the 2nd amendment. It also appears that he is playing a significant role in helping a large business claim a public trail to prevent public access to public land. His stance on education is not one, that in my view, is going to help improve education. Some have suggested that their might be a "second amendment solution " for political disagreements. I reject that notion. Use of violence to defend ideology is what leads to ISIS, Timothy McVeigh, the dark ages and the Crusades.

What is more important is that we need to be standing together to solve our problems. I would say that not one of us, right or left, wants to see a 9 year old go hungry from lunchtime on Friday until breakfast on Monday morning because he/she wasn't smart enough to pick good parents. If tax breaks for billionaires were contingent on investments that gave Americans good paying jobs I would jump on board, but the five heirs of Sam Walton could have spent $10,000 a day for every day of their life and never spent all $18,000,000,000 of their fortunes, which are increasing.

As someone else put it, "we don't have a division problem, we have a contempt problem."

As I'm sure you can tell we are greatly outnumbered here as liberals. I don't understand how most on the right think we can't also be hunters, gun owners and still support the 2nd amendment as liberals.

Unfortunately many republicans do not share the opinion of not letting a grade school child go hungry because they come from a low income family.
Just yesterday a republican representative was on the news and was asked about the proposed cuts to medicaid and he spouted the same old republican garbage about it being run as a state run program. The moderator then asked him "what about the states that can't afford it"? He said those states need to get their affairs in order, why should we have to help take care of them? So yes many on the right have no problem letting a kid go hungry so long as it doesn't cost them anything.
Would you do their job for 50K?
And if you would, it sure wouldn't be for the money.
Heck, would you do your job for 50k?

I looked into a deputy job 2 years ago. 36k/yr

Well of course not, it's way more fun to complain....

I don't lose any sleep over the haters. I know no matter what they say, both they and I know who their going to call when somebody is mean to them on Facebook, or yells at them at the grocery store. It's either the police or mommy....or both.

Back to the op, I find it funny that the radical left has nothing to say about the violent clips of libs in that video. Only complain about the mean nra, it's laughable.
I find it funny that the radical left has nothing to say about the violent clips of libs in that video. Only complain about the mean nra, it's laughable.
I hear ya, the talking heads lose their collective mind about the NRA ad, Trumps CNN tweet, all the while either not mentioning or downplaying the violence the far left brings when someone has a different opinion.
As I'm sure you can tell we are greatly outnumbered here as liberals. I don't understand how most on the right think we can't also be hunters, gun owners and still support the 2nd amendment as liberals.

Unfortunately many republicans do not share the opinion of not letting a grade school child go hungry because they come from a low income family.
Just yesterday a republican representative was on the news and was asked about the proposed cuts to medicaid and he spouted the same old republican garbage about it being run as a state run program. The moderator then asked him "what about the states that can't afford it"? He said those states need to get their affairs in order, why should we have to help take care of them? So yes many on the right have no problem letting a kid go hungry so long as it doesn't cost them anything.

Just so you know, being hungry isn't an emergency, malnutrition and starvation is. Hunger is man's oldest motivator and a lot of people need to get motivated. I understand your empathy but to throw this hungry kid crap out there gets old. Food stamps programs are so over abused it's out of control. Able bodied young adults getting instantly put on medicaid and given a smart phone in some states is obscene so yes, some states need to get their affairs in order and this is one way to force them to curb abuse all by themselves, boo hoo... If people like you really want to help people they would introduce one piece of legislation to curb the abuse so people in need get what they need, but that wouldn't be buying votes now would it? Why do they cry when work requirements and job training is mandated? I see people in line at the store using snap, I see the vehicles they push their carts out to, I see the nice salon nails and hair, fancy clothes, and the the list goes on. I personally know guys scamming it and some have the if you cant beat them join them attitude. Why work when they can get by without working? The system is abused, many of us see it so don't throw that hungry kid crap at the ones who see it expecting to feel guilty. Maybe you haven't seen it because you live in an area where the abuse isn't so rampant, but wake up man... In 8 years SNAP went from 32 million to 47 million. Is that turning thing around in 8 years? A smart person would think the opposite if that many more people needed SNAP. Oh, and just so you know, the guilt and shame thing didn't work in the last election. Maybe it's time we all tried a different approach than shame and name calling. There i vented, this topic is off course, time to steer it back because cops and food stamps have little to do with the NRA video.
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I hear ya, the talking heads lose their collective mind about the NRA ad, Trumps CNN tweet, all the while either not mentioning or downplaying the violence the far left brings when someone has a different opinion.

Is it possible that we might be suffering from selective memory? Remember how opposed the religious right was to Bill Clinton for being a philanderers adulterer? Did you see how easily they dismissed that as a problem for Donald Trump? Yes the media should have stepped up and condemned the rioting over Milo however you spell his last name. Radicals will do awful things. The shooting of representative Scalese was reprehensible. So was the shooting of Gabbi Gifford. The rioting and destruction of private property in D.C after the election was wrong. So is cross burning and intimidation. Waco was a tragedy. It seemed small in comparison to the Oklahoma City bombing. Neither side has a corner on violence.

As an attempt at something productive, let me float this idea. If we want to reduce mass shooting deaths, and bring down deaths caused by suicide by firearms let's fund mental health care adequately. Those are two commonly used talking points trotted out by the dems to support disarmament.

Like I said, I am a liberal, but not a libtard. I don't belong to a political party. I do know that a hard core democrat will not listen to a reasonable argument from someone who dismisses them as a libtard and an idiot. Pretty sure people on the right would react the same way.

Look up the lyrics to Rush's songs "The Weapon", and "Witchhunt". One of the lines say "Quiet in conscience, calm in their right, confident there ways are best..."
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Scmalts, as a teacher the hungry children crap is not a theoretical thing. I teach in a title 1 school. We serve breakfast and lunch. My students don't waste the food. The kids who don't need it don't take it if they don't like it, but my kids that didn't eat all weekend will eat virtually anything we provide. I am painfully aware that what we are doing now is not very effective. In those same 8 years the top five agribusinesses in the US took in about 12 billion in subsidy under the farm bill. Did food prices or the cost of implements come down? It must not be working either.

I agree with RobG, the video did not address a second amendment issue, it warned you that they are different, and therefore to be feared.
Is it possible that we might be suffering from selective memory? Remember how opposed the religious right was to Bill Clinton for being a philanderers adulterer? Did you see how easily they dismissed that as a problem for Donald Trump? Yes the media should have stepped up and condemned the rioting over Milo however you spell his last name. Radicals will do awful things. The shooting of representative Scalese was reprehensible. So was the shooting of Gabbi Gifford. The rioting and destruction of private property in D.C after the election was wrong. So is cross burning and intimidation. Waco was a tragedy. It seemed small in comparison to the Oklahoma City bombing. Neither side has a corner on violence.

As an attempt at something productive, let me float this idea. If we want to reduce mass shooting deaths, and bring down deaths caused by suicide by firearms let's fund mental health care adequately. Those are two commonly used talking points trotted out by the dems to support disarmament.

Like I said, I am a liberal, but not a libtard. I don't belong to a political party. I do know that a hard core democrat will not listen to a reasonable argument from someone who dismisses them as a libtard and an idiot. Pretty sure people on the right would react the same way.

Look up the lyrics to Rush's songs "The Weapon", and "Witchhunt". One of the lines say "Quiet in conscience, calm in their right, confident there ways are best..."

....yep, it's either crickets or choir practice.
Scmalts, as a teacher the hungry children crap is not a theoretical thing. I teach in a title 1 school. We serve breakfast and lunch. My students don't waste the food. The kids who don't need it don't take it if they don't like it, but my kids that didn't eat all weekend will eat virtually anything we provide. I am painfully aware that what we are doing now is not very effective. In those same 8 years the top five agribusinesses in the US took in about 12 billion in subsidy under the farm bill. Did food prices or the cost of implements come down? It must not be working either.

I agree with RobG, the video did not address a second amendment issue, it warned you that they are different, and therefore to be feared.

I truly feel for kids of POS parents. But are more food stamps the answer? Will that make them responsible parents that put their children first? A responsible parent would not let their kids go hungry and a million $ in food stamps won't make a bad parent take care of their kids.
LWC55, I don't have a solution, except to do my best to get to know them, be someone they can trust and respect, and hopefully influence them to make different decisions. More food stamps probably won't help when mom and dad are trying to sell them so they can get their next bottle of booze. It is in our best interest to work toward a solution because this is a generational issue that will only get worse if we can't break the cycle.

This is another reason why divisive rhetoric is so destructive. We need all hands on deck to face and solve the problems. If I am so contemptuous to you that you can't stand to be around me, how do we accomplish that?
Police put their lives on the line, making almost poverty wages everyday to protect disrespectful pieces of shit like you everyday. You're a puke and should be ashamed of yourself.

If police make poverty wages then what do teachers make?

Also, this thread is getting kind of ridiculous. Both sides of the political spectrum have extremist groups that are pushing the "us vs. them" mentality hard. Sad to see some on here are buying in. Issues like healthcare, public land management, need people to come together and work out meaningful solutions. Groups that incite disagreement, violence, anger are not helping this country solve problems.
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Just so you know, being hungry isn't an emergency, malnutrition and starvation is. Hunger is man's oldest motivator and a lot of people need to get motivated. I understand your empathy but to throw this hungry kid crap out there gets old. Food stamps programs are so over abused it's out of control. Able bodied young adults getting instantly put on medicaid and given a smart phone in some states is obscene so yes, some states need to get their affairs in order and this is one way to force them to curb abuse all by themselves, boo hoo... If people like you really want to help people they would introduce one piece of legislation to curb the abuse so people in need get what they need, but that wouldn't be buying votes now would it? Why do they cry when work requirements and job training is mandated? I see people in line at the store using snap, I see the vehicles they push their carts out to, I see the nice salon nails and hair, fancy clothes, and the the list goes on. I personally know guys scamming it and some have the if you cant beat them join them attitude. Why work when they can get by without working? The system is abused, many of us see it so don't throw that hungry kid crap at the ones who see it expecting to feel guilty. Maybe you haven't seen it because you live in an area where the abuse isn't so rampant, but wake up man... In 8 years SNAP went from 32 million to 47 million. Is that turning thing around in 8 years? A smart person would think the opposite if that many more people needed SNAP. Oh, and just so you know, the guilt and shame thing didn't work in the last election. Maybe it's time we all tried a different approach than shame and name calling. There i vented, this topic is off course, time to steer it back because cops and food stamps have little to do with the NRA video.

I can agree with part of this, but I have to ask: Do you think a kid who is hungry (not starved or malnourished) will be more likely to lose focus in school? Do you think this will affect their academic performance, thus impacting what they do after school, and the career they have? I guess I am fine punishing lazy adults who leach off the system. I am not fine letting kids sit at school because they are hungry, but not quite to the point of being starved or malnourished.
I can agree with part of this, but I have to ask: Do you think a kid who is hungry (not starved or malnourished) will be more likely to lose focus in school? Do you think this will affect their academic performance, thus impacting what they do after school, and the career they have? I guess I am fine punishing lazy adults who leach off the system. I am not fine letting kids sit at school because they are hungry, but not quite to the point of being starved or malnourished.

Maybe the NRA should feed them. Or better yet, the people funding antifa and blm....actually put their private dollars to good use.

I would support anyone giving their own hard earned cash to a cause they deem good (like DU, RMEF, meals on wheels, habitat for humanity, etc).
Is it possible that we might be suffering from selective memory? Remember how opposed the religious right was to Bill Clinton for being a philanderers adulterer? Did you see how easily they dismissed that as a problem for Donald Trump? Yes the media should have stepped up and condemned the rioting over Milo however you spell his last name. Radicals will do awful things. The shooting of representative Scalese was reprehensible. So was the shooting of Gabbi Gifford. The rioting and destruction of private property in D.C after the election was wrong. So is cross burning and intimidation. Waco was a tragedy. It seemed small in comparison to the Oklahoma City bombing. Neither side has a corner on violence.

As an attempt at something productive, let me float this idea. If we want to reduce mass shooting deaths, and bring down deaths caused by suicide by firearms let's fund mental health care adequately. Those are two commonly used talking points trotted out by the dems to support disarmament.

Like I said, I am a liberal, but not a libtard. I don't belong to a political party. I do know that a hard core democrat will not listen to a reasonable argument from someone who dismisses them as a libtard and an idiot. Pretty sure people on the right would react the same way.

Look up the lyrics to Rush's songs "The Weapon", and "Witchhunt". One of the lines say "Quiet in conscience, calm in their right, confident there ways are best..."

Once you agree on the funding, then the argument will begin as to how to treat mental health.
Would you be willing to tie mental health with a moral compass?
Once you agree on the funding, then the argument will begin as to how to treat mental health.
Would you be willing to tie mental health with a moral compass?

As long as it is my moral compass.:eek:

So that was my smart a** response. As a very conservative Christian I have EXTREME reservations about government being involved in defining morality. One would think that "thou shalt not murder" is pretty universal, but you never know, and for someone with paranoid schizophrenia the killing of an innocent person may be justifiable in his/her eyes. As someone who has required medical treatment for severe depression I know first hand that it is easy to think the most rational course of action I could take was to kill myself. That was with near constant prayer and pleading to God to show me the best way out. After quite a long struggle going through different treatments that would work for a while and then stop, I my Dr. finally came up with a med that worked. When I moved to Hardin the insurance company refused to pay for the meds even though they were collecting 4 times more in premiums from me than they would have had to pay out. Trust me when I tell you that you never want to withdraw from an SNRI. I had my finger on the trigger daily in the following two months. Things leveled off and I was functional for the most part until last December. My new Doc had me try a generic med, and thank God it worked. I have tried diet, exercise, and thought disruption strategies and they all work to a limited degree. In my case, mental illness is a medical problem with a pharmaceutical solution so far. Do we have to attach a moral compass to the treatment of cancer? I believe my moral compass is pretty much pointing in the right direction, but it didn't cure me. Lack of a moral compass is frequently the result of a mental illness, and that is also frequently one of the side effects of the meds used to treat it.

(afterthought) The role of spirituality and religion in my life and the purpose of my study of the Bible is to guide my thoughts and actions, not to judge, condemn or proscribe the behavior of others.
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As long as it is my moral compass.:eek:

So that was my smart a** response. As a very conservative Christian I have EXTREME reservations about government being involved in defining morality. One would think that "thou shalt not murder" is pretty universal, but you never know, and for someone with paranoid schizophrenia the killing of an innocent person may be justifiable in his/her eyes. As someone who has required medical treatment for severe depression I know first hand that it is easy to think the most rational course of action I could take was to kill myself. That was with near constant prayer and pleading to God to show me the best way out. After quite a long struggle going through different treatments that would work for a while and then stop, I my Dr. finally came up with a med that worked. When I moved to Hardin the insurance company refused to pay for the meds even though they were collecting 4 times more in premiums from me than they would have had to pay out. Trust me when I tell you that you never want to withdraw from an SNRI. I had my finger on the trigger daily in the following two months. Things leveled off and I was functional for the most part until last December. My new Doc had me try a generic med, and thank God it worked. I have tried diet, exercise, and thought disruption strategies and they all work to a limited degree. In my case, mental illness is a medical problem with a pharmaceutical solution so far. Do we have to attach a moral compass to the treatment of cancer? I believe my moral compass is pretty much pointing in the right direction, but it didn't cure me. Lack of a moral compass is frequently the result of a mental illness, and that is also frequently one of the side effects of the meds used to treat it.

I find some of your replies conflicting in an intriguing way. When I ask about the moral compass tied to mental health, there are factors(IMO), or standards if you will, that America has lowered the bar on and not in a positive way for how folks should live(this is probably where I get called a Bible thumper again). Are there cases where they are not tied to it, yes. Acceptable habitual behavior in this country has definitely changed, not for the good.

I'm glad you're doing well. I'll ask for a complete healing, mentally and physically, for you.

I'm not sure you can compare mental health to cancer, unless you are talking treatments and not causes.

I guess that's a long way off from the original intent of the OP to berate the NRA for their video.

I have noticed this topic covered on a few different hunting forums, this site seems to hold the title of largest detractors.
I'm not sure you can compare mental health to cancer, unless you are talking treatments and not causes.

I guess that's a long way off from the original intent of the OP to berate the NRA for their video.

You are right, we are a long way from the original intent. If the lack of standards like thou shalt not murder, lie, steal, commit adultery, entertain false gods, and covet what everyone else has leads to mental illness then everyone should be completely whacked out. Mental Illness is frequently a medical problem, not a spiritual one. Substance abuse is frequently both the result and the cause of mental illness, but If i suggested that we stop the sale and production of liquor it would be pointed out quite quickly that it won't work and that I am being too religious. Yet in my community it is the second most destructive drug in the ecosystem. Here is one of the results of that disease.
2017-05-12 07.58.15.jpg
I snapped that on the way to school one morning. The mouth rinse is 26% alcohol by volume. Do people who drink have low moral standards? Maybe it is only the ones who are too weak to resist the addiction and drink in moderation who do. Either way, alcoholism eventually become a medical problem and it is a mental illness that the recovered addict will fight for the rest of his/her life.

To the OP's original point, If I am swayed by that video to reject your input as an ultra-conservative bible thumper (not asserting that you are) looking to enforce your religion on me it is very likely that we will never approach the issue cooperatively to try to solve the problem. Yes, we are all entitled to our own beliefs, but there are no alternative facts. Truth is going to be truth regardless of what you believe. There is a lot of moral decay in this nation. We elected an adulterer who has been accused of theft, admitted trying to get a married woman to have sex with him, has been accused of dishonest business dealings, and gladly accepted by the religious right because they know for sure he is not a Muslim. We have people on the left with the same problems. It doesn't matter which ditch you are in, you are not going to get down the road until you get out of the ditch. This add serves very well to put people on both sides into the ditch.
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