PEAX Equipment

Finally!! MN muzzelloader buck.


Oct 12, 2010
Harris MN
I finally got a nice buck muzzeloader hunting in MN. Been hunting muzzelloader for about 7 years, we have a group of 6 or 7 guys that sit hunt when we can, and do some drives on the first and last weekends. We've had or chance at nice ones in the past and I've missed one myself, but it was bound to happen. Opening Saturday we shot a few does and decided to do one drive on Sunday through a big swamp at 10:00 am. I got there early hoping the drive captain would put me in the hot seat. We started the drive and heard shots right away, it took longer than normal to get the drive done, I almost put my gun on my shoulder when I saw antlers coming out of the swamp. I new right away he was a shooter, I stepped to my right to get a clear shot and he came out of the brush and stopped looking right at me (20 yards). I drew the iron sights on his chest and squeezed. His off shoulder dropped and he took off for the corn field. It was a short and easy track job we were all excited to see a good one on the ground. He scores 142 6/8. Hope the pic came though new at this.


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How do I get my photo to pop up right away like the rest of the guys? Did I not put something in right on my tread?
Congrats!! There sure is a lot of orange behind all of that bone! :D