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The Rules

"Some forum etiquette, since such seems to be lacking around here lately. These are nothing different than what you agreed to when you signed up.

--> Post something that contributes to the topic at hand. If not, don't post. It's that simple.

--> Treat every person with respect, the same as if you were sitting in the same room with them.

--> This is a forum to share information. Sharing means that we have people who are wanting your knowledge and experience, and at times, your opinions. Share it in a manner that is respectful and helpful.

--> When a thread is started, stay on the topic of that thread. Do not hijack threads with issues unrelated to the original post.

If you are a continual critic and seldom provide anything positive to the members of the forum, expect your account to be terminated; sooner rather than later. If your tone is continually negative and confrontational, odds are you won't be here long."

These are Big Fin's words from the rules forum.

Don't sweat it Millsworks. just report it to Fin and let him handle it however he sees fit.
Just know there are a-holes everywhere you go in life.

Take the advice of Brittany Chukarman and JLS...just ignore topgun, insecure old man.

If you really want a good laugh, ask him about scoring pronghorn and his knife skills....funny stuff.
To use a good friend of mine's words "I just spent 10 minutes reading this post and it's 10 minutes of my life I can never get back".

Sorry, that's just how I feel...
Amazing a person goes out on the Forums with this type of BS rant when all I did is ask in my first PM to him to send me a PM so we could discuss things. Nope, rather than do that he gets on these Forums and rants like a little crybaby about not being able to voice his opinions. Nobody, including myself, told him he couldn't voice his opinion on anything he wanted to. What was stated was that he gave a person completely incorrect information on a unit he was asking about based on old stuff he must have read somewhere, rather than on the ground experience there. I merely explained that if the OP took his incorrect advice that it could lead to a lousy hunt, so sue me for trying to help the OP and Millworks! If what he did out on this thread isn't completely childish I don't know what is, and again yes, I told him I'd be out near where he was going to hunt and could meet him to discuss things since he's asking everyone to join him around his campfire. Now he gets on here and accuses me like I was going to beat him up or some such BS, LOL! So much for just trying to tell someone to not give people information that isn't factual and from first hand experience. Have a good day gentlemen and for Buzz you can stick it where the sun don't shine!
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What was stated was that he gave a person completely incorrect information on a unit he was asking about based on old stuff he must have read somewhere, rather than on the ground experience there. So much for just trying to tell someone to not give people information that isn't factual and from first hand experience.

Hello pot, meet kettle.

You do the same thing, all the time.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
If you wanted to correct some wrong info, you could have.

Sometimes ignoring a problem isn't the right thing.
But that is what I did until the problem decided to keep pushing.

I apologise to any that this thread caused a waste of good time to.
I won't waste anymore of mine on it.

Posting on the forum scene is likely all this person has, so if he where kicked off the site, he would just start a new account under a new name and bother who ever again.

I think some will find they just might have consequences for what they say to someone.
I'm over it.
I hear banjos . . . . Does anyone else hear banjos?

+1 what JM77 said.
Never mind, as this is hopeless and it's too bad he came out on the Forum with this garbage!
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No disrespect gentlemen but these types of Festivus airings are inconsiderate of Mr and Mrs Fin's hospitality and aforementioned/forewarned temperament.

Sunny skies Buzz.;)
Agree with noharley. Thought about posting much the similar(without the elegant language) , but figured it would be closed by now.
These types of issues seem to be a common thread on forums. Nothing ever good comes from squabbling on-line with people. It isn't always what you say but instead how you say it and the later seems to be hard from some folks on forums. Let bygones be bygones and move on.
Remember the good old days when everything you learned was from Fur Fish Game, North American Whitetail and Field and stream? Your Dad, Grandps, or Uncles taught you how to hunt? And your Grandma had put food on the table herself many times and even shot a moose with your Grandpa? I think I'm gonna go put on a red flannel and go fishing now.
I wouldn't worry about Top Goon.

He likes to send out nasty PM's as a hobby.

PM issue aside, I wouldn't listen to a word he says. The guy thinks he knows a lot more than he really does. Not who you want to base hunting advice on.
No disrespect gentlemen but these types of Festivus airings are inconsiderate of Mr and Mrs Fin's hospitality and aforementioned/forewarned temperament.

Correct. Given this forum causes me more grief than all my other platforms combined and I make no money from it, I am strongly considering selling or closing it. I have a ton of other items on my plate far more important to what I see as our "Why" than spending so much time baby sitting as seems required on this forum.

I am not sure why people cannot express differing points of view without the BS crap that these threads seem to digress to. And it happens not just on the threads, but also via PMs, based on the PMs that get forwarded to me. For whatever reason, normally mature people cannot interact respectfully on the internet.

Anyone who thinks they are exempt from the rules copied in Post #22 might want to start looking for a new place to hang out.

Another thread that seems to reflect the inner personalities. Locked.
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