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Errors on data entry for the Az draw


New member
May 7, 2002
Peoria AZ
I spoke with my better half this evening about it. She said that there were a lot of mistakes made. She got a unit 33 deer tag and I never put that hunt number on her app. :confused: There were also lots of names spelled wrong. I asked what they were going to do about it and she said that the people in charge of the draw were so busy that they didnt have time to talk about it. :BLEEP:
I'm suprised there were so many screw-ups on the departments end. It hasn't been that long since the applications were all paper?
They hire a bunch of temps to do the data entry. I will try to find out more tonight and post it.
I'm sueing for a Tag. My info didn't get drawn. Of course I didn't put in but It still didn't get drawn.

Seriously though... keep us posted.
hmm maybe the AZ guys that wanted to hose the NR so bad got a taste of thier own medicine. There was absolutely no reason why they couldn't have left the internet application system the way it was... Suck for you guys that got screwed.
Non-res will get hosed next year.

I personally haven't heard of to many people getting rejected from department mistakes. Most rejections I know of were on the hunters end, no signature,wrong amount of money etc...

As far as residents getting a taste of their own medicine? Not sure I get that. Like I mentioned up unitl 2002 all applications were paper, so it hasn't been that long. I'm sure a bunch of application mistakes, whether made by the department or by the individual were non-residents as well as resident..
I hear G&F made a decision to not allow any MD residents to hunt here in the future. hump With Reid's bill it is now legal to discriminate to certain rude out of staters. Nice people only.
Good, AZ is not on my list of places to hunt anyway. One more tag for the res guys to fight over. I've never had a problem with the vast majority of tags going to residents, I think they should, but the chit that AZ came up with to try and swing it farther in their favor was about as sly as it came...

I'd like to waste my time and go back through all the post reguarding the AZ debachal, but don't have the time. If you want to waste your time and read up on them you'll find that there were quite a few posters on this site and various others that are ademately against NR hunters coming to their state period. They tried every trick in the book to sway the game more in their favor, going back to the paper applications being one of them. I think its kind of funny that they have no one to blame but themselves for the problems. :hump:
Just poking you a bit and you are welcome here as far as I am concerned. You are right that a bunch were freaking out and after the USO decision, can't blame them. We were told at the meetings that this year would favor NR and particularly USO so it is really no surprise to see some units with 50% NR. Fact is that the worst offenders only want the very best units to hunt and are not the average out of state hunter. I hope we come up with a fair system.
As far as the Paper apps go it is because of having a new vendor. Has NOTHING to do witht he law suit!!!!! So just get that out of your minds right now. There were some errors this year but we have them every year and that is to be expected. It isn't that GnF is trying to get it to where no NR can hunt in AZ, they are trying to get it back to where the Residents have the most of the tags and that is the way it should be. Heck we live here year round in the 120 temp we should rep the benifits.