Elk & Fire- How soon do they return?


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2016
What's your experience with elk returning to recent burn areas? I'm planning to hunt an area in mid-october that is currently on fire. If there is some rain/ early snow that puts it out, in the next month or so, is there a decent chance elk could return or should I be looking elsewhere? I have hunted old burns, but never year of, let alone within a couple months of the burn.
There was interesting data from CO last year that had collared elk returning to fire areas within days of the fire going through an area. I have also had many biologist tell me the elk will be back within a couple weeks searching for new growth. I also just talked another biologist and he said the elk are veraciously searching for new growth aspens in an area where a fire passed through a few weeks ago. He said the new aspens are barely breaking surface before the elk find them.
Yeah one of the elk talk podcasts with Randy and Corey, Corey talks about hunting in ID where a large fire had gone through just a few days prior and he was bugling back and forth with the bull and there were still stumps on fire around them. Seems they know how to get out of the way and come right back when the fires gone. I can’t remember the podcast number though. Stay safe and go for it. I’d try to figure out where after the fire came through have they gotten even a little rain and that’s where I’d focus. Be interested to hear what you experience.
I depends and fire intensity. If it was a hot stand replacing fire then it might take some time. I'd think regrowth and surrounding habitat.
All depends on regrowth, only way to know for sure is to check it out. Make sure there are no area closures, and watch out for burned out root holes and hazard trees.
And slick as snot slurpy mud conditions. That's a slick method down a steep hill. Hah!
Not sure about elk, but I’ve seen wild turkeys stand on ground that’s still smoking.
As others say, they’ll return within days if there is forage available. That availability, however, may depend on the intensity of the fire, precip, availability of other forage, etc. It is likely much sooner than one would think, but also probably somewhat dependent on the location and fire.
I dont know how true this is. But a guy at work told me the other day that Elk love to eat the burnt bark.
What's your experience with elk returning to recent burn areas? I'm planning to hunt an area in mid-october that is currently on fire. If there is some rain/ early snow that puts it out, in the next month or so, is there a decent chance elk could return or should I be looking elsewhere? I have hunted old burns, but never year of, let alone within a couple months of the burn.
I've been in areas where there was a fire a whole year prior, and it still had an overpowering stench of the fire. It was that "burned" smell. As for the Elk being there, I can't say, but if there's no browse, I wouldn't hunt there, as there's not much reason for Elk to be there, unless they were spooked into the area?
When others here talk about the intensity of the fire, they are correct. I've seen fast moving low intense fires recover quickly. Where very HOT fires may take quite a long time to rejuvenate.
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