Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Disappearing deer

I really dont think cats push deer out of an area (they can sure eat them out of an area over time though). If its cat country, its cat country, and theres nowhere deer can go to get away from them. And the cats are constantly on the move. Ill get deer on camera hours after a cat walks by. Buck i got last year had been attacked by a cat just a day or so before but got away somehow, and he didnt leave, stayed right in his core area. Claw cuts and tooth punctures so fresh they hadnt scabbed up yet. And maybe a week before i got him, i heard a cat whistle from very nearby when i was in the treestand i ended up killing him in. And around the same time got a daylight pic of a cat on cam at that stand when i wasnt there.
Another reason to leave california for ya....not being mean but what you expect. Maybe you could relocate some homeless to your land, might see increase in deer

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