Custer Gallatin help

THIS THREAD IS HILARIOUS !!!! Im glad I didnt come in like a moron when I joined the forum . Freakin bigfin did blow up the area back when I was invited to hunt there by a loooong time rancher out there and not on his ranch either . lol Go figure ..But it was before the show and I definitely noticed the difference in hunters after the show . You can also tell by the tag draw not being as easy any more . To the OP take it down a notch before you end up in tears these dudes dont screw around .. I love it here
Look up Misty Medicine Horse or Betty Buffalo, they'll take you and your crew to the moon and back. Can't miss em they run around with edgar and romulus. Where do you think I got my name from.

Got the geo metro with a donut on the front, and also a donut on the back. Plates say 22 4 U!
Sorry but I’m calling BS on this. The Custer’s spiral started in the mid to late 90s after a guy from Bozeman (not Greenhorn) shot a great buck and put it into Eastmans, complete with photos of a prominent landmark and descriptions Ray Charles could follow..

JLS-Funny u mention this. My buddy and I saw this buck in their camp...and the very nice one his partner shot. Then we saw it at the taxidermists...along with 50 other people and were told where it was shot, then spoke with the hunter and he freaked out when we told him we saw the bucks at their wall tent and wanted us to swear not to tell anyone....then he put the pics in eastmans pretty much pin pointing where he shot it. LOL

Eastern MT was awesome even 15 yrs ago. I much preferred hunting over there before GSP chips, phone apps and google earth. The days of "Ashland monsters" are pretty much a thing of the past. There are still good deer taken every yr but nothing like theyr used to be.

I do love it every yr when newbies post up and ask for spots....maybe not as much as Greenhorn though.
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Greenhorn- That's funny, I remember in his eastmans story he was starting a consulting/recreation/adventure/outdoor/ 3-4 other things business

of course you know u have just ruined that spot for another 10 yrs!
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Still waiting to enter my "predator instinct" portion of my brain. That's why I haven't killed a 205 incher......yet.
I don't think that article ruined anything, it was mostly loose lips from hunters and locals that get frequent calls on where to go by everybody planning a hunt. I was the "other guy from Bozeman" he mentions that shot a buck that same day there. I heard Bill shoot that buck. If you think you can go anywhere in SE MT, including the best private property and experience deer hunting like it was 20-30 years ago.. you better put your crack pipe down.
I don't think that article ruined anything, it was mostly loose lips from hunters and locals that get frequent calls on where to go by everybody planning a hunt. I was the "other guy from Bozeman" he mentions that shot a buck that same day there. I heard Bill shoot that buck. If you think you can go anywhere in SE MT, including the best private property and experience deer hunting like it was 20-30 years ago.. you better put your crack pipe down.

LOL 10yrs and you never mentioned that...tight lipped SOB
all roads lead back to Bozeman hunters. Well now we have found the source of the problem!! Haha I’ve suspected this for many years.
all roads lead back to Bozeman hunters.
There's probably some truth to that. Lots of 6 plates over east, and most places hunting is relatively good. Lots of hunters in this town.
There's also the hoots, non-residents, and locals that have had a hand in putting the several month smack-down on deer, for decades.
Seems like Bozeman hunters are more vocal about it for whatever reason that may be. Probably just sheer number of hunters maybe. Shoot i don’t think you have to go back to far and you were talking it up on the monster muelys forum.
Haven't talked up deer hunting in SE Montana, ever that I know of. Unless a picture counts. I hope all the deer hunters in MT end up over there, every year, in search of the last mighty 2 point buck.
Any chance we can see this "other" buck as I have no idea what the hell any of yall are talking about...but I do like 2 points
Well don't come to SW MT if u DONT want a 2 pnt...bout all u see here. Maybe the occasional lucky 3 pnt that wont make it through the season
Well I guess it was an elk post in your defense but still had no problem slapping up your public land animals. Their is no going back now the mighty two points are in trouble!! Fun times
I've still got no problem in "slapping up" a picture. Here's one from 2 weeks back, MT, my daughter.
olivia2018 deer.jpg

Have not yet slapped up lot of pics I took of a 190+ perfect typical public land buck I took this year while hunting it. Blew it on that one.

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