Cushman meets a Creedmoor

Back to the blood on those Sitka pants.....My Creedmoor destroyed her lungs and her chest filled with blood clots the size of a football. Cushman’s 30-06 fusion was a violent impact on that elk leaving a 2” entry hole. However, we not done yet....
Think Derek will try and be on here Monday for his portion. In the meantime we found a creek with some fish. 90300577-2347-41CC-9DEE-53A79DB1ED84.jpg
I may have lied a little bit to John on how far he had to walk to get the elk he shot, but he proved to himself that he had more in him than he let himself believe. To tell the truth I wasn’t really prepared for how far up the mountain we walked either. I had left my headlamp at camp so we were just working off John’s. My Anxiety kicked in and John got to see that we all bring something unwanted home from the box. So now we are sitting on top of the mountain with me all wound up wanting to getter done and get back to camp. John wondering what he just did as his face got sprayed with fine particles of fermented grass and leaves. It was a sight for sore eyes. We regrouped and broke her down for the night and then Made our way down. John scared me a little as he had a fall on the rock face we had to navigate. He walked it off and kept pace the mile and a half back to the quad. John showed some excellent physical drive given his conditions. I talked with Derek about it late that night and we agreed that we would make the treck back up in the morning and let John stay back. It wasn’t worth the risk with him getting hurt and he probably needs the recovery time. Here is Derek putting the first load in the shade getting ready for us to make the treck back up for load two. BC3AE060-75AB-4BF9-B806-D0A5B3256FEA.jpg
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We got to visit with the Ranchers family and hear thier history back to when it was homesteaded. They told us about old uncles that had built some of the cabins remnants we had found, long since taken back over by the aspens. I know this is mainly a public land forum but getting this opportunity to hunt such a magical place rich with history with friends was a experience I won’t soon forget. It was good to see the ranchers point of view. Theses were simple folks just trying to carve out a life in a tough place. There is a lot of common ground to be had. Thier Grandfather thought all men should have access to hunt and the family has vowed to continue that by allowing access thru the HMA and to select groups they support by invitation. They were as greatfull to have us there as thier guests as we were that they opened thier home to 3 veterans. We were the 3rd group they hosted this year. My sincerist thankyou goes out to them.
We parted ways with them and John to head for home. We had a planned stop in Eastern Wyoming to get some antelope meat in the cooler. We found some that evening and I made a quick shot when they finally stood up. C0C206C4-D9FE-4DD2-8BC5-C9DD8DFD33FE.jpg
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