NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Crazy toes dies, hunters no longer confused


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
O.k., I am new to this rifle hunting thing. Not that I cannot shoot, I can, but prefer to bow hunt most of the time. Now I just have to get more patient at looking them over first at long ranges to avoid major ground shrinkage. Here is the story... I wanted to get back to MT for a 5 day hunt, the main reason I blew out of CO early to save vacation days because I really wanted to try a rifle hunt. Well the first morning I hiked in a couple miles and got up on top of a mountain? Or big long irregular shaped hill I guess you could say. Found a few sheds, seen a few fresh tracks, including one that was really fugged up looking, what’s up with that freaky deer. Was in a t-shirt with the 65 degree temps. Deer not moving much, or I was just not in the hot spot. Seen a few a mile away out in the flats, and a couple elk actually, one 4 foot tall spike :eek: came over a ridge and did some glassing and here was a buck that made me say "damn, he is big" But needed to get a profile of him to see what he had on top. He wouldn’t turn his head, he kept staring in my direction but not at me. I could se he was slowly turning his head as if he was watching something walking, so I glasses around between us and sure enough, a yote was walking and looking at him. I ranged the buck at 390 and decided that the yote offered me a distraction to get back over the ridge and get closer. I got around the little hill between us and popped back out at around 200yrds, but he then busted me. Now he is looking at me and I still have no profile look yet :MAD
But damn he had big forks in the front, nice high rack, and something behind the forks but what?
Well I decided that I better take my pack off and use it as a rest, but that didn’t get me up enough see him, so I went to a fallen tree 20 feet away. At that point the buck had done a 180 and started trotting off kind of slow. Dammit, I missed his profile view! Well, here’s where I messed up, I told myself "dude its got to be a 4x4 at least, kill it and get a jump on the elk hunt" So I gave the thing a Texas heart shot. As I was chambering in another round I saw him fall off to the side, and he was gone. Hmmm, I guess I got him? Well I made my way down there and he jumps up as I crest the little hill between up and I see he was in rough shape, looking like Moosie just had his way with him or something. So I walked around him to get a clean lung shot to put him down. That’s when I saw he was only an 8 pointer , you hear me Miller! LOL anyway, yea I was a little pissed I took a buck less than what I told myself I was going to shoot but I told myself that it just gave me a better shot at getting an elk down too. I started taking pictures and when I grabbed his leg to position him I looked at both of his front hooves and sure enough, I shot crazy toes!! This thing has one toe on each foot that didn’t stop growing and they were like 2 inches longer than they should be. I did think that he was walking funny when I shot him, maybe that is why they didn’t get worn down.
Anyway here is "crazy toes" damn, if he forked out in the back, what a buck he would have been.

Here’s a view that I had, when I decided to shoot, you can see why at 200 yards a guy would take a chance at him being a 4x4 or better

And the one of the messed up hooves that he gets his name from, wish I had a side view to show how it curled up
oh yea, forgot to add that when i was packing out the first load 2 miles back, i get to within 1/4 mile of the truck and here was a real 4x4 chasing a doe around, figures.. oh well, i needed something to do until 6pm anyway :D
Trying to track something like that would be simple. It would be figuring out what you were tracking that would be difficult.. Congrats Schmalts..

That's a funky hoof. BTW Schmalts, that looks just like a Wisconsin ass shot. :rolleyes:

NIce deer...hope your hoof heels. :D
Oak said:
Nice buck. Congrats. Thought you were too banged up to hunt?
I was, i killed this on day one, messed myself up on day 2 going for elk.
Ground shrinkage on a first AM kill in a good area, twisting your ankle on the first day of an elk hunt, and being stranded in a town that's booby bar was closed... sounds like a nightmare. Could be worse though... heal up & look forward to next time.
Boy, that rack looks 100% whitetail. Congrats on a good buck! Wish the elk hunt had worked out better for ya.
Greenhorn said:
Ground shrinkage on a first AM kill in a good area, twisting your ankle on the first day of an elk hunt, and being stranded in a town that's booby bar was closed... sounds like a nightmare. Could be worse though... heal up & look forward to next time.
Yep, the biggest nightmare was when the booby bar was closed. Thats when i said, this is the worst trip of my entire life, no boobies, no titties, no T&A, what the hell am i supposed to do? Thats when i decided right then that i would change my airline tickets. I could have stuck it out a couple more days if there was a titty bar open. Did i mention I like boobies ?...
No really, it was a good hunt, just too short. Just kind of worried my ankle will do this agin, but i think it was just a case of a bad step, nothing to do with my ankle itself. Then again i blame it a lot on myself for not wearing my higher support boots. I was only wearing mids, and they didnt have much support at all. The doctor said if i had more support i may have hurt a knee instead, but i dont buy that.
Too bad you didn't get the buck you were looking for, but that guy isn't too bad.

Things I have learn from you. ;) :D
  • shoot them in the ass
  • read a book on how to count points
  • remove all genetically inferior deer, even if it is a toe problem
  • watch my step expecially when I am an old, wore out 1/2 the man I used to be guy
  • support the local hospital in anyway I can
  • stay in my own state and shoot rat deer since I am not safe in the big, scary country

Good story Pat (beeotch). :D
Just plain hurtfull, aren't you now Miller?
You forgot one thing Beotch... Support the local collage girls, even if they are not working the holidays.
And i cannot take credit for the ass shooting training, someone here was quoted as saying its never too late to shoot them in the ass, makes the pack out lighter :p
congrats.....nice looking deer shmalts ! hopefully the ankle wont give you any future issues....i severly fractured ( sprained ) my right ankle in a car accident dr. said i would fiully recover with no ill effects....wrong swells like a grapefruit after a few days of sidehilling around, doesnt hurt much just doesnt fit very well in a boot afterwards...good luck !
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