Caribou Gear Tarp



New member
Feb 10, 2003
Seattle, Washington
I would go and post this to my ealier post, but I cannot Delw The Admin locked it even though Delw the member didn't want him to! LOL

When I make a mistake I am man enough to admit that, and to make ammends for it.

In my post I made referrence to a moderator on another board making a "scapegoat" of me... Scapegoat is too strong of word... Actually I made myself a target of opportunity, and deserved what I got, I never meant to imply he brought it on me unduely, or that I was a victim.
It was a debate... and I lost, no big deal.

This gentleman is not the one who first said I was "stirring the pot" apearantly he doesn't even like the term and would never use it... even though, I like it a lot, someone's got to stir the pot if you don't want it to burn... we just don't need to stir so hard it spills over.
Giving him credit for this was a mistake on my part.

I was never singled out by this man either, he treated many people the same way he did me... and many of us probably deserved it too, though I still believe some did not.

I made the mistake of falsely accusing this man in this forum, thank you for allowing me to make it right, I am sorry Robb.

I hope this too will soon be water under the bridge.

I don't have time to read 3 pages of your senior thesis describing repressed memories or other bullshit. If you have a problem with me, email a sentence using small words to describe it, and maybe we could resolve it. In the very least i could possibly understand what it is that you're saying. thanks,