
Nov 14, 2015
So I'm looking at all the websites I can to figure out where my first OTC elk hunt in colorado will be. I have time off for the 2nd rifle season. There are some leftover cow tags according to the left over list in various areas, which I would be happy with. I have no problem shooting a cow and have no dreams of taking some trophy bull. So my question is should I try and get a cow tag or just get an OTC tag? Funds are tight so both as nice as it would be is out of the question. One other Q the OTC tags are only good for one unit is this correct or are they good for any of the OTC units?
The OTC tags are good for any unit in the OTC area. If it's your first Western hunt I would suggest just getting a cow tag, as funds are tight, and come out and learn a unit that you can come back to with an OTC bull tag in the future.
Knowing how these things typically go for me, if I have a cow tag, odds are good that I'll see a bull and be kicking myself in the rear for not having sprung for the bull tag.

Good luck with whichever you choose, you are probably about to become addicted to western hunting.
The OTC tags are good for any unit in the OTC area. If it's your first Western hunt I would suggest just getting a cow tag, as funds are tight, and come out and learn a unit that you can come back to with an OTC bull tag in the future.

Guarantee this brings him to see the biggest bull he's ever seen...
I will say that you should make sure you have access if you are getting a leftover cow tag. If there are a good number left in a unit you are looking at that could be an issue. I hunt an OTC unit (25/26) in the Flat Tops and would encourage you to do research on and pick a spot where you would plan on putting time in, getting the OTC and treat it as an expensive class in elk hunting with the possibility of meat. There is a LOT of public land where the White River herd roams (the biggest herd) and plenty of opportunity. Where I go is no super-sweet honey hole but I have seen elk and deer every year. Now, whether I had the right tag or not.....that is a different question. :)
The OTC tags are good for any unit in the OTC area. If it's your first Western hunt I would suggest just getting a cow tag, as funds are tight, and come out and learn a unit that you can come back to with an OTC bull tag in the future.

Agree first year out to Colorado with little knowledge it was basically a hike in the woods with a gun. Had multiple opportunities at cows, but we had a bull tag in our pocket so no shooting was done.
I will say that you should make sure you have access if you are getting a leftover cow tag. If there are a good number left in a unit you are looking at that could be an issue. I hunt an OTC unit (25/26) in the Flat Tops and would encourage you to do research on and pick a spot where you would plan on putting time in, getting the OTC and treat it as an expensive class in elk hunting with the possibility of meat. There is a LOT of public land where the White River herd roams (the biggest herd) and plenty of opportunity. Where I go is no super-sweet honey hole but I have seen elk and deer every year. Now, whether I had the right tag or not.....that is a different question. :)

That place used to be thick with Utards...
I would second the cow tag. No reason to waste the money for a scraggly bull, when you aren't even used to hunting elk yet. Cows are more plentiful, the tag is cheaper and you can have just as good of a hunt. Most of the elk that you see in the OTC units will be small rag horns etc. It takes a lot of work and experience (usually) to figure out where there is a decent bull in those units.

I hunted a unit one year that was not OTC, but has very few good bulls. A guy shot a dinky 6x6 that I pushed to him and he said that it was the biggest he had seen in several years of hunting. To me, that is not worth the price of a bull tag. Whatever floats your boat, but the difference in tag cost, goes a long way toward paying for the hunt.

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