Colorado OTC elk (and 3rd season deer)

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Spent my birthday traveling to western Colorado. Not sure about this warm dry weather and trying to tag and elk or a deer.

We are here in Gunnison today. Cool place. I have never been here prior to this. Filming a bunch of stuff with the CPW and the Gunnison tourism folks, then will be out hunting in the morning.

Hope to show people how many elk exist in Colorado and how you can come and hunt elk on OTC tags. Here with Still Kickin'. I am thinking I will let him get a bull tag and I might go for a cow tag, given there are plenty left over.

It took me a few years, but I finally drew a 3rd season deer tag. Hoping the deer will be thinking about the rut, even though we have no snow and it is warm and dry.

Should have good connections and will be able to provide some daily updates. First time in many hunts that we have some sort of connection that we can use for daily updates.

I love Colorado. The best place I can think of for the traveling non-resident hunter to come and chase elk, every year, in 92 different OTC units, on 23 million acres of public land.

Map of the Colorado Over-the-Counter Elk Units.

Lots of elk live here. Lots of businesses excited to have hunters here chasing the elk (and spending money).
Not the best of conditions, but you've seen that before. You'll find elk and hopefully a great muley.

I'm working nights or I'd come up and play camp helper.
There's no action around Craig where me and Big Slick are

No action?

Just do what Oak is doing to me. He is trying to give me a stroke by sending me pictures of illegal ATV roads and ATV tire tracks all over the place.
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Oh how I love me OTC Coloradee. Git yourself an ATV and come take 500 yard shots at game all day!






If I could travel back in time it would probably be to the early 80's to stop the ATV from ever being created.

Good luck Fin,colorado almost owes you a succesful hunt with your past few down there.
Dink those aren't illegal atv roads, they're Freedom tracks.

Good luck Big Fin!
If I could travel back in time it would probably be to the early 80's to stop the ATV from ever being created.

What ever do you mean? They are the greatest invention ever. Every lazy slob in the world can now pretend to go elk hunting.

I actually believe Colorado will never do anything to stop ATV abuse because the access sells more elk tags.


shoot Dink. if I would have known they had ATV trails, would have gotten a tag in colo instead of wyoming. you guiding the ATV'ers?;)
Randy, what unit are you hunting for deer in? We are on our way home now from gunnison after filling dads deer tag in 66...
Good luck BigFin, it's dry as a bone over here in 61. Very little deer movement and all I'm finding is 20" spindly 4x4's. The moon isn't helping things either. I am seeing a lot of elk though.
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