CO Turkey


Active member
May 9, 2009
Western CO
Haven't had much time to enjoy turkey hunting this year so I took my 3 year old out to see what happens. Every time I was out this year we saw birds- but it was very quiet and only a few jakes. Braeden and I hit the road after school and hiked about two miles to set up. Turkeys started to walk by and we spotted a descent tom, but the kid was so excited- he was telling me, "Dad, they're right there!" He couldn't help but move. I was about to get a little upset until I thought of how cool this moment was. Needless to say we got busted and had no shot.

Two days later, I went up to the same spot (without the kid) and the turkeys took the same path. Shot him with a little less than a week to go. Let the girl check out the bird too. Funny how kids are (even two year olds), she already tells me she doesn't want to go hunting, but if I ask her to go fishing- she's there. The only bad thing was the amount of ticks:mad:


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I am in the same boat - too busy, got out once early. I experienced silence too, and never saw a bird. Tag soup for me. Congrats, a Colorado tom is hard to come by.
Thanks boys. Sneakem, saw your fat brother last weekend... how did he do? By the way, the crappie are moving in- just in case you are planning a trip back home. Make sure we'll be there and bring the kids. So not the week of the 4th-11th cause we're fishing the San Juan.
Thanks boys. Sneakem, saw your fat brother last weekend... how did he do? By the way, the crappie are moving in- just in case you are planning a trip back home. Make sure we'll be there and bring the kids. So not the week of the 4th-11th cause we're fishing the San Juan.

He's not fat.... just soft around the middle...;) lol Not sure...last I talked to him it was tough finding birds, figured he would've gone with you. He hasn't mastered that door slamming shock gobble technique of yours...:hump:

Definitely up for some "crap"... not sure when I'll have time though...

San Juan huh?? I was hoping someone would bring me some high fenced jumbo yellow
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