CO leftover day

Wow...what a disaster. How do these states not prepare for this? I thought Montana was bad until I just experienced Colorado. Im fine with it if someone else legitimately gets the tag before me, but when I get system time out errors for 15 minutes locking me out it’s really frustrating.
I took a gamble and turned a tag back in last week. The tags I wanted were gone a 9:04 haha. Oh well
Got a bear tag. Haven't got my confirmation email yet though.
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Went to Wally World and picked up a doe tag for a plains unit. Not really a surprise as there were 60 left but still well chuffed. On a brighter note I was right next to a HuntTalker in line!! Eric and I had a good hour's worth of conversation. Those HTers are good folk :)
I took a gamble and turned a tag back in last week. The tags I wanted were gone a 9:04 haha. Oh well
Dang. Bird in the hand I guess.

People can still turn in tags tho right? And they put them back out there?
I stood in line at Sportsman's Warehouse, the guy first in line punched his numbers in exactly at 9:00 and there was 9 tags left and all were gone.... I was in online by 9:01 while waiting in line and typed my hunt code that had 40 left and hit validate and there were none left. They sure do go fast!
Swung an missed on the first, got the second. Really wanted the doe antelope in 201. My buddy has a 2/201 speed goat. I'm going regardless, but would have been sweet to have a tag in my pocket. Such is life.
my deer choices were gone in about 8 min. I tried to call but busy...(still busy as of this timestamp). Then I used the internet and got in the queue but after 8 min the tags i wanted were gone. Lesson learned, next year I will definitely go big or go Anyways, there is always OTC elk! :) Colorado, after looking at your biological study data from your own species and herd mapping; why the heck don't you have OTC on deer??? or at least give a larger amount of tags for certain hunting zones? Anyways, I feel better my venting is time to gear check and sharper some broadheads. :)
:) Colorado, after looking at your biological study data from your own species and herd mapping; why the heck don't you have OTC on deer???

Answered your question. We have good deer because we don't. I will be happy to see all elk hunting go limited in the next couple of years.
Anyone here get one of the 2nd Rifle GMU21 Buck tags?

Answered your question. We have good deer because we don't. I will be happy to see all elk hunting go limited in the next couple of years.
As much as I'd like that to happen too, I just don't. To big a cash cow.
As much as I'd like that to happen too, I just don't. To big a cash cow.

I think the argument would be that if you go full limited you the number of tags sold wouldn't change for a lot of units, you would just have the ability to direct pressure away from a few units that are over hunted to a few that are under hunted.
Let's face it. CO F&G sees the same customer service failure every year yet WY F&G successfully does its leftover draw without 1000s of us watching spinning wheels and tags in carts vanish.

Sure, CO gets the same amount as the tags will sell but the chaos and frustration they generate in the "overloaded" process as well as 1000s of us that have to be punching the keys at 9am exactly is not respectful of our time.

I look forward to next year's revised Leftover draw process as there is no way F&G can let this happen yet again. Even the subsequent tags that are turned in could be done in a 7 day or less mini-leftover draw. Heck, elections validate and issue results in a day or two. The leader of F&G simply can't be that tone deaf and resistant to improving customer service. Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?
Let's face it. CO F&G sees the same customer service failure every year yet WY F&G successfully does its leftover draw without 1000s of us watching spinning wheels and tags in carts vanish.

Sure, CO gets the same amount as the tags will sell but the chaos and frustration they generate in the "overloaded" process as well as 1000s of us that have to be punching the keys at 9am exactly is not respectful of our time.

I look forward to next year's revised Leftover draw process as there is no way F&G can let this happen yet again. Even the subsequent tags that are turned in could be done in a 7 day or less mini-leftover draw. Heck, elections validate and issue results in a day or two. The leader of F&G simply can't be that tone deaf and resistant to improving customer service. Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?

Honestly I think they need to get rid of the first "leftover draw" which just has the tags that didn't go the first time around typically a ton of Doe and Cow tags. Then they need to have an actual leftover draw, for the returned tags i.e. what every one is actually logging on for, on Aug 13th. This would cut the vast majority of the web traffic and make the process more fair.

You could then have a first come first serve style process for the tags remaining after that.
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I think the argument would be that if you go full limited you the number of tags sold wouldn't change for a lot of units, you would just have the ability to direct pressure away from a few units that are over hunted to a few that are under hunted.

I figured CO sells a lot of OTC tags to folks they know will not fill the tag and they may lose that $$ without affecting herd numbers much if they switch to all limited. Just thinking of folks who may not be dedicated western point carpet bombers (like the folks around HT) who buy a tag last minute. The people who plan months ahead and go through the draw process are probably more likely to fill the tag (as a noob I am NOT including myself in that group) than the folks who grab an OTC last minute.

I'm also willing to be educated on the areas in CO that are so thick with deer that somebody thinks they should be OTC 😁.

Another question for you willm. When I bought my points I checked that I would like to be in the leftover draw (the one in July) but never got an email. How can I ensure I'm in the leftover draw without going through the draw process? Can anyone do the leftover draw?
My home unit (39) is run over with deer. I'm guessing this will become the norm for any suburban unit near Denver. I watched it happen in Atlanta.

I'm not advocating for OTC though. OTC with a responsible cap would be cool. First come, first serve.

I figured CO sells a lot of OTC tags to folks they know will not fill the tag and they may lose that $$ without affecting herd numbers much if they switch to all limited. Just thinking of folks who may not be dedicated western point carpet bombers (like the folks around HT) who buy a tag last minute. The people who plan months ahead and go through the draw process are probably more likely to fill the tag (as a noob I am NOT including myself in that group) than the folks who grab an OTC last minute.

I'm also willing to be educated on the areas in CO that are so thick with deer that somebody thinks they should be OTC 😁.

Another question for you willm. When I bought my points I checked that I would like to be in the leftover draw (the one in July) but never got an email. How can I ensure I'm in the leftover draw without going through the draw process? Can anyone do the leftover draw?
I got the tag I wanted in first choice. I feel fortunate because that spinning wheel of death kept going.....I could feel my hairline receding. Good luck everyone.
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