Sitka Pre Season Savings

Change of Plans...


New member
Aug 10, 2002
It isn't definite yet, but looks like there might be a change of plans for the area my partner and I will be hunting.

The area we were slated to go is suffering from low sheep numbers. It has been on a decline for several years now. The terrain is probably some of the roughest in the entire state, full of big glaciers, jagged rock and steep slopes.

The area I am now looking at has a higher number of legal rams and the numbers have actually increased in the last two years, which is contradictive of the rest of the state.

Although the first area has fewer sheep, it boasts a better opportunity at bagging a record book ram, however I believe there are some bruisers in the second area too. The first area we can hunt goat at the same time, the second area we cannot. Both areas contain high numbers of black and brown bear. The first area has a moose season, but no significant numbers, the second area has a moose season too, but is home to the largest moose in the entire unit, AND mostly located in one particular drainage. Just so happens the drainage is about 6 miles from where are pick up / drop off point is though. I believe rule #1 to moose hunting is not to shoot anything farther than 2 miles from camp. Will see if I can keep from breaking any rules.

If you decided to dump a Moose 6 miles from the plane, you might as well take a saw and build a cabin and just live the winter on top of the carcass.

It sounds like you have made up your mind on the second area, and I would think you should just concentrate on the sheep, and as long as you have a pocket full of tags, if needed, look at the bear or moose as an target of opportunity.

The sheep is what you really NEED on the wall.

Sheep is what we are after...for sure. The others would be merely a bonus. Great chance of taking a black bear or two. The moose would be a bonus. It would be nice to find one relatively close to our pick up point. Gonna be awfully hard to not squeeze a round off if we cross paths with a 70"r. A possibility is to take a cheap round raft and line any meat back to the pickup point. It would be a 4 mile line, quite a long trek, but nonetheless easier than packing.

But your right, I've talked to my partner and we are going with the latest area.
Jim -

Are you hunting 11?? And is that drainage a major one?? Just curious. My SIL leaves tomorrow chasing sheep in 11. The area he is hunting has no shortage of rams per him. We'll see! Also bears, bears & more bears at the lower elevations.

Anyway good luck! Also if you are passing near Chitna and you have meat that needs taken care of there is a very good processor in Kenny Lake.

The first area was in 11, and is more of a glacier as opposed to a drainage 8)

The other area is in 13.

After speaking w/ the bio for over an hour, and several other people, I think 13 would be ultimately better considering I have a first time sheep hunter with me as a partner. The area in 11 is brutal, and I think it would only ruin some spirits if we couldn't find any sheep.

What drainage is your SIL hunting?
Oh...the deal with the meat. "IF" my partner or I lucked out and had the opportunity to score on a "great" bull, we would be faced with getting the meat to a freezer...obviously. Problem is, we are renting a small car (for almost $600 for the two weeks we are out)and simply wouldn't have the room to get it back. The car will be perfect for two rams, and maybe a bear or two though.

I honestly don't think I would have a problem getting rid of any meat in town. Heck, I haven't even asked the pilot if he would want it yet.
Jim -

Unit 13 does have some nice sheep. Where are you heading out from?

My SIL the last that I heard is probably going way up the Chitna with his boat. He can hunt the park so he is not limited.

Just talked to my daughter and she was telling me that he had to haul two parties of sheep hunters back early so far because they were not properly prepared!!! One guy didn't even bring any food because he wanted to loose weight!! His buddies realized that he was starving to death and had to get him out. The other party did not bring enough food either and didn't have the right gear as well. He is disgusted with them.

Haven't heard yet how my guide friend is doing down there. He is taking his second party out thrusday.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He can hunt the park so he is not limited.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Must be nice, but not all of us have that luxory. I'm willing to bet the area I would of been hunting is right north of where your SIL hunts buff.

Flying out of Valdez. I've really heard a lot of good input from some reputable people about this area...just gonna be a bit of a hike to get there. I've got 10 full days no sweat!

A sheep hunt is not the place to try and lose weight. Your gonna lose weight regardless, unless you stay in camp 24-7. That is pretty bad on the hunter's part.
Ovis.. Don't listed to Gunner.. He's a Fuggin PANSEY !!!!! You go right ahead and Shoot that 70" BULL moose 6 miles from Camp !!! Thats nothing for a guy like you... go on now, Don't even Hesitate !!! KABOOM !!!

BUuuuahahahahahha !!!!!! Tell me how it was too
Hey Ovis,

Have a good trip, if you haven't left yet. And after you drop the sheep, don't worry about the moose, go for the Bear.
I don't want you to have to worry about a bear for NEXT year.

Be safe.
Thanks EG. Good thinking on your part, and I'll probably use your advise wisely
Whatever steps in front of the crosshairs is gonna have to be a mighty fine trophy for myself or my partner to pull the trigger.

I leave in about 35 hours...Can't wait!


Now I see where your headed.

(see my last post in Moosies count down thread)

I hunted GMU 11 once a few years ago. Here's a lousy picture of the area in the Alaska Gazateer...


...we were just to the left of the tip of the pen. We were right next to the Park/Preserve boundry. That's the Chitina River you can see, about 50-100 miles (I honestly forget right now) east of Mc Carthy.

This is the only 'digital' picture I have of me glassing for a legal ram...


...we saw tons of ewes and kids, but only one half curl, and one 3/4 curl rams.

Good luck to you and your partner!

Your "were" close as to where I "was" going. The strip you went into is Huberts (sp)Landing...I would be hard pressed to hunt that area, as it gets pounded by the two taxi services out of McCarthy.

Thanks for the luck though...much needed and appreciated.
Thanks sweat on the pics or stories. Chat w/ yah when I get back.
Dude if you see a 70" moose drop it where it stands and forget the sheep. Thats what i would do..