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can someone help me find an Oryx?

lots to learn

New member
Oct 6, 2013
Santa Teresa, NM
I have been lucky enough to draw an off-range Oryx tag in New Mexico. I have hunted a couple of places based on what some others have told me, but haven't had an opportunity at one yet. Can anyone give me some guidance in the right direction? I am also wondering if anyone knows of a guide that could put me on an Oryx for a reasonable price as I am on a budget. I have come to realize that this is going to be a much more difficult hunt than I expected! Any help would be appreciated!
Ready to eat some oryx meat!

I finally found an Oryx! My brother and a friend of ours came with me to see if we could spot an oryx this past Saturday. Over the previous two weeks I had only seen two rattle snakes that nearly attached themselves to my heel, a few coyotes, and some fairly fresh oryx tracks...but no oryx. Needless to say, I was not going to be picky about what I shot. I found myself in a staring contest with this buck at 8:00 in the morning. What gave him away in the midst of all the desert shrubs and tall Mesquites was his big white face looking right at us. He was +/- 250 yards away, quartering towards me. I took my time and was able to put my crosshairs right where I knew I needed to. When I hit him he hunched up and back and fell over...or so I thought. After a few high fives we made our way over to him but he was not where he should have been. So it was tracking time. This was my first time having to track a wounded animal (only the second animal I've ever shot). While I was a bit worried that I had not made a good shot, we had a good blood trail and knew that I had at least hit a lung. After about 300 yards of tracking, we caught up to him and put a few more bullets in him. We were all amazed at how much these animals can endure! He would just... not...die! I was confident that I had hit his heart by this time, but wow...We now had an enormous respect for these animals. Both of his horns were broken off and he was definitely a management oryx (again, at this point I didn't care what it looked like). After a few pictures we decided to quarter him because this was a massive animal. He had finally gone down at a spot that was about 500 yards from the nearest road and we weren't going to be able to drag this guy more than a few yards. Our friend showed me how to quarter him and take the back-straps and tender loins. A few relatives came out to help us pack it out and boy were we glad to have them because now it was just one trip to the truck instead of 2 or 3.

After it's all said and done, I have a ton of great tasting meat! I will continue to apply for the off-range oryx tag. With all that I learned this hunt, it's definitely a doable hunt.

God is good and I'm very grateful for this unique opportunity. Now to get ready for my deer hunt which will be coming up in a couple of weeks.

Congrats to you. Yeah, that thing surely is broken up. Good luck on your deer hunt.
That one's on my 'want to'.

Glad it worked out and like the grateful sentiments you expressed, well said.
Oryx are fantastic animals. I killed three while I lived in NM. They are bulls, by the way, not bucks. They are extremely tough and need to be shot through the low shoulder to hit the heart. They are built differently than American game.

That is some of the best meat in the world. Take care of it properly and it will be the best you ever ate. Good job and I am glad to see that you found one.
I have been lucky enough to draw an off-range Oryx tag in New Mexico. I have hunted a couple of places based on what some others have told me, but haven't had an opportunity at one yet. Can anyone give me some guidance in the right direction? I am also wondering if anyone knows of a guide that could put me on an Oryx for a reasonable price as I am on a budget. I have come to realize that this is going to be a much more difficult hunt than I expected! Any help would be appreciated!

Ted Turner sells tag on his Armendaris ranch just south of "the range"
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