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Camo vs Solids


Active member
Jan 10, 2018
NW Ontario
(This is Debbie, Rene's wife..) Looking for thoughts and opinions on hunting attire. Full camo has always been the dress code when doing any sort of hunting. I do see alot of folks with camo tops and solid bottoms though.... Wondering what you all do and why.
thanks bunches!!
I prefer camo because it doesn't hurt to get all the help you can get, but I place greater importance on function of the clothing while minimizing movement.
I don't wear camo ever, mostly because 99.9% of the clothing I like doesn't come in camo anyway. I also don't think it makes enough difference to matter and I'm ok living with the consequences if I'm wrong. I don't always wear solids though...a nice pearl snap makes a good summer weight sun shirt.
I bowhunt only. One would think that of all places bowhunting would be were ca,o helps the most. I haven’t found that to be the case. I don’t think it makes a spit of difference. I am probably in solids 80/20 and pretty much all my pants are solids.
Debbie, I dress for function rather than patterns vs solids.

Temperature, fit, comfort, Get whatever keeps you warm or cool and allows you to function unrestricted.

As far as camo vs solids. I have some camo tops but they are usually under a layer or two, no camo bottoms . When I want to look and feel like a female, I have a long multicolored scarf I wrap around my neck before entering an establishment lol
Up until the last year or so, I would have been in the All Camo camp but looking at some past experiences with some friends in Africa, earth tone solids are fine. I think movement is the biggest visual issue most of us deal with when hunting.
We took some black/white pics last week of various camo against different vegetation. Sitka and kuiu Looked ok till we switched the b/w then it stuck out like a sore thumb against larger vegetation like firs. The digital needed small leafy material like huckleberry to blend in.
Gonna do some more in a cpl weeks.
I wear all camo because it is what was on sale at the time. It would kind of be nice to have solid earth tone gear because then I'd wear it for more than just the couple of hunting trips every year. Those Sitka softshell pants would be grand for back county skiing!
Both. For archery I like to have at least some kind of camo top. For rifle it's mostly solids or plaid.
Debbie, I live, and do a lot of hunting in the Deep South. We have long gun seasons and very wild deer. For archery deer, turkey, and duck, camo is a must. For deer, I use un scented detergent. For Western rifle hunting, it’s not as big a deal.
I am in the boat that it don’t make a spit of difference one way or the other.... movement, wind direction are way more important. That being said for archery I seem to wear all camo 90% of the time, rifle hunting it’s earth tone carhart type clothing.
I don't care about camo pants. I do wear camo top when bow hunting. Gun hunting l just don't think it matters.
Down here, camo is considered regular casual wear and can sometimes be incorporated into formal wear, depending on the event. Wearing it in town is not an issue.
When I'm hunting, I usually wear whatever stinks the least on that particular morning. It might be camo, solids, or a mix of the two.
I use a mix of camo and solid colors but tend to want to stay with light colored clothing, in shades of grey dark clothing looks like bigfoot is coming.
I have taken plenty of Elk and deer without Camo on.

Scent control, hearing and movement seem to be the predominant thing that can make or brake a hunt stalk or a close archery encounter. Have collected plenty of gear over the years of all different name brands in Camo for the primary reason I like the gear, fit and function. Has nothing to do with the Camo pattern whatsoever. I do have plenty of solid pieces as well primarily pants, base layers and wool tops.

I suppose Camo could make a difference but unless science can find a way to get into the mind of an elk, deer, bear or any other animal hunted by humans I don't think we will ever know for sure. Humans on the other hand are highly effected by Camo and it can be the difference between seeing another hunter stashed away in a ground blind or standing next to a tree so it's definitely cool that way. :unsure: Humans also seem to find it very cool including myself when it comes to Camo patterns. Personally I find Sitka's Subalpine pattern to be BA (bad A_ _). Just looks cool to me. Makes me feel like Rambo when I have it on!:D Thats got to be worth something?
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Camo does matter to me for hunting around here. I haven't noticed it making much difference out West, though.
I've been mixing/matching solids & camo the last few years. It always seemed a little weird during rifle season to be all decked-out in my best camo & then top it off with an orange vest and cap. I'm full camo if hunting turkey, ducks w/o a blind or bowhunting.
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