Broken Pelvis and Elk Hunting


Aug 23, 2010
Hi guys, thanks for the updates and pictures.

I didn't fill my MT tag during bow season. I saw plenty of bulls just not quite close enough, brush in the way etc. On October 22nd I was digging waterlines and got hit by about 10 tons of dirt on my pelvis, burying me up to my chest. Luckily my wife dug me out from my 8' death trap. Long story short, broken pelvis, doctors put screws and plate in, and I'm back walking but obviously need to take it very easy.

Here's my question: pending recovery and doctors orders, do I have a chance to rifle hunt the last weekend over thanksgiving? That is 5 weeks of healing (I might be dreaming here).

I also need some advice on where to go as I have filled my tag in the past during bowseason. Feel free to PM me of an easy area to hunt that I might have a chance. I expect to be able to walk two easy miles at the most but no more. Obviously weather will play a big factor. I would also like to hear from anyone with similiar injury and recovery time. Thanks in advance guys and keep the pictures coming!
You are dreaming.

I'd be dreaming too if my wife dug me out of 10 tons of dirt. Much easier on her to shovel one more ton on top and shrug whenever anybody asks about me. :cool:

I wouldn't risk re-injury by hiking in cold, wet conditions or strain by packing an elk out if I were you. If you have some good buddies who own packs, that might be a different story. I love to hunt but I'd be planning on my hunts for next year if I were in your shoes.
my sister was hit by a car while riding a bicycle, broken pelvis, up and walking a little bit in 4 weeks, 6 months she was back on the bike, I'm thinking you might be able to do the walk, but you damn well better have some sherpas to pack an elk out, it would probably put you back months in rehab to carry one out.
My dad broke his hip when the concrete basement wall of a house collapsed in on him on a new house he was working on, they were back filling the house when the wall fell in. I pinned him under 16ft of wall he was luck to be alive. It took 6 months of bed rest before he was able to walk again. You'll be lucky if your hunting that soon, good luck if you can I would look into friends to help in the hunt. Good luck!
Brother, I ruptured my spine when I was 40 and under the knife that Dec 2nd.. After just 2 weeks of my Wife, my Mom, and Mom-in-Law barcking "You Can't Do That", I called my Best Man and begged him to rescue me. Next day he show's up and snatchs my A$$ off to the Derr camp. PISSED my EX OFF !! But ya know, those guys tokk care of me better than any nurse, or Nag, evr could. I wound up filling my season with a couple oe Doe's, with Alot of help from the guys, but when I got home I was wayyyyy more on recovery than I would have been laying in bed with those Hen's !

God's speed & Hope you get well as soon as possible. Only You can decide if you're up to it.
Let it heal man. I know it sucks but those are where the wheels connect and you'll need everything to be working fine for future hunts. My 2 cents
Why don't you see if the FWP will give you a temporarily handicapped license to hunt from a vehicle?
Glad to hear you are ok, +1 for Belly-Deep's idea, and buy some beer for your hunting buddy's to haul out an elk! Problem solved! Good luck!
I would be very careful. Most of the patients with a broken pelvis I've seen take much longer than 5 weeks to heal. I would try FWP as suggested, but I think your future seasons and being pain free would be a little more important. That's me and if you're like most patients you'll either follow your doc's advice or do what you want regardless of what he's told you. In any event be careful!
Thanks for the kind words. I'm on day 17 after surgery. Plate in the front and some long screws holding me together. First checkup was all good. I can walk about 2 miles down the smooth road, gets better everyday. Absolutely can't fall or take a hit. So...miraculous recovery but I'm staring at the calendar with a deer/elk tag burning a hole in my pocket. I'm not sure if I'll be up for the 10 hour drive over Thanksgiving but maybe I'll head out and try to find a buck in the east then head west and call up some favors from buddies and find a place to at least look around. I am deer hunting in MN right now so I'm not suffering. Just have to sit back and heal.
Know your limitations and be realistic about it. Last year I hunted MT with a fractured sternum and it was hell. Took a lot of fun out of the hunt and during the second day I just wanted it over and shot the first good four point I saw. Hunted elk one day with a couple locals and hung it up as I knew I could not hunt elk solo in that condition. Be careful and don't get over your pun intended
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