Big MT whitetail rack, guaranteed!

Looks like something a good ole boy from Texas would buy and the brag about what a great hunter he was.

Legal? Prior to posting do you read? What would it cost if Texas had replica's? Have you considered.

Looks like something that might be legal but then again not, maybe. If there were replicas made he must of sold it to someone else, or he didn't.

Does this clear things up Greeny? Nemont?
Tom, yes I understand Nemont all the time.

Selling plastic antlers isn't illegal - neither is selling real ones.
"Certificate of Authenticity" Wow! Does that mean it's a real replica? A "limited edition"? Hmmmm.... yea, I'd pay $1500 for a limited edition replica with a piece of paper that says it's not real just a look alike. Take that to my taxidermist and he'd probably think of something unique to do with it. Then I could say I got it with my phaser... oh, that was just a tv show and a some movies, sorry. Beam me up Scotty!