Sitka Pre Season Savings

Big Buck Pic

Eli you're like an old girlfriend. You don't don't write then you show up and give us something to drool over. Get us more picts please. I really like it when you post those dead ones and have us guess the scores based on the photos you have of them alive.
Ok, I'll ask for everybody here. How much is that one going to cost?:D
Ok, I'll ask for everybody here. How much is that one going to cost?:D

Arizona Special Commissioner Antelope Auction Tag - $15,000 - August 15th – 14th (365 day season)
The most prestigious pronghorn hunt in the world. Expect to see many world class bucks. In 2002 we guided Dr. David Meyer to a buck named JoeBoo that became the B&C World’s Record. Must obtain tag at auction – for information about when this auction will occur contact us.

So for a mere $15,000 plus the tag you can hunt year round in AZ. Didn't realize those high $ tag (auctioning of wildlife) hunts with gangs of outfitters to hold your hand were that popular on this board. I figured these hunts would fall in the SFW supporter catagory. Interesting how some on this site like to bash SFW, auction tags, gang hunts, etc.. and then support the people who profit from the auctioning of wildlife that they supposedly are completely against. Hell there is a thread on this site about a SFW brochure being at a sporting goods store so everybody should boycot the store and send management e-mails yet the same people have no problem with outfiters who make a living from auction tags and support more auctioning of wildlife for their profit. Must be something in the kool aid up there.
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Grimmet hangs some damn nice pics...and never hawks the biz side...good on him. If I had the dough, this Texan would do one of these deals in a heartbeat....truth be told, many here would. Hell, I'd be on first name basis with Doyle and have a spiderbull hanging.

...soapbox clear, step on up.
this Texan would do one of these deals in a heartbeat

Typical response from an old guy. :) Heck, after you've worked hard all your life you shouldn't mind paying more to get the things you want out of life a little bit easier. :)
I'd like to hunt with Eli up in Wyoming sometime, just so I could learn how to judge pronghorn. :eek:
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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