Big Buck Pic

wyoming556 stated:"Didn't realize those high $ tag (auctioning of wildlife) hunts with gangs of outfitters to hold your hand were that popular on this board. I figured these hunts would fall in the SFW supporter category."
You were the one who made the post regarding all that high priced tag crap on a thread where all we're doing is looking at a nice goat posted by Eli! Then you continued with an uncalled for rant making comments basically cutting Eli down and saying those hunts, etc. are so popular on this site! Uncalled for IMHO!
wyoming556 stated:"Didn't realize those high $ tag (auctioning of wildlife) hunts with gangs of outfitters to hold your hand were that popular on this board. I figured these hunts would fall in the SFW supporter category."
You were the one who made the post regarding all that high priced tag crap on a thread where all we're doing is looking at a nice goat posted by Eli! Then you continued with an uncalled for rant making comments basically cutting Eli down and saying those hunts, etc. are so popular on this site! Uncalled for IMHO!

Here is a quote of yours from another thread.

Yep, it's come down to the rich guys and those who make top dollar from them against us common DIY/OYOA folks!

Just pointing out how you and others on this site jump the fence and support the same people you claim to be completely against. Bashing SFW, auction tags, selling of wildlife, then licking the nuts of Eli, Doyle Moss for Antelope, Grimmett. STFU, get back in line and ready to lick some more.

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Oh, come on guys! Lets just hug and be friends here. :rolleyes: Lets admire this awsome buck........while Eli trolls for a buyer.
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I stated: "Yep, it's come down to the rich guys and those who make top dollar from them against us common DIY/OYOA folks! "

wyoming556---How in the hell do you figure that statement supports high dollar hunting? ALL it is saying is that's it's DIY/OYOA hunters, which are by far the majority, against this high dollar hunting/tag sales. Now you come back with the very nasty comment: "Just pointing out how you and others on this site jump the fence and support the same people you claim to be completely against. Bashing SFW, auction tags, selling of wildlife, then licking the nuts of Eli, Doyle Moss for Antelope, Grimmett. STFU, get back in line and ready to lick some more."

Again, you're way out of line, down right nasty, and completely incorrect IMHO to say that looking at pictures of good animals posted by Eli or anybody else means it supports anything such as you are saying it does. In fact, I have no idea how many people are involved with Eli and what he does for a living, just as I don't know anything about the Mossback operation, other than what I read on this and the MM website. Looking at animal pictures and putting them together with this other subject like you have is completely ludicrous IMO. All we're interested in is looking at pictures and trying to get an idea of the size of the animal. In other words, I could give a damn who put them up and what they do for a living and I'm hazarding a guess that anybody else looking at them feels the same way unless they say different.
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As for class envy, I'd just as soon be the dude envied. Sanctimony is free.

...not aimed at you or anyone Rowdy, just sayin.
I've always very reluctantly agreed with the selling/raffling of a very few tags. There is no question that they do raise a ton of money and that good things can be accomplished with them. I also serve on the WGBGLC and I can tell you that the funds raised through the sales of Governors tags in Wyoming is all accounted for down to the penny. There is also over-sight and accounting done by the State to make sure that every grant proposal is legitimate and everything is on the level. I've seen the numbers, I've seen the over-sight, I've seen the accounting, and I've also been part of the approval process. I've also seen the value in all the projects that have been funded through the Governors tags.

From those type of tags, there are always going to be a handful of outfitters that profit from those tags, just the way it is.

But, IMO, there is a very drastic difference between a very few raffle/auction/governors tags being offered with close accounting/over-sight by the State, and the shit that is going on in Utah with SFW/BGF. Not even in the same ballpark.

As to the Eli bashing that is going on...lame. I've sent Eli some PM's about antelope hunting and each time he responded back with way more information than I asked for or expected. He isnt required to share any information, in particular since he's in the business of guiding antelope hunters...yet, he does.

Carry on...
No doubt this is an awsome buck, and I thank Eli for sharing it with us.

I guess being a poor redneck, I'm a little jealous. It seems, with enough money, anything can be bought in this country. With that said, I agree with Buzz H. Good conservation practices and programs cost big money. I'll continue to do my share thru Non resident license fees, and sleep well at night. Over and out.
+1 BuzzH I also have to say that Eli goes out of his way to help everyone on several websites that he posts on, seems to be very well-respected by everyone, and you would never really even know he's in the business he's in. He seems like a standup guy to me and I think his expertise on goat horn size that he freely offers to us DIY guys so we know what to look for when we get out in the field with a good tag of our own is great. I hope that one lame post referring to him like was done doesn't deter him from interacting with all of us.
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Eli works 12 months a year as a guide and outfitter--he will work 12 months a year to find the biggest antelope and it is just him and his Dad--not 15 people out there looking for and babysitting an animal...would any of you work 12 months for $15,000.00? I bet not.

I have known Eli for many, many years...i know his Dad, his Mom, his sister, and his wife and baby boy and they are a good family.

Get over yourself folks--it isn't a lot of money for what he has to do for the money.
Thanks TLH. That's about what I figured the way Eli interacts with all the common folk, although I really didn't know all the particulars about him. I'm glad to hear my take on him sounds pretty accurate!
Eli works 12 months a year as a guide and outfitter--he will work 12 months a year to find the biggest antelope and it is just him and his Dad--not 15 people out there looking for and babysitting an animal...would any of you work 12 months for $15,000.00? I bet not.

I have known Eli for many, many years...i know his Dad, his Mom, his sister, and his wife and baby boy and they are a good family.

Get over yourself folks--it isn't a lot of money for what he has to do for the money.

Well said.
Hate the game, not the player.

Fairly true, the sad part is come this fall this buck will probably get killed by some fat old dude who spent a ton of money on a tag that would take years for someone to draw, while he jumped to the front of the line by opening up a checkbook.
Fairly true, the sad part is come this fall this buck will probably get killed by some fat old dude who spent a ton of money on a tag that would take years for someone to draw, while he jumped to the front of the line by opening up a checkbook.

I don't disagree. Plenty of examples on their webpage. Money can make some quite the "hunters".:rolleyes:
I'm a "Fat Old Dude" that drew an Arizona pronghorn tag this year & it's great to see photos of a buck like that no matter who ends up taking it!
Yes and the money that that "fat old Dude" gave up to hunt that trophy animal now goes 100% back on that ground to help keep those trophies here in Arizona. The money that guy spent will help generations of hunters because now our game and fish, the AAF and a few other groups will use that money to transplant, collar and monitor, use biological data to find issues and repair those issues and they will spend some during the fawning season by using helicopters to shoot coyotes before they eat the fawns--yea, that dude who spends money is really hurting us isn't he?

You who do not know what this money is used for in Arizona should sit down and educate yourself prior to banging on the guy who worked his butt off to earn his money to spend it on one tag that will help 100's of tag holders for years to come.

Come on guys and gals--let the envy of people with money go and understand this was set up to generate cash that all of us could not pull together to help the antelope here in Arizona.

By the way i have guided a few hunters who had money that could out walk the majority of the people i know and they take pride in the hunt as much as anyone i have ever known---not everyone who has money are out of shape and lazy.
Yes and the money that that "fat old Dude" gave up to hunt that trophy animal now goes 100% back on that ground to help keep those trophies here in Arizona. The money that guy spent will help generations of hunters because now our game and fish, the AAF and a few other groups will use that money to transplant, collar and monitor, use biological data to find issues and repair those issues and they will spend some during the fawning season by using helicopters to shoot coyotes before they eat the fawns--yea, that dude who spends money is really hurting us isn't he?

You who do not know what this money is used for in Arizona should sit down and educate yourself prior to banging on the guy who worked his butt off to earn his money to spend it on one tag that will help 100's of tag holders for years to come.

Come on guys and gals--let the envy of people with money go and understand this was set up to generate cash that all of us could not pull together to help the antelope here in Arizona.

By the way i have guided a few hunters who had money that could out walk the majority of the people i know and they take pride in the hunt as much as anyone i have ever known---not everyone who has money are out of shape and lazy.

You are late to the game and the discussion in general....sit down.
You are late to the game and the discussion in general....sit down.

Really---dude you don't even know me--i am never late to the game and i do not sit down for anyone.

I speak my mind and that is how i feel. You write something that doesn't even contribute nor does it have any rebuttal. Come back and write something that is useful--or--simply sit down..

I have not called anyone names and i have only educated you and need to check yourself brother.

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