Best place to get Mountain House Pouches?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Where is the best place to purchase Mountain House Pouches? Anyone have any sites or stores that sell them at a good deal. Not that they are too expensive but every $1 counts when you have 3 hunts to go on.
I found them red tagged at a walmart for $2 a pouch, I cleaned out the shelves, they restocked them at red tag prices and I cleaned 'em out again.
For a while Costco had 'em at $40 for a box of 10.
I just order through Walmart on line and they deliver to the store for free. You get a large selection this way and pay 0 in shipping.
I usually just add as I find deals:, amazon and of course wallyworld. Just keep eye open and know what a good price is and you can find killer deals if you have time. It is funny when you pull a cart at Wally up to register full of those blue bags, lady always asks what that is, never found same deals at as I do in stores.
Great topic. Thanks for sharing the tips.

I didn't draw my preferred hunt this year, so my backup plan will be a backpack hunt. I'll need some of these.
Take a look at Cache Lake. I really like them much better than Mountain House, however there are a lot of differences. First, Cache Lake has a lot more recipes, secondly they are not as simple as Mountain House in fact some are simpler and some have more directions, it just depends on the recipe.

For me, Cache Lake is a really good balance, if you know what you are looking for. For instance the Cheesy Sweet Potato is awesome, (if you don't add the cheese). It doesn't even require hot water, just rehydrate and wait a couple minutes. The eggs are far better than MH, but different. For instance, the MH eggs are ok, if you treat it like egg soup. If you expect something like eggs made in a pan they leave a lot to be desired. The Cache lake eggs require a couple minutes of pan cooking.

The upside to Cache Lake stuff in my testing is
- Great as an augmentation to Nuts / Jerky and Bars especially if you use simple items like Cheesy Sweet Potato hold the cheese.
- The cook recipes seem to be much better, but may require minimal cooking and a pan or a pot.
- Generally a lot less expensive
- More like a home meal

MH is simple, just add hot water an wait, you just need a stove and fork or spoon. So far I much prefer the Cache lake

BTW I am not affiliated with them, in fact I own another outdoor company. I just like what they offer.
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