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Beginner Hunter from Northern California

Carlos G

New member
May 26, 2016
Hello all, I am excited to soak up as much as I can from the resources on this great site! I'm a 46 year old guy who has never hunted and have just received my hunting license. I plan on starting out with some pig hunting which I have within a couple of hour drive but eventually hope to be fortunate enough to hunt some bigger game such as elk.I don't have ANY friends that hunt so I'm hoping to meet up with some folks on here to possibly hunt with or great some great pointers from ?! Looking forward !
Welcome to the forum. There's alot of information and experience floating around this sight. Whatever your question, someone has a solid answer...well, hunting related anyway.
Hey Carlos. I'm in the same position from Northern California and new to this forum.
Welcome to the forum, I can tell you it has definitely helped me and the people are great!
Hi Carlos I'm in almost the same boat as you I'm in northern Ca . I started at around 35 and have been addicted ever since . I have friends that hunt and luckily they have showed me some pointers . Good luck on your new adventures as any time in the woods is fun .

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