NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Beaverhead Unit ID


Active member
Jun 20, 2016
Leicester, NC
Well, in 64 days, I will be headed out to hunt in Idaho with a couple of my closest buddies. We were going to buy a wolf tag, but I am pretty sure we are just gonna stick with our elk tags since this is our first time. I cant thank all of you enough for all your post about gear and scouting and elk behavior as well as Randys videos and podcast. In fact, his article for RMEF a few years ago about elk hunting for $1,000 is what started the whole ordeal. At least 2 of our party have been getting out and doing our part to be in better shape for our trip, and I honestly cannot wait!
I had some questions about OHV use in this zone, and what units get hit the most. And I would love to talk with someone who knows if trails are actually open or not.
And how do you find anyone with mules or something to pack meat out if we are successful?

And how accurate are Idaho F&G estimates on hunters per unit within the zone?

just trying to piece it all together. WE have e-scouted and e-scouted some more and think we have picked some pretty good spots...
I have found that most of the OVH trails are open during season, whether legally or just that everyone keeps using them I'm not sure. There's also an unlimited archery pronghorn hunt in that area at that time so there will be quite a few people chasing them. In general there's quite a few people everywhere I've been in that zone, though I've never hunted unit 30.
Archery season is less crowded than general deer season. I usually only see a couple other guys per week. Plus you can shoot any elk or deer. I don’t use an ORV, too noisy. You can literally hear them for MILES and watch deer flee up the draws. I do use a truck for access and I cannot dispute that it may be as loud as an ORV. It is a great place with a few tremendous trophies if you pick the right spot and get a little lucky.
I think there are some good areas in 59a that you can get far enough away. There's a couple of main drainages that people may run up and down on, but almost no one will be hiking the hills up from the trail/road.

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