back on the wagon


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
many of you know that i have stuggled with smoking and tried to quit often.on the 4th of july i joined an online support group and bought some commit lozenges and now i am on day 3.going through this with other people who are at the same point as me somehow makes it less painful.i know there are many of you here who want to quit and just wont do it so in case you are interested the support group is stop in and visit me and lets go through this together.the money you save will let you make that dream hunt and the extra days you live will allow you to be there :eek:
Good luck with it...I started when I was 15 and smoked until 23. I'm almost 30 now. Well worth kicking the habit.
Keep with it! I quit all tobacco products in 1998. The worst was smokeless tobacco, I loved that stuff. Finally had to have sinus surgury in 1998 and could'nt breath for a week, so that helped, it was either quit or drown! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Tim, I hope you make it.... It is up to you whether you want to quit or not.... :)
Tim, take the attitude that you don't smoke. Not that your trying to quit. Thats what I had to do in 1982. My mom gave me that advice, thats how she quit.
Absolutely stick to not smoking. One of the best decisions you'll ever make. Never tried it but have seen plenty of misery and reduced capacity due to it.
thanks for the support guys.i am into day 4 as a non wasnt to hard but the last few hours were a little tough.i am not having the gut wrenching pain that i have had in the past and i am truly dedicated to beating this
Good luck Tim, Stick with it and you'll wonder why you even started. If the pains get too bad give me a call and I'll tell you what a sissy you are!! :D
Tim, The biggest key to quiting is to keep busy.... Stay off the internet and computers. Doing alot of this helps too :wank:

When I am fishing I dont smoke that much. when I am on a pc I burn through them.

Good Luck.
i never smoke when i am on the internet. i know some of you are probablly sick of this post going back to the top but its helping me. day 5 and im finding it easier every day. del i didnt know you could do this :wank: in this century without the internet

Stay off the smoke sticks man. Get in shape for the AK hunt. Those are some steep mountains from the looks of them.

Never tried tobacco products. Never looked attractive to me.
I'm not a smoker but I always wondered what is so difficult about quitting. Why not just stop buying them. If you don't have them you can't smoke them. Also, probably a good idea to stay away from people who smoke. Good luck, you'll hunt for more years because of it!
people who dont smoke dont understand that its an addiction.its far worse to come off of than drugs alchohol or anything preys on your emotions and is a part of everyday little slip and you have to start the whole process over.statistics say it takes a full year to be able to go through life without paying attention to everything that goes on around you.i think it is true, i quit for 5 months once and picked up one out of habit in a bar ant it was all over.this time i just cant pick one up EVER
I'm rooting for you Tim...

Then you and I can make it to the top of that hill next time so we can get your elk... :D
Good luck yo ya Tim I hope you are doing well.Just stick with it man you'll wonder why you ever started to begin with,atleast I did.I quit in 1999 and havent looked back the next thing you will ask yourself is did I really SMELL like that and the answer is yes.
Good luck to ya.
Take the money you would have spent on the cigarettes and put it in a jar. After the end of the week, take the lil woman out on a date or treat yourself to something you wouldn't have had if you were still smoking! You will be surprized how much money will accumulate in a weeks time!

Good luck Tim! Life's too short and there's no need to make it shorter!
1 week down.28 bucks save and by morning statisticlly i will have added 1 whole day to my life.sorry russ another montana boy is taking me to the top of the mountain this year. okay maybe you can help me get an elk.i havent woke up coughing for 4 day now and today was pretty easy since i had the satisfaction of knowing i beat this thing for a whole week
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