back on the wagon

$28 a week? That's $112 per month! Go a little farther and that's $1344 a year! Just think about it! You could by a fairly decent guided hunt for that! Is there a new rifle or bow your salivating over??? You can buy new toys and your house, car and clothes will smell better! Not to mention how much better things will taste at the restaurant since you can actually pay for a nice meal and your taste buds will be in full force!

Hang in there Tim! We're pulling for ya!
Congratulations on making the week. As an ex smoker I can tell you you will be amazed at all of the differences in your life and general health.
started an exercise routine

i cant believe how much better i can breathe already.since i cant go to a gym reguarlly i bought a lateral thigh trainer that i can use in my truck.when the starting time was over i was breathing almost normal and didnt have to stop to catch my breath.when i went to wyoming 2 years ago i could hardly go 50 yards without catching my breathe. of course we were breaking snow the whole time but still it was ridiculous.this year i am going to alaska, shouldnt be any snow but if we run into one of those big bears i need to be able to outrun at least 1 person in our group. :D
sorry russ another montana boy is taking me to the top of the mountain this year

Thats OK Tim, as long as you get to harvest an elk, that will be excitement enough for me... :D
just an update

made it through day 10.already working on day a non smoker now.
still at it.i dont think about it as much anymore.its still in the back of my mind but at least its not nagging case you care its day 14 week it begins to strengthen my body and i begin to heal mentally.
My brother quit cold turkey after about 35 years of heavy smoking about 10 years ago...he hasn't touched one since. You can do it.
You can do it Tim, and you keep it up, you and I will make it to the top of the hill together the next time... :D
thanks for following me guys it really helps to know that i have support from people.i took a walk in the hills today in within 30 yards of 2 antelope.the walk was up and downfor maybe a half mile each way. to get in close i had to crouch down and move when the goats let me.i didnt even take a heavy breath let alone have to take a break.exercise helps endure the cravings which are no as severe anymore plus it helps get me ready for alaska. hump
Yer never gonna make it. Give up now and go enjoy a couple of packs!!

Ha Ha- Just kidding- you got it licked now. All of the really hard days are behind you at this point. From now on it is just kind of like maintaining your mindset.
i dont have any plans for the money yet but i am going to treat myself to something big soon :D
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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