Caribou Gear

Anyone in the Kalispell Area Missing a Husky?

Imagine what the antis on social media will do with this! Probably go viral if it hasn't already!
It was all over my doomscroll news circuit this AM. Saw it linked on a few large national outlets that cater to a more conservative crowd and wouldn’t conventionally be considered “anti.”
A stark reminder that we all need to be good ambassadors for our sport and not fall prey to the divide and conquer mentality of those that oppose us
Probably wettin their pants about now!!!
Me not commenting on their hot take:

I don't have much to add, but the anti-hunting portion of the public, will use this to smear hunting generally. Her boyfriend will also be made into a model of hunters by the anti hunting crowd.

So, we will get a small amount of tar and feathering over this.

It does remind that there are many truly low life individuals in society.

Nothing wrong with the hunting community reminding folks about ethics and ding so in a congenial and friendly manner, especially to those who would paint us all with the broad, husky tail brush. Policing our own is a great way to show those less familiar with hunting that we're ethical, thoughtful and caring.
Me not commenting on their hot take:
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Nothing wrong with the hunting community reminding folks about ethics and ding so in a congenial and friendly manner, especially to those who would paint us all with the broad, husky tail brush. Policing our own is a great way to show those less familiar with hunting that we're ethical, thoughtful and caring.
Right. I hope the antis see that we in the hunting community are flaming that dumb gal. Only defense has been from ex-con boyfriend and trashbag mother. And we're throwing crap at them too.

So here's something to think about. Some asshat dumps a bunch of his/her dogs at Doris Creek campground. Now, these dogs obviously all know each other. They have lived together, eaten together, played together. They're suddenly on their own in a strange place. Are they going to split up? Especially a young pup? I've been raising dogs my whole life and that just doesn't make sense to me. I gotta say the more likely scenario is this gal picked this pup out of the pack and shot it. Or it was the one dog still young and naive enough to leave the pack and go to a stranger.
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I find this hard to believe.
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If hunting is ever banned on public lands its because of idiots who shoot dogs for wolves and idiots who shoot up trailhead/campgrounds and leave behind tons of trigger trash. This kind of story reinforces every bad stereotype we are up against. Plus it makes us folks in NW MT look like idiots. And many of us are not! So there.