NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Anyone else crying.......

i live in cali so my vote never counts. and dukes dad ur an idiot if you really believe what u just wrote

Obama promotes education so there is hope for your spelling and grammar.

What I find amazing is middle class blue collar people support a party with 20 years of history pushing down the middle class and shipping industry and jobs overseas.

America works best when everyone moves forward together.
Buckle up for some more executive orders, not to mention Supreme Court appointments during the next 4 years ...
Is America on Crack??? My word....... Our pour kids and grandkids!!!!!!
How differently would the election have played out if in addition to the vote you already have, you also got one additional vote for every thousand dollars you pay in net taxes? Taxes are necessary, but it would be very interesting if those paying them had more control through the voting process.
I am the middle class. Since I am involved in international business I am actually equal to or better than I was 4 years ago. My status is good because of a global economy not because of the USA economy. Robin Hood was a romantic idea when I was a child but as a responsible adult I no longer espouse the idea.
The Left likes to preach empowerment-whether it be for gays, women, a race etc. Now it extends to the non-working class. Give a man a job and he'll earn his own respect-give a man a check and he'll expect yours.
Time to sign up for the freebies.If I can't beat them then its time to join them.Hope I'm first in line at the welfare office today.I don't want to have to wait long and miss any talk shows.Can't believe 51% of America are idiots.Going to be interesting to see where the USA stands in 4 more years.But hey, at least we won't be drilling on Federal land.Just keep paying record high gas to other nations while our net incomes continue to stay the same.Anyone who believes Obama is for the middle class is def. on drugs.He supports the lowest class of people
Time to sign up for the freebies.If I can't beat them then its time to join them.Hope I'm first in line at the welfare office today.I don't want to have to wait long and miss any talk shows.Can't believe 51% of America are idiots.Going to be interesting to see where the USA stands in 4 more years.But hey, at least we won't be drilling on Federal land.Just keep paying record high gas to other nations while our net incomes continue to stay the same.Anyone who believes Obama is for the middle class is def. on drugs.He supports the lowest class of people

Yep. I think that we are screwed. I had more hope for this country before this incredibly stupid decision. Obviously, our educational system has finally managed to get enough stupid people up to voting age to carry out the left-wing agenda. There are now so many young hispanic voters, black voters and single women, that Romney officially lost before he ran.

Just wait until all of BOcare kicks in. You ain't seen nothin' yet. This country is headed into an abyss that has no return. The gridlock will continue in Washington and we will all suffer.

BO destroyed the economy, gave away Iraq after all the sacrifice there, mired us down in Afghanistan by not allowing the military to do its job, increased welfare payments to an all-time high of one trillion dollars, blocked energy exploration and energy independence, given taxpayer money to companies that either went broke, or moved overseas, and has made the U.S. a laughing stock with his weak foreign policy and collusion with his fellow moslems. The list goes on, but unfortunately, people can't see past their handouts.

I have only one thing to say about this, When BO puts in another Sonya Sotomizer type as a Judge you will lose out on your rights big time. If you want certain guns, ammo, and magazines you better buy them. If you think the right to bear arms will stand as it is you are wrong. If you think the color of your skin or your sex should not dictate if you get into to a university or get a job your not going to like the future.
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So, the Republicans lost another election. No big surprise. They have been hijacked by the far fringed on every issue. They had the most vulnerable opponent they could have asked for. Yet, they still lose.

They are controlled by the far fringe, such that the only candidates that get through a primary are unappealing to the larger population.

Time for Republicans to quit bitching about the media, the supposed uninformed voters, the big money on the other side, etc. If they continue to be the pissed off white male party and nothing more, they will continue to get sized for ass hats. The white male is a minority of the voting populace and getting smaller. Republicans better realize that and make some changes, or expect even worse defeats to even more vulnerable opponents. I am one of those white males. I am equally disappointed in both sides, rather than just pissed at one side.

I did not vote for I Obama. I did not see anything remarkable about his opponent. If they cannot win, when you have a vulnerable incumbent in the worst economy in years, you are lacking vision, leadership, and ideas, and probably deserve an ass hat.

I suspect the response off the Republican party will be to move further to the fringe, to blame the media, to nominate a few more guys who think "rape is a gift from God", then wonder why they lost again.

I am not a Democrat. Never have been. But, the Republicans go out of their way every two years to convince me that I am not one of them.

Time to move forward or get left behind. This is not the end of the world. For those who think so, too bad for you. Too much good lies ahead to let one election ruin my day.

Time to go hunting and think how lucky I am to live in a country where even if the vote is not what I hope, I still live in the greatest placed in the world, with more freedoms and more opportunity than any other country I might choose.
Obama promotes education so there is hope for your spelling and grammar.

HAHAHA!! Funny. :hump: You know, where I work we have a little unwritten rule: don't talk about religion or politics, because either one will end in discontent. That being said, I have the feeling that this thread is going to be interesting.
Sad. The man won and is your president.
1) Established expectation for medical care for all
2) Got us out of the Iraq mess
3) Working to help the middle class get a fair shake.
4) Economy is improving

We are called the UNITED States for a reason and the people have spoken.

Dukes... let's look at the otherside... that you are so happy about (or conveinently forgot to mention:

1. Average household income down $4.300.00
2. 23 million unemployement
3. millions of others under-employed
4. food stamps reciepients up (35% increase)
5. the poverty rate up (9.5% increase)
6. gas prices at record levels
7. millions of foreclosures
8. US citizens being killed on American soil (Benghazi) and the military is told to stand down
9. zero budgets passed
10. 17 trillion in debt.... if re-elected 21 trillion (kiss your childrens future good-bye)... can you say "GREECE"
11. 800 million given to "green energy" just to see backruptcy
12. obama-care that took 760 million away from medicare
13. obmacare that will add millions to the debt (I thought that my healthcare costs were not going up... what a joke the last two years)
14. What happened to transparency in his administration ("we must pass the bill so we know what's in it")
15. no sound energy policy (except windmills... I'll tie one to the top of my car)
16. Wait one minute... I forgot this is alll Goerge W. Bush's fault.

good luck to all (including dukes)
the dog
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Well said Big Fin.

Romney is just another wealthy political robot who decided being President would boost his ego. He didn't even win his own state. What does that tell you?
I agree Big Fin. Time to move on, and I can take a bit of comfort in this: ‎"Now He is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come." (Ephesians 1:21 NLT)
Time to sign up for the freebies.If I can't beat them then its time to join them.Hope I'm first in line at the welfare office today.I don't want to have to wait long and miss any talk shows.Can't believe 51% of America are idiots.Going to be interesting to see where the USA stands in 4 more years.But hey, at least we won't be drilling on Federal land.Just keep paying record high gas to other nations while our net incomes continue to stay the same.Anyone who believes Obama is for the middle class is def. on drugs.He supports the lowest class of people

Agreed. I guess all of the "non working" community got out and voted. I would too I guess if it meant 4 more years of free handouts without working, passing a drug test, or doing anything to help themselves. I'm glad I can help by working 2 jobs so they can sit on the couch watching Springer and popping out more kids that they can't pay to raise. Lube up America. . .its coming!!!:mad:
Anyone else crying?

No. Cast my votes and now I will go to work, plan my next hunting excursion and be a good neighbor and family member. Doubt the sky will fall before I load up the pup and head out (Reberg did lose, right);).

Move on pepes.
@dukes daddy...
Healthcare is at its worst point ever due to this president. Ever since it was introduced, premiums have skyrocketed, businesses are now turning to hiring more "part-time" employees rather than full-time to avoid having to pay benefits. There were around 20 new taxes in that bill as well. But I hope you're happy that myself, being an actual taxpayer, will pay for your healthcare while almost 50% of Americans do not pay any federal income tax at all.

He moved us from Iraq to Afghanistan...congratulations and he also wants to further cut funding for our military across the board. I'm sorry but that's the one part of the budget I feel we should not skimp on. I would prefer those who serve to have everything they need to perform their duty which is to serve and protects this country.

The middle class will suffer the most due to class warfare, I'm glad he gets to decide who makes too much money and take from you so the gov can spread the wealth.last time I checked, poor people don't hire people.

And lastly...the economy is not improving. The GDP is growing at a slower rate for the last 3 years. By the way, when was the last budget passed? Why don't we continue to spend over a trillion dollars a year and see where this country is in 4 more years without fiscal responsibility.

This guy was suppose to come across the isle but he continues to play the blame game, his campaign was just a smear campaign that didn't address any issues or how he would solve them. But I do feel sorry for him getting re-elected, cause he inherited one hell of a mess. NOW WHO IS HE GONNA BLAME?!

Thats easy, Bush and the Republicans
So, the Republicans lost another election. No big surprise. They have been hijacked by the far fringed on every issue. They had the most vulnerable opponent they could have asked for. Yet, they still lose.

They are controlled by the far fringe, such that the only candidates that get through a primary are unappealing to the larger population.

Time for Republicans to quit bitching about the media, the supposed uninformed voters, the big money on the other side, etc. If they continue to be the pissed off white male party and nothing more, they will continue to get sized for ass hats. The white male is a minority of the voting populace and getting smaller. Republicans better realize that and make some changes, or expect even worse defeats to even more vulnerable opponents. I am one of those white males. I am equally disappointed in both sides, rather than just pissed at one side.

I did not vote for I Obama. I did not see anything remarkable about his opponent. If they cannot win, when you have a vulnerable incumbent in the worst economy in years, you are lacking vision, leadership, and ideas, and probably deserve an ass hat.

I suspect the response off the Republican party will be to move further to the fringe, to blame the media, to nominate a few more guys who think "rape is a gift from God", then wonder why they lost again.

I am not a Democrat. Never have been. But, the Republicans go out of their way every two years to convince me that I am not one of them.

Time to move forward or get left behind. This is not the end of the world. For those who think so, too bad for you. Too much good lies ahead to let one election ruin my day.

Time to go hunting and think how lucky I am to live in a country where even if the vote is not what I hope, I still live in the greatest placed in the world, with more freedoms and more opportunity than any other country I might choose.

Part way thru your post I thought you were going to tell republicans how to appeal to women and hipanics. 15 % of voters said Obamas handling of the storm Sandy affected their vote, and then voters thought Obama was just a nicer guy. Just a slight change in perception would make all the difference.

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