Anyone else crying.......

Buzz, I don't think we can put Pagosa in the "Base".... that guy is so far off the res. he is a classic fringer. It is the edges of lunacy that are stealing the show while the base sits quietly by waiting for someone to hear them over the p.c. bullsnipe. I don't think the election was the end of the world but I think the American People are surely moving ever closer to the edge of idiocracy. I work with this group every day that expect everything they get because they live in this country. It would be a quiet crowd nowadays if someone uttered "ask not what your country can do for you"....(gasp). Oh well, just have to put in for more tags and kill some stuff to get the spirits back to where they should be. I bet we will all be fine in the end.
I'm still grinning at Critters remark about how Obama has directly effected the well being of Critters family,yet someone still managed to afford an Alaska sheep/griz hunt,non-Montana elk hunt, with ample time spent in the woods chasing other "critters".Sounds similar to the NBA player who balked at a $6 million dollar contract late in his career,claiming he needed MORE money to feed his family (Latrell Sprewell).No ill will towards Critter here, more power to you ,man,but SERIOUSLY? haha Obama clearly ain't that bad.....though I have been told by serious Repubs. that in no time we will all be wearing turbans and kissing the ground, and Hillary will be going door to door collecting our guns.Politics are a joke because of hard party liners not making concessions,plain and simple.The Republican party will rebound as soon as they acknowledge women,minorities,younger voters, oh yeah, and the middle class.
Just curious here, what does acknowledge mean??? Again we have a country (left) that loves to divide us into groups and pit one against the other. It is about all of us, why do the women, "minorities", and young voters who equate most of this with popularity need to be singled out, taken aside and be told they are in fact Americans before they are anything else. To tell them that even though all the signs point in directions that are clearly unsustainable, we should just trust the people in charge right now cause they do things that make people warm and fuzzy... till the wheels come off. Surely they should all get a trophy for participation, no matter if they contribute or not. After all this IS America, they shouldn't have to contribute if they don't want to, it might cut into their xbox time. How about everybody quit crying, pull your weight, and quit expecting things just cause you support the party of "its ok". Obama won because a large group of this country vote for free stuff, in addition to the people who really do want to make a difference and do contribute.... period. It may be a small percentage but when you add that to a country that has always been split, it doesn't take much. I don't think we need to worry about wearing turbans or seeing Hillary at our doorstep,(btw have you seen her lately...must be stress). I do think we need to enforce laws on the books, quit letting kids think its ok to be a drain in society just because it makes them feel like the person they were meant to be, take another look at the Constitution and wonder if we are way overstepping our duties. Every year the percentage of takers gets higher and they network like crazy to screw the system. People who really need help get the shaft because the slackers are taking stuff they don't need and are perfectly capable of being productive. Lets all just wake up a little, make some concessions and expect productivity of those who can contribute. It's common sense really... why is that so damn hard?
Obama won because a large group of this country vote for free stuff

I'm anxious to see the number of votes by income bracket. All I can see at this point is percentages by group (ie XX% of those making less than $50k voted for Obama). I want to see the total breakdown in that if XX% making less than $50k voted for Obama, how many votes was that of the total.
I'm still grinning at Critters remark about how Obama has directly effected the well being of Critters family,yet someone still managed to afford an Alaska sheep/griz hunt,non-Montana elk hunt, with ample time spent in the woods chasing other "critters".Sounds similar to the NBA player who balked at a $6 million dollar contract late in his career,claiming he needed MORE money to feed his family (Latrell Sprewell).No ill will towards Critter here, more power to you ,man,but SERIOUSLY? haha Obama clearly ain't that bad.....though I have been told by serious Repubs. that in no time we will all be wearing turbans and kissing the ground, and Hillary will be going door to door collecting our guns.Politics are a joke because of hard party liners not making concessions,plain and simple.The Republican party will rebound as soon as they acknowledge women,minorities,younger voters, oh yeah, and the middle class.

ain't that bad according to who? the 47% on welfare? the increased number of people ON welfare that do not want to be? those that are unemployed? the 47% who want the rich to pay more in taxes? the 13% that want everyone to pay more? the 35% that want no one to pay more? the babies momma who has 31 cell phones? so, who says he ain't that bad?

as far making concessions. you mean like nobama still insisting that the rich pay more? how is that making concessions?
I'm anxious to see the number of votes by income bracket. All I can see at this point is percentages by group (ie XX% of those making less than $50k voted for Obama). I want to see the total breakdown in that if XX% making less than $50k voted for Obama, how many votes was that of the total.

good luck finding that much of a breakdown.
Way to take that out of context, must have been at this for a while.. the whole statement is above if you would take the time to read it, it clearly states "in addition to people who really want to make a difference." Could be a good future for you in politics somewhere.

Good Job TLC, Now lets see how many folks on the government take voted for him. I know the libs will have fun with this one and scream. YOU MUST MEAN VETERANS AND OLD PEOPLE..... lets see
I'm not taking anything out of context, I'm just looking for stats, don't read too much into it. Though why I highlighted that is because it has been mentioned several times in the past couple of days.

The larger context for me though is household income and how it has largely been flat for the last 40 years (particular for those below the top 10-15% of the income brackets)...roughly when women began to enter the workforce. Surely it is a very complex issue with multiple factors, but at a very high level one has to ask the question; if incomes are not going up for a majority of households, why wouldn't people vote for "free stuff" or the candidates who seem most likely to provide assistance.
Primarily because the honest people who do work and see that they are making it on their own are proud of said fact. I am not painting a broad stroke, I am only pointing out that this small group of individuals that pride themselves on working the system do a tremendous amount of damage to the other people who really do need help. Taking what they can get away with seems to have become a way of life for too many that ruin it for all. At the end of the day its not all about how much people make, its what they do with it.
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