NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Anyone else crying.......

Ok, how much do you want to bet ammo prices go up before an additional tax is added?

I wouldn't take a bet like this one, because it is a simple law of economics, supply vs. demand. Undoubtedly the price will go up before extra taxation, because people will eat up the supply. That being said, in the long run, the extra taxes that everyone cares to ignore are exactly the taxes that affect the middle class. Everyone overlooks this tax increase, because it doesn't come directly from their pay before they receive the check. No one cares that Obama added extra taxes to "goods" only complains that the republicans may increase their income tax 1%. Funny thing is, Obama has added more taxes than to my spendable income than Bush did in 8 years.
And moreover..........glad we aren't spending another 6 BILLION friggin dollars running around the country saying "vote for me"....

I'm more pissed about that than anything!

Dang, I could have done some serious hunting for 6 Billion......;)LOL
Enjoy the hunting while you can. With the power wielded by the anti organizations, along with the Unions, LGBT, Muslims, and Hispanics, who knows just how long we'll be able to legally hunt in what used to be the USA?

BTW, my psychological profile that was completed after my strokes, showed no impairments in mental capacities, other than memory losses and speech patterns. Luckily, I am perfectly capable of forming my own opinions and vocalizing them. If my right wing point of view is offensive to you left wingnuts, tough chit! Life's a beitch, aint it.
(this is from Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone reporter and author. I think this sums it up best..this is a hunting forum, no?)

So it's finally here – the big day. After eighteen months of relentless, ear-splitting propaganda, with thousands, if not tens of thousands, of reporters humping the horse-race (jumping on every single poll like heavily-panting boy-dogs with their little red wieners showing) and day after day swinging the heavy horseshit-hammer of Thor, braining us with one meaningless, made-up non-controversy after another – after all that angst and stress and directionless aggression, it’s finally going to end.

That it's all going to be over finally, thank God for that. But today will still go down as a truly sad day, no matter who wins.

Years from now, when we look back at these last days and weeks before this 2012 election, what we're going to remember is how intensely millions of Americans hated during this time, how many shameless and dishonorable lies were told as the race tightened (we scratched and clawed at each other like sewer rats over every absurd factual dispute, finding ways to shriek at each other even over things that by definition are nobody's fault, even over acts of God like Hurricane Sandy) and how reflexively people on opposite sides of the race disbelieved each other and laid blame at each others' feet over just about every issue, important or (more often) not.

People who live in other countries, who grew up in the third world or live now in terminally wobbling mob states of the ex-Communist variety, they must look at our behavior now in election years and think we're crazy. You have to have lived in a country with real problems and real instability to realize this, but life doesn't change too terribly much in America no matter which party wins the presidency – not real change, the way people in the rest of the world understand real political change, i.e. in terms of reprisals and collapsed currencies and assassinations and other such disasters. For most of us, our day-to-day lives won't change a lick no matter who wins tonight. If we just turned off our cable channels and stayed off the net, it would take months, maybe years, for most of us to guess who won.

So all this freaking out and vicious invective-trading looks nuts from the outside: it looks like we're making up reasons to hate and fear each other, summoning the language of violent civil unrest with a hedonistic zeal that only people who haven't experienced the real thing could possibly enjoy.

What's become clear in the last few weeks is that the last real taboo in America is admitting that the world isn't going to end if the other guy gets elected. The corollary to that taboo is an apparent new national prohibition against having even the slightest faith in the essential patriotism of the other side.

When push comes to shove, we all should know most Americans want the same things, but just disagree on how to get there, which is why it should be okay to not panic if the other party wins. If some foreign agent attacks us, I seriously doubt a president Mitt Romney would wave the white flag and invite the enemy in. Right? He'll try his best as Commander-in-chief, just like Obama has, and just like Bush did, and Clinton did, and Reagan did and so on.

That should be the way we think. We should be confident that whoever wins has our collective best interests at heart, even if we don't agree with his or her ideology, the same way we reflexively assume that the pilot of any plane we board doesn't want to fly us into a mountain.

But we don't make that assumption about our politicians anymore. We don't believe the other side would have our backs even in an emergency. People today on both sides are genuinely terrified of a wrong outcome in this election. They've been whipped into a state of panic – people everywhere are freaking out and muttering to themselves and firing off vitriolic emails. That's incredibly sad. As a member of the media, I feel sick about it. I think all of us in this business owe America a hug, or something . . . All of this has gone too far, and man, we'd better pray this doesn't end in a 2000-style mess tonight. Year 2000 America seems like a veritable Buddha of perfect composure compared to the already-terminally-pissed, stress-crazed populace that has been dragged to the final lap of this terrible contest. Like crime victims, we deserve closure. Can we at least have that?
Listen to you guys . . . arm-chair quarter backs. You are part of the problem.

Until then . . . . shut up. I am so sick and tired of the political ads and NOW this whining and "guessing" about the future.

How about if you exercise your right as a free American to choose, and leave this thread if it bothers you so much.

Check into reality, your party has left you. Read Fins post, he's 100% spot on. Being an angry white man over an election that the R's should have won easily isnt the fault of "left wingnuts". Its a breakdown in the Republican Party with an ever shrinking base. In case you missed it, there arent many people on this HUNTING site that agree with your lunatic ideas/thoughts. Maybe try selling crazy somewhere else.

Answer a couple questions if you can.

What made you think the hook and bullet crowd would rally around a guy like Romney that said he has "no idea why there are even public lands?".

What made you think gun owners would support a guy like Romney that was in favor of the Brady bill and strict gun laws in his home state?

How did you expect anyone to trust his economic policy when he's done nothing but profit from shipping jobs over-seas and hostile take-overs of companies?

If you truly are capable of forming your own better formulate a plan for your Party to relate to the majority or you're going to continue to be an angry lunatic.
I agree Big Fin. Time to move on, and I can take a bit of comfort in this: ‎"Now He is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come." (Ephesians 1:21 NLT)

Amen bro.

I'm going pheasant hunting. Hopefully the world is still intact when I get home. If it's not, well, watch for white horses....

Check into reality, your party has left you. Read Fins post, he's 100% spot on. Being an angry white man over an election that the R's should have won easily isnt the fault of "left wingnuts". Its a breakdown in the Republican Party with an ever shrinking base. In case you missed it, there arent many people on this HUNTING site that agree with your lunatic ideas/thoughts. Maybe try selling crazy somewhere else.

Answer a couple questions if you can.

What made you think the hook and bullet crowd would rally around a guy like Romney that said he has "no idea why there are even public lands?".

What made you think gun owners would support a guy like Romney that was in favor of the Brady bill and strict gun laws in his home state?

How did you expect anyone to trust his economic policy when he's done nothing but profit from shipping jobs over-seas and hostile take-overs of companies?

If you truly are capable of forming your own better formulate a plan for your Party to relate to the majority or you're going to continue to be an angry lunatic.

Spot on. The Republican party losing this election was like watching my beloved WSU Cougs lose to Colorado. They have only themselves to blame.

Sad, sad day. Too bad the uninformed masses vote based on what the mass media spoon feeds them or what witticism the Prez comes up with on the View

Yeah, because its so much better to vote R based on the mush that is spoon fed the R's by the likes of Rush, Hannity, and O'liely.

Part way thru your post I thought you were going to tell republicans how to appeal to women and hipanics. 15 % of voters said Obamas handling of the storm Sandy affected their vote, and then voters thought Obama was just a nicer guy. Just a slight change in perception would make all the difference.

Handling of the storm is key. My brother who works for the FS in Bozeman is out on assignment working on the aftermath of Sandy. Makes no sense to me. Only happened beacues of the election IMO.
My guy didn't win. Life will go on.

The country is changing, as the voting population is changing it. AS BF noted, the R's are a bunch of white guys. (For the most part). What are most hunters? This group is a shrinking section of the voting population. This trend will continue. The majority of minorities and women will vote for the D's. (Documented statistic) The R's have not figured out how to expand their base. If an incumbent with this bad of a record cannot be voted out, this country will not vote in a president with an R for many many years to come.

I cannot see anyone who the R's have waiting in the wings who can change the future. The D's on the other hand have Hillary. This country elected it's first black president and will take great pride in electing the first woman president. (regardless of philosophy).

For me, I want people (and gov't) to leave me and my family alone. I have found no one to take care of them better than me. For gov't's roll, protect my country and be responsible for roads. Unfortunately, I will be disappointed for the near and distant future (BTW. I work for local gov't! I have a front row seat as to how things function/do not function)

I have become pro grid lock. With the recent track record of gov't actions, I think the best I can hope for is inaction.
Perhaps, I happen to agree with Romney on the subject of public lands to an extent, and also the fact that he changed his opinions on gun rights and the Second Amendment after waking up to the facts and realizing that gun control doesn't stop crime. I certainly wasn't a Romney supporter from the beginning, but after my first choice, Herman Cain was forced out, and my second choice Ron Paul fell flat, Romney became the anti-Obama for me. I don't agree 100% with the Republican party, but I disagree 100% with the Democrats........and I despise who and what Obama is and represents. He is a puppet for George Soros and Bill Ayers, and I personally don't believe the man has or is capable of an original thought. I am avidly opposed to a welfare state, illegals, legal immigration, the UN, and all things Muslim. I don't give two shits if someone is gay or not, just don't believe that marriage for tax purposes is a valid argument, and I do believe in a woman's right to have an abortion.........just as long as my tax dollars aren't used to pay for it. I blame the loss of jobs in the US, not to venture capitalism, but to such things as NAFTA, and I honestly believe that given a second term all of the naysayers will regret their attitudes on Obama's intention when it comes to Second Amendment rights and the power of the UN. He's proven that his belief in the power of the Executive Order provides him a route around Congress, so I don't trust him when it comes to granting powers reserved under the Constitution to the UN. I don't give to shits and a dime about religious beliefs, other than the despised Muslims, but I also don't believe that any POTUS should allow the Justice Department to trample on Christian principles in order to execute national policy. And I also don't accept the racist treatment that the Obama administration has undertaken when dealing with situations such as the New Black Panthers, and the George Zimmerman case, as well as the DOJ and the NLRB attacks on right to work states in order to keep the union support......since I also despise unions and what they represent.

Call me lunatic, crazy or any other derogatory names you may like, but on other hunting forums I participate on, my thoughts and beliefs are the same as the majority.........and maybe it's the same here, but some of the majority may be too intimidated to speak up and voice their opinions when this site is so obviously pro-Obama and the socialism of America. I consider myself (and from some of the e-mails and pm's I've gotten, apparently, so do others) to actually be a sane voice of reason. So go ahead, and sling your insults, I'm pretty immune to the barbs of left wing socialists and those who want to prop up the welfare scum, the illegals, the antis, and the Muslims, while kissing Obama's ass!!!!!!
Perhaps, I happen to agree with Romney on the subject of public lands to an extent, and also the fact that he changed his opinions on gun rights and the Second Amendment after waking up to the facts and realizing that gun control doesn't stop crime. I certainly wasn't a Romney supporter from the beginning, but after my first choice, Herman Cain was forced out, and my second choice Ron Paul fell flat, Romney became the anti-Obama for me. I don't agree 100% with the Republican party, but I disagree 100% with the Democrats........and I despise who and what Obama is and represents. He is a puppet for George Soros and Bill Ayers, and I personally don't believe the man has or is capable of an original thought. I am avidly opposed to a welfare state, illegals, legal immigration, the UN, and all things Muslim. I don't give two shits if someone is gay or not, just don't believe that marriage for tax purposes is a valid argument, and I do believe in a woman's right to have an abortion.........just as long as my tax dollars aren't used to pay for it. I blame the loss of jobs in the US, not to venture capitalism, but to such things as NAFTA, and I honestly believe that given a second term all of the naysayers will regret their attitudes on Obama's intention when it comes to Second Amendment rights and the power of the UN. He's proven that his belief in the power of the Executive Order provides him a route around Congress, so I don't trust him when it comes to granting powers reserved under the Constitution to the UN. I don't give to shits and a dime about religious beliefs, other than the despised Muslims, but I also don't believe that any POTUS should allow the Justice Department to trample on Christian principles in order to execute national policy. And I also don't accept the racist treatment that the Obama administration has undertaken when dealing with situations such as the New Black Panthers, and the George Zimmerman case, as well as the DOJ and the NLRB attacks on right to work states in order to keep the union support......since I also despise unions and what they represent.

Call me lunatic, crazy or any other derogatory names you may like, but on other hunting forums I participate on, my thoughts and beliefs are the same as the majority.........and maybe it's the same here, but some of the majority may be too intimidated to speak up and voice their opinions when this site is so obviously pro-Obama and the socialism of America. I consider myself (and from some of the e-mails and pm's I've gotten, apparently, so do others) to actually be a sane voice of reason. So go ahead, and sling your insults, I'm pretty immune to the barbs of left wing socialists and those who want to prop up the welfare scum, the illegals, the antis, and the Muslims, while kissing Obama's ass!!!!!!

Get used to the Dems mopping the floor with your strong Republican "beliefs" that you claim are the "majority". Yep, your "majority" strapped on their velcro pants last night...and showed the whole world their ass.


And thanks for not answering a single question.
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Great I was just starting to get used to being able to find my 270 wsm bullets on shelves after that last "scare" we had. I'm glad I'm not into AR rifles because there will be another shortage of those I'm sure again.:rolleyes:

Well I can't decide if I should go the tainted Kool Aid route or just take the family out to the Buffalo Jump........Just kidding of course. I've got too many people yelling at me about getting there leaves cleaned up to think about what just happened.
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I believe the re-election of BO is just another part of God's plan for the destruction of this world and redemption of mankind. The bible is clear that all nations will have one currancy, a united one world government system, all nations will hate the Jewish people, wIcked people wIll Increase In number, homosexualIty wIll become maInstream, and so on. Our dollar is so de-valued, our rights as citizens are being given to the UN, men are proud, boastful, lovers of self and pleasure rather than lovers of God, good is evil and evil is good. Either have your judgement today or live separate from God forever. We are going to live forever, either in a burning hell or a newly created earth. Preston
Well I for one am running out and buying more ammo.

My Hornady's are on sale.:D:D

And I'm leaving Tuesday for a week of deer hunting in God's country.
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