Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

And this is why we can't get anything done


New member
Apr 10, 2016
Rossville, Illinois
Roaming Facebook earlier and come across this hunting page, and everyone on there is clamoring for the eradication of indigenous wolves. This is why people who don't hunt look at us as if we are some sort of animals. I understand that wolves are a problem in the west, and they definitely need to be more controlled. But to call for the eradication of a predator of that magnitude is asinine and makes us all look like lunatics. Especially when the largest group advocating wolves already hates hunters and hunting in general. The top reason for these guys wanting to eradicate wolves? So they can hunt Elk. Hey, I want to hunt Elk too, but you can't in good nature say that another animal should be ran into extinction so you can go hunt. Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Exactly. They certainly need managed. But you don't eradicate any animal from this country and then call yourself a conservationalist

Pretty sure those guys don't care about being called conservationists. :) They just want to kill their elk every year and have something to blame for diminishing opportunity.
too political , different groups want everybody to do what they think , I would like the 'biologist ' to have more say in how to 'manage' all the animals
Many believe eradication of species is natural. At least they are consistent, in that they seem quite content to allow nature to take it's course regarding our own species, rather than endeavor to regulate it. I will have more faith in our ability to regulate wolves when we've proven our ability to regulate ourselves. At seven billion and counting, I think nature is going to trump science. Too bad we don't live up to our own billing.
I never understood the mentality of the kill every frickin wolf, coyote and predator on the planet crowd. They can't stand it when a predator kills a deer or elk even though that's what they were put on earth to do. It's as if nothing has a right to eat, survive and kill an elk except man. Man is supreme and we and only we can hunt. Where in the hell did that egotistical attitude come from?
u1299, the attitude comes from ignorance. From listening to internet bullshit and barstool biologists. Kind of a crude way to explain it, and maybe it isn't the case for every "kill every wolf" person in the crowd. I used to be in the crowd. Then, I started doing some research and came to the realization wolves are here. Here to stay. And, in spite of the wolves, I kill elk too. mtmuley
I have never had much love for wolves and especially the non-native ones that the western states were saddled with. HOWEVER, they are here to stay and need to be managed.

One of the neatest things that I have ever seen was a wolf being a wolf, when I was hunting elk in Wyoming. The year before, I could have killed that wolf, but the season had been terminated. I sat and watched a beautiful, huge black and grey wolf chase ravens off of a gut pile. I was within range and could have killed him, but instead witnessed him doing what he does for a living. It was the highlight of the trip.

Of course anyone I mentioned it to asked, "Did you kill him?", to which I replied that I sure would have if it was legal.
I would vote for eradication unless the conservation groups support allowing the states to continue to manage in MT, ID and allow WY, WI, MN and MI to manage. States have a proven record of managing predators (lions, bears) and would have ability to find the right balance.

Unfortunately if you have crazy on one side (wolves everywhere organizations) then you need crazy on the other side to balance.

p.s Same position on feral horses and burros.
Dukes, I respectfully disagree with your assumption. My dad taught me one thing I try to remember. "Two wrongs don't make it right."

Credibility takes a lifetime to build, and a few minutes to tear down.
We are all taught ~ starting at an early age that hunting is bad, through schools and TV and the media. These pieces of our lives are powerful weapons that continue to drive it home.
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