NEW SITKA Ambient 75

An unusual/unexpected phone call...


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2010
Early this morning the wife calls me up and said she recieved a call this morning neither of us were expecting. Turns out she was drawn for one of the nine bison tags the APR gives out each year to residents for the opportunity at a bison. Not quite sure excited is the correct term. Never would have guessed someone would get the chance to harvest a bison before they took their first elk! Should be a great adventure. Hard part now will be to find components for the hunt with shortage of components on the market currently.
Does APR require a minimum caliber? What is she going to use?
Does APR require a minimum caliber? What is she going to use?
I'm not sure if there is a required mininmum caliber, got rid of my 300 over the winter. Kicking myself now. If there is a 30cal. requirement I do have 30-06 and a .308. The specifics will be given in the following days it sounds like.
I'm not sure if there is a required mininmum caliber, got rid of my 300 over the winter. Kicking myself now. If there is a 30cal. requirement I do have 30-06 and a .308. The specifics will be given in the following days it sounds like.
The 30-0will be just fine. From what I saw hunting birds up there, it wasn’t overly difficult to get within a couple hundred yards of them even on the Prairie. Congratulations to your wife, that’ll be a super cool hunt.
Or your sleeping pad?
Funny story, at risk of derailing the thread. I couldn’t figure out why I was short a sleeping pad the other day and then I remembered that it is still somewhere on the prairies of northern Wyoming.
Funny story, at risk of derailing the thread. I couldn’t figure out why I was short a sleeping pad the other day and then I remembered that it is still somewhere on the prairies of northern Wyoming.
Did I tell you that mine was lost during the bear hunt tent fiasco? It’s still somewhere in the Beartooths.
I think the biggest question is what kind of rub do you put on a bison prime rib when you threw it on the Traeger?

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