Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

An unusual/unexpected phone call...

I have a box of Barnes TSX 150 grains. If you want/need them, they are yours for sticker price plus shipping.
What kind of components do you need?
Gonna try some 180ttsx and 165ttsx(found some on Cabelas last night), think we will be going with a 30-06. So we should be good 300 max. Gonna try superformance, h4350 and staball first. Thankfully I've aquired over the years and am sitting in pretty decent shape for this. If these dont work I am gonna go for 150 or 160 ttsx out of the 7mm.
Gonna try some 180ttsx and 165ttsx(found some on Cabelas last night), think we will be going with a 30-06. So we should be good 300 max. Gonna try superformance, h4350 and staball first. Thankfully I've aquired over the years and am sitting in pretty decent shape for this. If these dont work I am gonna go for 150 or 160 ttsx out of the 7mm.
Nice a friend is trying 168TTSX with Staball and CCIs. I bet you find a good load with those powders.
Nice a friend is trying 168TTSX with Staball and CCIs. I bet you find a good load with those powders.
I went with fed 210. I sure hope something pans out. I do appreciate asking what components-that is what is great about this place. I wish I had a 45-70 for this hunt but lead free bullets might be a bit diffucult to find if I did.
I went with fed 210. I sure hope something pans out. I do appreciate asking what components-that is what is great about this place. I wish I had a 45-70 for this hunt but lead free bullets might be a bit diffucult to find if I did.
I bought a mess of 276gr Hammer Bullets for my 4570 on my moose hunt. Finally "bit the bullet" and ordered some 4198 to push them
Seems like their older animals have been vaccinated or treated for something and are not fit for consumption? Knew of another tag holder a couple of years ago who screwed up and couldn’t keep the animal he shot because it was too old and that was the rationale given IIRC.

I’ve worked with bison quite a bit, and I’m pretty decent at aging/sexing but certain individuals are still tricky. Broomed off horns, broken horns, weird shaped horns can all throw you off. Luckily you usually have plenty of time to get a good look at different angles. This little quiz is one of the better ones I’ve seen for sexing/aging based on horns, in case it’s useful 🤷🏻‍♀️

thanks for this, good training for my cow hunt in AZ.
Early this morning the wife calls me up and said she recieved a call this morning neither of us were expecting. Turns out she was drawn for one of the nine bison tags the APR gives out each year to residents for the opportunity at a bison. Not quite sure excited is the correct term. Never would have guessed someone would get the chance to harvest a bison before they took their first elk! Should be a great adventure. Hard part now will be to find components for the hunt with shortage of components on the market currently.
Good luck! Keep us updated!!
Early this morning the wife calls me up and said she recieved a call this morning neither of us were expecting. Turns out she was drawn for one of the nine bison tags the APR gives out each year to residents for the opportunity at a bison. Not quite sure excited is the correct term. Never would have guessed someone would get the chance to harvest a bison before they took their first elk! Should be a great adventure. Hard part now will be to find components for the hunt with shortage of components on the market currently.
That is awesome, congrats.
I am horrible at writing summaries for this sort of stuff, but we will give it a go.

Well it is October and the wife's hunt days have gotten here. Lining up a crew for this was the first thing to tackle and we got that lined out rather quickly. I built a load for the 7mm Mag that would be used. Settled on 150 Sledge hammer bullets from Hammer bullets. After doing our homework over the months we had to get ready it was time to make sure everything was still dialed in at the range. We go out after work one evening and made final adjustments. My wife is a pretty good shot and will out shoot me at times, which is frustrating to me only in the regard that she shoots much less than I do. A skill I am glad she has. We leave to meet everyone that was going to come along on the hunt. We arrive at our camp spot we all decided on and set camp early enough in the afternoon that we would have time to look around that evening and check in to find out the final details on her hunt. After getting everything in order we figured we would spend the last hour or so of the evening trying to locate some bison and come up with a game plan for day one. After looking over some bison and seeing where they were we felt pretty good about the plan for the next morning. I think at this time I was more excited about the hunt (or so I thought) than my wife was. I think this was because she was more concerned about making sure all the rules were met about making sure we were able to harvest a bison in the correct age class that we needed to, which was 2 years and younger. We were given enough information that some can be tricky to age some of the bison.

Morning 1 arrives and excitement levels I think for everyone were elevated. Right away we found a small group of 10 or 12 bison and it appeared to have 2 elgible bison in the herd. They were in a stalkable location, or so we thought. I wasn't really expecting them to be as aware to movement as they were. On this stalk they noticed our movement and away they went. They didn't just wander off they ran off, thinking well now we know we won't push these guys any more we moved on and tried locating other elgible bison. We went to check out other areas and we found many bison. Of these many bison it seemed we saw only bulls that were older and off limits. On to the next. We did locate a big herd that was 2-3 miles from the nearest acces point and moving further away, good to know of their location. Figured we would leave this herd for later hoping they may come back the other way. At this point we decided it was a good time to let the dogs out and strech their legs and take in some history. We went and looked at the Indian Rock. This rock is very interesting and it makes a guy wonder how much time was put into this. The Indain Lake Medicine Rock is a rock that the Natives carved into basically mapping out the area and river crossings in the area for others. I plan on looking more into this as I find these artifacts rather interesting. I look forward to finding out exactly what is engraved on the entire rock.

We now figured it was time to go and find some more elgible bison to put a play on. We found another group of 20 or so in what we thought was a very stalkable location. Figured it would be a couple mile hike into them to get the wind right and actually have some topography to actually hide behind. During the stalk we learned just how little it takes for a bison to disappear. During this stalk we bumped many mature bulls that just seemed to appear out of nowhere. We were all kinda shocked how they just appeared. We kept working our way around to the targeted herd. We finally put eyes on them and we decide they are still in an area that we can continue on to them. Problem we ran into even though we had some hills, we started running out of topography to hide behind. We finally are closing in and figured we would have a 200 yard shot if everything goes right. By the time we get to where we decided would be our best bet, we peak over the hill and these bison had joing up with another 20 or so and are now in one big group of around 50. They are walking away and the wind is picking up. The wife says its too far, especially with the wind picking up. Back to the pickup we go. During the walk back, I started thinking of all the stories we were told of this hunt. I say this as some think this is a harvest not a hunt. Or how you'd just drive up and shoot one. At this point we felt a bit deflated or at least I did, but this is hunting and we will figure another plan. out. Back at the pickup and having some snacks and letting the dogs out again, all of a sudden in the middle of the prairie, here comes a guy on a bike. He stops and chats with us for a bit and before he takes off, he asks what are the odds you guys have a vest I can buy. Kind of puzzled by this question, I wasn't sure at first if he was cold or thinking he may not make it to where ever he was going before nightfall. He then stated, I forgot hunting season has started and he had packed the wrong color top and kind of blended in and wanted an orange vest for safety purposes. We were of no help in that, I've never thought about packing extra vest for scenarios such as this. We loaded up and decided to relocate the herd that we had just been on hoping for a more stalkable location. We arrive at a place that gave us some elevation to glass from. We found the same group and it looks like they are heading to a location that would give us an opportunity for a stalk. We head that way. We get to where the herd is heading and put the glass on them. Determine that there area a few young bulls that fit in the requirements of what can be harvested. We found one bull that was legal, and he just happened to have a mud spot on his side that helped pick him apart from the rest. We quickly make a move that puts us in a position that will give the wife a shot. The heard is following the script and grazing out in front of us roughly 150 yards. She has the target bison in her scope with the mud spot on his side. Now the waiting game begins of waiting for others to clear and give a broadside shot and no others behind him. Her opportunity is presented. She said she was on him and is clear of every other bison. I said if your comfortable take the shot. The trigger breaks and you hear the bullet hit. Now the problem they start grouping up and the other older bison smelled the blood on the one she shot. These bison start head butting this bison and pushing him around. It was something to see it happen so quickly after the shot, as we were informed that bison will react when they smell blood. Waiting and hoping for a followup was difficult. We see he is hit well and keep waiting for that shot. Nothing. They move to a creek bottom maybe 300 yards away. We can no longer see the bison she shot. We start watching and the others start acting weird. We cannot see down into this bottom, but from the way 8 or so others were acting we figured they were doing what we were told that bison do when another is injured and bleeding. That is they will or can go over and kind of beat the dead or dieing bison up. We were told this can last anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour or better. During this time, the majority of the herd wanders off. We wait what seemed like forever but was roughtly 40 minutes after the shot before we make our way to where we think the bison maybe. Sneaking up to the bottom we peak over and there the bison is laying in the bottom of the creek. Only positive to this location he died in a flat spot of the creek, which will help will the field dressing. Walking up on a bison is something else. Even though this required a 2 year old or younger, they are both large and small at the same time it seemed. Photos started then the real work began. We were able to get everything loaded up and headed to processor by late afternoon. Not sure either of us will get this opportunity again. Best part of this was that it was also her birthday, I don't know if we will ever celebrate any future birthdays in such fashion.

From this I have learned that this hunt is what you make it. Yes you can wait it out and make it easy or you can make it a hunt. Moving a bison around, field dressing, etc is difficult. Having many buddies willing to help was a big thing in this, I am not sure a signle person could do this alone. Bison are neat critters and don't need much to disappear. Bison will also do odd things to those that are injured. This herd of bison are much more wild than I figured they would be. Also, we have both discussed and agreed upon that having to shoot an animal meeting an age requirement that is based off the appearance of their horns will bring some bit of anxiety as making the correct decision is what everyone wants.

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How about those ribeyes?

That's very cool congrats to your wife!
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