Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever



New member
Oct 28, 2001
Amberjack, seems like you have a few fans on the other site that will miss you. They are practically begging you to stay. lol

If I would to say I was leaving, they would either post nothing at all or ask me why the hell I was still there. lol
I will most likely not be able to go this saturday. Saturday is my works breakfast with santa. Dont have any kids but hey, I'm not one to pass up a FREE meal. lol Plus I want my girlfriend to meet some of my friends. Then after that I will be doing something(not sure what yet) with my girlfriend.

I posted most of this on another topic but I am not sure if you saw it. But again thanks for the invite. Hopefully you 2 can get your problems worked out. Later
Amberjack thanks for stopping by.. and thank your son for the gifts for the kids anthony and dani love them....
I will play with the lower unit tomorrow at work....wait that didnt sound right but you boat guys know what I mean....

again thanks for everything
Playing with yer lower unit at work??
Think I will have to talk to April bout that
LMAO. Hey Had a good time. OHH Since you are
having the Albacore tomorrow, butter and lemon sauce, or Italian dressing or some fresh cilatro an Herdez sauce, cayenne and lemon is also good.

Judy is trying to figure out how long to bake
So gents,

How'd y'all do on the boat fixin? Everything work ok? I've got an old Bass tracker that I haven't touched maintenance wise and I probably ought to. Maybe I can eaves drop on you guys and stare over your shoulders some time and learn a thing or two! Hope you guys are all set for the holidays. I'm just about done with me shopping thank God! Yesterday the stores were nearly empty by Christmas standards! My lady and I were looking at ourselves and wondering if we were in a "Twilight Zone" episode! I sure love Christmas but I hate it also. I'm going to work overtime all week and hopefully pay for this blasted holiday! No offense to the guy who was born on that day. I kinda like him! ;)
Sorry for getting off the subject. Just thought I'd drop a line and say hi and see ya out on the lake some time!!

John :D

It could probably use, plugs, new oil in lower unit, impellar. Lower units are not cheap to fix either. Check with Del. He may charge you an arm and a leg. :eek:
I bought it last year from Ray Lund "RLfishing" I think he's also the "webdude" on the old sight. He said that it was serviced and ready to go. I can't argue with that since she runs like scalded dog. I have a "Force" 50hp motor. I'm mechanically inclined so I might take a shot at some periodic maintenance. "Twernt fixed if ya don't have parts left over" I guess plugs and lower unit oil change is a good idea. never seen an impeller on these things but I could take a gander at it. Ray gave me a shop manual for it, but it saw too many days in the rain :(

Well I guess that's all for now. Hope to hear from you and Del soon!

John :D

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