Alaska Mountain Man Inspiration


Jun 10, 2019
Southeast, Alaska
One of the primary reasons I enjoy this forum is the inspiration I that I receive from it. It could be from a great story write up, pictures of game taken after a successful hunt, or something as simple as a great landscape photo of an area I've never been too before. I'm sure that a lot of you also are motivated by the people you encounter here, as well as inspired to hunt an area that you may have previously thought was possible before. I wanted to provide a link to a short clip by a man from Fairbanks, Alaska, Buck Nelson and one of his adventures living off the land that really gets my blood pumping with a desire to live off the land, even if only for a little while. If you've never watched any of Buck's self filmed videos hunting and exploring Alaska solo, you definitely need to check out his website if nothing else but for the chance to see a modern mountain man in action. Check it out, and let me know what you think. I'm also curious is you could tell me what inspires you!

Alaska Survival: Alone in the Fortress of the Bears
Buck had a great summer! First vid of him I have seen. Living life some where in south east Alaska, and life is good!
Good stuff. I never would have thought of canning. Probably better than trying to dry-preserve stuff in that wet climate.
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing. I'm also inspired by reading about and seeing pictures of outdoor adventures. It gets my blood flowing for an outdoor adventure.
. I'm also curious is you could tell me what inspires you!

I have always wanted to run the Yukon Quest but have never had enough money to buy the dogs capable of giving me a chance to win

The other one I always wanted to do, I finally did one summer. A lady from the lower 48 and a lady from Alaska and myself canoed the entire length of the Yukon river. Part of the way a fourth lady from Alaska joined us. We invited two men from the Nosler forum to join us, but at the last minute they cancelled on us. The length of time away from home did not work for them

I hope this is what you were asking, if not disregard the post.
Brooksranger, thank you

Panda Bear, I hope you participate in that race one day

So many things I STILL want to do and so LITTLE time )-:
Panda Bear, thanks for the feedback. That's exactly what I was hoping to hear! I've definitely dreamed of paddling the Yukon too. That's awesome that you did it. I've always wondered how or if it's even possible to get your boat shipped back to you when you finish the float or whether you just sell it to some locals? I also think floating the Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean would be a fantastic adventure as well. Also since we're on the water topic, kayaking the Inside Passage from Washington to Skagway... To quote Jerry Garcia, "So many roads, so many roads..."
700 Miles Alone is good too. It’s about his solo sheep and caribou packraft trip
I agree, this book is awesome. Very inspiring for me to read, and I couldn't help but imagine doing something similar in the future. I'm trying to do as much hunting in the mountains as I can while my knees and legs hold out!

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