Africa march 2007

Larry Landgren

New member
Dec 23, 2003
My dad just got back from Africa. He killed 22 animals and over 75% of them scored really high in the record books. Here are a few pics I thought I would share
Those are some nice critters. Where was he hunting? Looks like possibly a couple diffrent places/counties?
He actually hunted all over south africa. He had a few 2-4 hour flights in small planes here and there to hunt different game. He spent almost 3 weeks there.
What is he going to do with all those??? Is he going to mount any of them?

Yeah he is doing a life size on all of them exept the cape buffalo and rhino. He will do a shoulder mount on those. I guess he is having the 2 lions chasing the wildabeast and he will have 2 impalas sparring.
That's fantastic! I wish I could afford a trip like that, instead of my little jaunt...

Hell, just the mounts on the lions and the wildebeest probably will cost as much as my whole trip!

Those are some terrific trophies.
WOW... there is well off, Then there is rich, then there is Larrys dad :)

that is a Kick "A" post. I'm thinking, 3 weeks pluss travel in the country. 21 days. 22 animals Killed. That is alot of wacking and stacking. We had to average 1 deer a day for a week on Kodiak to fill out tags and I thought that was tough :)

A lioness is on my lsit of critters to get. Someday... someday soon !!
Your old man just took a BIGGGGG chunk out of your inheritance!

I believe 3 of those critters are POA----(Price on arrival). If you have to ask you can't afford it.

Those are some great critters. Since they are in my budget (and on my list) I really like the Kudu and the Black Wildebeest.

Is that a waterbuck or a lechwe? Top left corner second post.
Nice post.
tell your dad congrats that is some coin but some very nice animals. And I am glad to see he did not try to go cheep on the mounts like so many people do after spending that much on a hunt
Were you invited? That had to be an incredible experience. The only thing I'd add would be an 18 foot crocodile. But all those animals in 3 weeks had to get tiring. Kudos on a cool dad and some sweet stories for the grandkids.
Nope I was not invited on this hunt. I could not be gone from work for 3 weeks. I guess those are some pretty tough animals over there. he shot the cape buff 14 times in the kill zone with a 400 gr. remington a frame out of his 416 , LOL He shot the lion with his 416 and dropped it first shot, as he walked up on it it charged his ass. Talk about cats having 9 lives. I think I will stick with hunting coues deer, mule deer and Elk.
O.K. I gotta ask since everyone else didnt.. What do you think he had to shell out for that hunt?
Damn that is awsome. I would be happy with just the hogs and a lion.
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