Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars


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The fact that the Afghan was not willing to fight for their own country tells you all you need to know. Now the Taliban has all the equipment, arms and ammunition that was left for the Afghan army. :(
How much longer should the U.S. have stayed? How many more American lives lost for a country where they will not fight fir themselves?
Those of you blaming President Biden can rest assured the same thing would have happened were the orange menace still in office as he said he would pull our troops out last May.
I don't quite care if it is Red or Blue for who the President is that acts as the "Commander and Chief". So put away the political portion.

IMO, and this is as most everyone here, keyboard quarterbacking a massively complex situation:
1. an exit strategy where we are getting out our valued Afghan supporters ASAP.
2. Focused on eliminating any intel cache locations
3. USC's get out those who are not essential to conclude business.
4. During this bolster the hell out of primary locations with SOF to overwhelm Taliban interests. Taliban are picking their battles where they don't stick the American eagle.
5. Bolster the hell out of transporting as much heavy / specialized U.S. equipment to airbases to transport to other areas. Regardless a knowledgeable HT gent here I disagree to some extent for their use of equipment... it's the $$$ they will profit selling the abandoned high value equipment... n ot the use of and maintenance that will fail their use. These are clearinghouse $$$ makers and Taliban financial bankroll boom!
6. Get out as many small arms caches as possible (or destreoy) - This IS a BIG WIN for Taliban... RPG's M4's, etc...
7. and most importantly... a timeline to effectively make this happen! This is where I fault our Commander and Chief, who happens to be a Democrat. Again, care not what the political players are... its the utter failure to properly manage the extraction the most possibe.
We hear and read about other countries getting their people out. We don’t hear that from Americans. Word will trickle out if operators are getting them.
We haven’t launched a flight out in 8 hours. Don’t be fooled.
Flightradar24 had a USAF C17 flying out this morning.
I don't quite care if it is Red or Blue for who the President is that acts as the "Commander and Chief". So put away the political portion.

IMO, and this is as most everyone here, keyboard quarterbacking a massively complex situation:
1. an exit strategy where we are getting out our valued Afghan supporters ASAP.
2. Focused on eliminating any intel cache locations
3. USC's get out those who are not essential to conclude business.
4. During this bolster the hell out of primary locations with SOF to overwhelm Taliban interests. Taliban are picking their battles where they don't stick the American eagle.
5. Bolster the hell out of transporting as much heavy / specialized U.S. equipment to airbases to transport to other areas. Regardless a knowledgeable HT gent here I disagree to some extent for their use of equipment... it's the $$$ they will profit selling the abandoned high value equipment... n ot the use of and maintenance that will fail their use. These are clearinghouse $$$ makers and Taliban financial bankroll boom!
6. Get out as many small arms caches as possible (or destreoy) - This IS a BIG WIN for Taliban... RPG's M4's, etc...
7. and most importantly... a timeline to effectively make this happen! This is where I fault our Commander and Chief, who happens to be a Democrat. Again, care not what the political players are... its the utter failure to properly manage the extraction the most possibe.
But this is ok, right?



Well-known member​

JoinedApr 5, 2001Messages2,428LocationNew Mexico
Most idiotic withdrawal ever. Biden suck!

I expect many Afghanistan that helped the Us will be dead.

All on the demented president.

Fin, I will take my departure. Biden is a pedophile, demented, and corrupt president!
But this is ok, right?



Well-known member​

JoinedApr 5, 2001Messages2,428LocationNew Mexico
Most idiotic withdrawal ever. Biden suck!

I expect many Afghanistan that helped the Us will be dead.

All on the demented president.

Fin, I will take my departure. Biden is a pedophile, demented, and corrupt president!
I don't quite follow your post. I am saying eliminate who the President is, R or D or flippin yellow... I don't care. Nor do I care for other poster opinions. My post was a direct response to yours EXCLUDING politics... ;)
I don't quite follow your post. I am saying eliminate who the President is, R or D or flippin yellow... I don't care. Nor do I care for other poster opinions. My post was a direct response to yours EXCLUDING politics... ;)
Hmm...so his post that DID include politics must have been agreeable to you since there was no post from you admonishing him for his pathetic bashing of President Biden?
Feel free to use the "ignore" button on me if you don't like the truth being pointed out. (y)
I just think our citizens and those who helped us should have been escorted out of country BEFORE the military withdrawal. But I'm not an expert military strategy.
Maybe you are not a expert military strategist, but evidently a person with a lot more sense than those who are leading (?) this country ! There appears to have been zero thought to the happenings of our people in this fuster cluck !
Alright I will keep it to the topic of Afghanistan. My brother was a heavy machine gunner in Afghanistan right after 9/11. His job was to clear Al Qaeda caves. Just him and another soldier would walk into these dark caves with NODS and a 3 round burst set on their rifles. He did 3 tours in the middle east. Couldn't talk about where he was, what he was doing, when he would be home. My mom was a nervous wreck. When he got home, we went to a movie together. As we were watching the previews of the movie, Aaron (my brother) started tugging at his shirt and removed himself to go to the restroom. He said he didn't feel the best. 20 minutes went by and still no brother back in his seat. I got up, went to the restroom, and found my brother soaked in sweat, using the hand dryers in the theater to try and dry himself off. He told me that "everyone was looking at him" even though we were in a dark theater. It was that point that I knew something was wrong with my brother. After that, Aaron enrolled himself in college and tried to graduate with an English teaching degree but the panic attacks forced him to graduate without him doing his student teaching. Long story short, his tours f'ed up his life. The VA diagnosed him with PTSD and he is now considered a disabled vet. He just recently got his life somewhat back together but he is 41 years old. He is unmarried, has had a considerable tough time keeping jobs and relationships, and his disability has caused so many family issues I can't even begin to explain. He touched a gun (tried shooting trap) for the first time last year since being out of the military which has been almost 20 years.

Aaron is one of the bravest men I know. He volunteered to put himself in harms way, to clear caves, and he put his life and future at risk for a cause that he didn't fully understand at the time and I am not so sure it's even understandable now. Am I upset about what is happening in Afghanistan? Yes, but I am far more concerned about my brother and his well being. His story is no different than many of the other stories on here from other members or their family and I certainly am not trying to paint our situation as more important than anyone else's here. My brother fought for personal freedoms like you being able to tell me to "shut up" on this thread. Well, he also fought for my freedom to tell you to piss off.
Jess my cousin Jim was a marine who fought in Vietnam , he suffered through emotional issues until he passed prematurely , My uncle Paul served in World war 2 and had a drinking problem his whole life dealing with the horrors Hurtgen forest ,frozen bodies stacked like cord wood along the road because they couldn’t get the dead solders out quick enough. Riley serve 3 tours one in Afghanistan 2 in Iraq suffers terribly from PTSD and I have kind of adopted him to help him through some of his home issues . My heart goes out to people like your brother who served and they paid a terrible price but there is a difference between dying for something and dying for nothing!! This administration botched this and 10,000 Americans are still there along with people who assisted us and now will be put to death! Joe Biden was advised against doing this and he chose not to listen , former secretary of defense under Bush and Obama Robert Gates said tha Joe Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades” Remember Joe said on July 8th “ The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army they’re not……they’re not even remotely comparable in terms of capability . Theres going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy from Afghanistan “ This was done as poorly as it could ever have been conceived , the end result may have been the same but a lot of people would have still been alive with their only crime is they were trying to make Afghanistan a better place. So many bad things are now put in place because of Joe Biden’s administration not having the foresight in this catastrophic bungle! China is negotiating with the Taliban for mining trillions of dollars worth of rare minerals and keeping there embassy in place .The world is watching and we look as feeble as out president! I hear the chants coming of Paper tiger! Your brother deserves better for his sacrifice and so does every man and woman who served..
Jess my cousin Jim was a marine who fought in Vietnam , he suffered through emotional issues until he passed prematurely , My uncle Paul served in World war 2 and had a drinking problem his whole life dealing with the horrors Hurtgen forest ,frozen bodies stacked like cord wood along the road because they couldn’t get the dead solders out quick enough. Riley serve 3 tours one in Afghanistan 2 in Iraq suffers terribly from PTSD and I have kind of adopted him to help him through some of his home issues . My heart goes out to people like your brother who served and they paid a terrible price but there is a difference between dying for something and dying for nothing!! This administration botched this and 10,000 Americans are still there along with people who assisted us and now will be put to death! Joe Biden was advised against doing this and he chose not to listen , former secretary of defense under Bush and Obama Robert Gates said tha Joe Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades” Remember Joe said on July 8th “ The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army they’re not……they’re not even remotely comparable in terms of capability . Theres going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy from Afghanistan “ This was done as poorly as it could ever have been conceived , the end result may have been the same but a lot of people would have still been alive with their only crime is they were trying to make Afghanistan a better place. So many bad things are now put in place because of Joe Biden’s administration not having the foresight in this catastrophic bungle! China is negotiating with the Taliban for mining trillions of dollars worth of rare minerals and keeping there embassy in place .The world is watching and we look as feeble as out president! I hear the chants coming of Paper tiger! Your brother deserves better for his sacrifice and so does every man and woman who served..
Thanks for sharing your stories. I wish your friends and family the best. It's true when they say "war is hell"...and if that isn't enough, there is still coming home to navigate. I saw Bidens interview with George S and he looked like a deer in the headlights.
Until we have information as to why they were there and had not exited the country, that is about the most callous, and may I say, the dumbest post I have read in this thread !!!
What an interesting way to call me dumb passive aggressively you troglodyte. Let‘s just give the indigenous a W on this one and move on to take care of the poor and suffering in our own country for a change.
What an interesting way to call me dumb passive aggressively you troglodyte. Let‘s just give the indigenous a W on this one and move on to take care of the poor and suffering in our own country for a change.
As if to say “why be concerned of citizens who happen to live outside of America, it must be of their own stupidity” ! You mean, something like that ???
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