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They wont be able to maintain any of it. It will all be rendered useless in no time, no bombs required. Plus it will make them look like clowns....
But... media will ensure photos as if Taliban are showing off new toys... still pics of course... some with baby powder shooting out the large gun muzzles.

Fickle mob buys what the media sells. If not for people of your background sharing with those of us reading here and other mutual settings, the media sources, AL Jazeera, etc.. will sell what their subscribers desire..
I think everyone responds differently, and it is based on wiring and experiences. IMO, little in Hollywood is a very good depiction of combat. When I watched Restrepo (NG Documentary by Sebastian Junger) it makes my hairs stand up....
Sebastian Junger is a brilliant journalist. Most today aren't fit to bring him a cold glass of water.
I’m glad we are out of Afghanistan and wish it would have happened about 18.5 years sooner.
That said, leaving American civilians behind as well as Afghan allies that are now being butchered by the Taliban doesn’t seem all that well thought out. I’m certainly no expert in geopolitics and military strategy and clearly neither is the geriatric dementia patient with 47 years of making bad decisions behind him that is running the show, but his generals and advisors sure should be.
I would like to say one last thing about this.

Stop letting the talking heads and politicians on both sides turn this into one more piece of ammo to drive a wedge in this country. IMO, if someone is really going to f up this country it isn’t the Taliban or AQ, it is the parties trying to drive a wedge for their own gain. This really makes me sick to my stomach. You want to talk about dishonoring the memories of our fallen by leaving AFG, how do you think they would feel about the state of this country.

There are a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves for taking this human tragedy, as unavoidable as it may have been, and trying to leverage it. We should just all be counting our blessings that we all live where we do. Instead we are acting like a bunch of children trying to point fingers.

The whole world is now getting a chance to see what a real desperate situation looks like. It is real world folks, not some movie or book. We stay more Americans die. I still wear the uniform everyday, and have close friends on that airfield as we speak. Unless you are volunteering….
I would like to say one last thing about this.

Stop letting the talking heads and politicians on both sides turn this into one more piece of ammo to drive a wedge in this country. IMO, if someone is really going to f up this country it isn’t the Taliban or AQ, it is the parties trying to drive a wedge for their own gain. This really makes me sick to my stomach. You want to talk about dishonoring the memories of our fallen by leaving AFG, how do you think they would feel about the state of this country.

There are a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves for taking this human tragedy, as unavoidable as it may have been, and trying to leverage it. We should just all be counting our blessings that we all live where we do. Instead we are acting like a bunch of children trying to point fingers.

The whole world is now getting a chance to see what a real desperate situation looks like. It is real world folks, not some movie or book. We stay more Americans die. I still wear the uniform everyday, and have close friends on that airfield as we speak. Unless you are volunteering….
I would like to say one last thing about this.

Stop letting the talking heads and politicians on both sides turn this into one more piece of ammo to drive a wedge in this country. IMO, if someone is really going to f up this country it isn’t the Taliban or AQ, it is the parties trying to drive a wedge for their own gain. This really makes me sick to my stomach. You want to talk about dishonoring the memories of our fallen by leaving AFG, how do you think they would feel about the state of this country.

There are a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves for taking this human tragedy, as unavoidable as it may have been, and trying to leverage it. We should just all be counting our blessings that we all live where we do. Instead we are acting like a bunch of children trying to point fingers.

The whole world is now getting a chance to see what a real desperate situation looks like. It is real world folks, not some movie or book. We stay more Americans die. I still wear the uniform everyday, and have close friends on that airfield as we speak. Unless you are volunteering….
Yes, obviously this withdrawal was not handled as well as it should have been. The blame and finger pointing will go on for many years to come, right now we need strong leadership to alleviate the fallout as much as possible. I damn sure don’t have the answers but I pray that our leaders (red and blue) can keep from making this mess worse with partisan political infighting - but the last decade has made me very skeptical that they will. Thank you for wearing the uniform and thanks to all the brave folks who are willing to put it all on the line when our nation calls.
I’m concerned that Biden isn’t able to deal with this. No questions from the press. We deserve answers.
We just armed terrorist for the next twenty years. We gave M-16s to the worst people in the world. Biden doesn’t trust you and I with them.
The deaths are very sad, but I feel worse for those who served and came back broken.
On September 2nd Archery elk season starts in Colorado. Super excited!! Saw a herd of what I counted was 110 cows and calves, 1 small bull. Been pretty warm so I'm guessing the bulls are still in the high country. Best of luck to all those starting their hunts soon. It's a hunting forum. As stated not long ago, this thread belongs on Zuckerbergs dumpster fire.
The whole thing is FUBAR. We wasted time, money and personal over there for what? To take out one guy?
I can tell you personally, the only time the Afghans get together is when they have to kick out whoever’s in their country. Then it back to fighting amongst themselves.
Interesting comments on a thread topic that has many of us upset and disgusted. While arguments will go on in regards to what Biden did or didn't do correctly, there was nearly no doubt what the outcome would be. As elkhnter eludes to Afghanistan has always been a region of constant clan/tribal/sect warfare.

Will Islamic terrorists organizations try to open training camps again in that country, probably, I doubt they ever completely left. Is the US less safe today than yesterday? Maybe. Will I shoot a record setting mule deer in October? Hopefully.

Our thoughts and prayers should be with the safe return home for all Americans still in Afghanistan at this point.

Keep it heartfelt and be polite with the criticism and we can can learn and grow from each other.

"A more immediate concern, Yousif said, is that so many small arms were left behind.

"They are easy to maintain, easy to learn how to use, easy to transport," he said. "The concern for all small arms is that they are durable goods and they can be transferred, sold. We've seen this before where a conflict ends and the arms that stay there make their way to all parts of the world."

"It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by U.S. taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies," they added. "Securing U.S. assets should have been among the top priorities for the U.S. Department of Defense prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan."

Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff...
"We don't obviously want to see our equipment in the hands of those who would act against our interest or the interest of the Afghan people and increase violence and insecurity inside Afghanistan," Kirby said in his own briefing. "There are numerous policy choices that can be made, up to and including destruction, and what I would tell you at this point is those decisions about disposition of that level of equipment in Afghanistan haven't been made yet."

Gen. Mark Milley, hard to make "those decisions" now... less you pry them from their cold dead hands. (Eh, before September 11th)

Maybe a better executed exit plan? Proper time?
But hey, At least we (and the Taliban) have declared September 11th as our complete withdraw from Afghanistan date.
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This is the real terror... heartbreaking. All because a girl is / was born in a country such as Afghanistan, and even more disappointing, the hopes (i.e. Afghan girls robotics team) their lives might be more than servitude to the point of ordered marriage to taliban fighters.

"In early July, Taliban leaders, who took control of the provinces of Badakhshan and Takhar, issued an order to local religious leaders to provide them with a list of girls over the age of 15 and widows under the age of 45 for “marriage” with Taliban fighters."
The big mistake made was waiting until the fighting season to leave Afghanistan. The poppies fund the Taliban, so they stop fighting to harvest the poppy fields. With the harsh winters, fighting also stops. It is inexplicable that America waited until deep into the fighting season to withdraw.
As the father of two beautiful daugthers and husband of a strong, intelligent and independant woman, this saddens me the most.

We've hopefully enabled a generation of women and maybe have given a lot of them the tools to better their lives. But things will likely go back to how they were. I don't truat the Taliban for one second and am convinced innocents will start dying en masse.
This is the real terror... heartbreaking. All because a girl is / was born in a country such as Afghanistan, and even more disappointing, the hopes (i.e. Afghan girls robotics team) their lives might be more than servitude to the point of ordered marriage to taliban fighters.

"In early July, Taliban leaders, who took control of the provinces of Badakhshan and Takhar, issued an order to local religious leaders to provide them with a list of girls over the age of 15 and widows under the age of 45 for “marriage” with Taliban fighters."

This is very sad indeed and I ask yesterday ( not here )---- where are the female voices here in Canada and the U.S. that are usually front and center on female issues. This is real and is not something that might or might not have happened 30 years ago. very sad, thank you for bringing it up Saskhunter and Sytes

In our local meeting, where this discussion came up, after another Covid meeting, we also wondered how nervous the people in Taiwan are today ?
There are way to many unknowns to state this was a disaster withdrawal. I understand it certainly looks like it was but I don't have all the information to know if good or bad decisions were made, or if it would have made any difference in the end. It looks bad for sure but so fare violence is minimal during the withdrawal, Taliban is allowing Americans to leave, no widespread civil war yet.
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