Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Afghanistan man hunt

A water closet ottoman perhaps?

Ben, you must have an interesting search history.

Better than that, I have a wide diversity of friends who find some of the most inane & acrane crap and then plaster it on social media. :D

My internet search history features such common themes as:

Remodeling a bathroom
Cost of a new roof
Replacing a a natural gas boiler
Kate Upton bouncing
Obama's secret African family
John Boehner's secret African family

Wow. Shooting terrorists, pooping clinics, and google tips for 10 hr videos of bouncing boobs. This thread has it all.

Stay safe over there and come back in one piece, Ray.
Stay safe over there. Thanks for your service. If Wyo pronghorn are on your short-list when you get home, keep me in mind.

Day Three.
Time to push out into the surrounding Villages and start doing some clearing. So we went door to door going through everyone's houses. We now do what is called a "Soft Knock" where we don't go busting in. We just knock on the door and when they answer, we let ourselves in and search. One building at the base of our western OP had some HME (Home Make Explosives) and some blasting caps. Not much else around. The ANASF (Afghan National Army Special Forces), who we were partnered with, got into a gunfight with some bad guys who had moved in on motorcycles. They got three of them (10 bikes of 2ea for a total of 20 fighters). We just happened to catch them before they were ready. It's a good thing.

We got back around lunch and at about 2:30 the gunfight started up again. We ended up calling in air support again and the Apache Helicopters sorted them out. Since the main area that they were shooting from was higher ground and about 1,300 Meters away, my M4 was mostly just waisting bullets. So I switched to my binos. I just sat there for hours scouring the mountains looking for fighting positions. I was pretending that I was looking for sheep on a mountainside. I found several potential locations and one really good sniper position near the top of the ridge. Day complete and more tags punched.

I will always have room in my pack for a jet boil and coffee cup
Me n Josh.jpg
Village that we cleared that day
First of all, thank you Ray and your team for spending your days fighting evil. As someone said before, many of us really have no clue what it's like there for you guys. While I drive around in my warm truck, sell a few products, and think about if I should go ice fishing this weekend or work on my boat, you guys are driving around thinking about who is going to shoot at you next and from where. Punch those tags and get home please! Thanks again for keeping us and others safe from those people.
I will always have room in my pack for a jet boil and coffee cup

This how you know an operator is the real deal. An amateur might say something like "I don't have time to make coffee, too busy killing bad guys"......there is always time for coffee, amateurs....

Don't let anyone fool you, more bad guys are ended with good binos and a radio, than an M4 Carbine.

Good work, Ray. I too, miss the 365 day long season, but not all of it.
So day 4 starts with a real morale killer. OP 3 was manned by 4 ANASF Soldiers. During the night, the squad leader in charge of the group committed an act of treason. While he was on guard and the others were sleeping, he stole their weapons and NVG's and escaped into the mountains. In all, he took, 4ea M4's, one SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon (machine gun)) and 4 sets of NVG's. We were glad that he was only willing to steal for his cause, not die for it. He could have very easily killed several of us while we slept before we got him. The rest of the day consisted of searching the surrounding villages and trying to get intel on where the defector went with the weapons…….and of course getting into gunfights.
There was one thing that happened that day that I thought was cool. Throughout the day, I kept scanning the mountains. When I looked at the one sniper position from the day before, there was a silhouette in there this time. Hours before the fighting started, I had him pegged in there. We couldn't get him with small arms or mortars but we walked in an Apache helicopter and their gun run finished him off. See, scouting does pay off. I claimed that one of course. The nights had been uneventful so far but with the enemy having night vision capability now, we weren't so sure this night would be the same.

Ready for anything at my OP
During a lull in the gunfights, a guy calls over the radio and says "hey Ray why don't you show them your white A$$ and see if that gets em going again"…….so I did. I was thinking, man if I get shot in the butt, I'm gonna feel real dumb.
full moon.jpg
Gives a whole new twist to the phrase " don't shoot til you see the whites of their (red) eye".

Listen to your "spidey sense" for when it's time to get down.