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Advise from a southerner to a westerner on hunting


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2018
I actually have nothing to offer hunting wise, except how to say it. It's called Huntin', not Hunteeeng.

I'm a Texan that presently resides in Iowa, so I can kill big deer. I've been here ten years and I still laugh my butt off when I call these Yankees up here Yankees. They really think they are not Yankees. They will self identify as anything else but a yankee. They get offended like I just called them a dirty word.

Now I know I just offended some Yankees on here right.
I think the official definition of "Yankee" is anyone who lives North of San Antonio. I guess that makes Scrappy a converted Yankee.:giggle:
Agreed, seems to be some remnants hanging around from days long gone. We were known as Yankees to the rest of the world for 150 years. Then the Civil War happened and that became a very bad word in the south.

Well, growing up north of the 49th, I guess its easier to throw everyone in the same pile...
Well I could just say sorry eh?

Agreed, seems to be some remnants hanging around from days long gone. We were known as Yankees to the rest of the world for 150 years. Then the Civil War happened and that became a very bad word in the south.
Years ago I went to visit a buddy who was living in Mississippi working on his wildlife biology masters. One of the guys we were hanging around with at the work center asked me where I was from. "Mt Airy, North Carolina", I said. He says nonchalantly, "oh, a yankee, ...". I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
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