Caribou Gear Tarp

A little packraft-curious


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
First off, and with much enthusiasm, this is not an endorsement of packrafts over shitty old canoes in any way shape for form. All SOCs are clearly still better, and cooler, but...

I might want to explore some areas that I can't readily pack any of my SOCs into. I also might want to do something crazy like @wllm1313 some day when I grow up. I'll probably never tackle anything @theat would. I may also be a little interesting in flying this glorified rubber inner tube somewhere remote and trying to kill something then not have to hike out, or at least hike less. With that being said:

What do I need to know about this endeavor? I'm currently planted solidly in the unknown unknowns. A total noob. I've backpacked a lot. I rafted a fair bit.
What do I want in a boat and why?
What don't I want and why?

I recognize there are multiple ways to skin a cat but I am looking for opinions. I will sort them out and weigh them appropriately once received.
Sounds like you are talking about actually pack rafting i.e. raft in your back pack as opposed to inflatable boating. Therefore I would steer away from 'duckies' / inflatable canoes as those are super heavy and I would be avoid cheap brands there are a couple companies that actually produce their boats in China at factories that do in fact produce pool toys.

Do you want 1 person or 2?

What kind of conditions, flat water or rapids?
The only advise I can offer is that our local rafting store recommends Kokopelli (however it's spelled) and Alpacka when I asked.
Sounds like you are talking about actually pack rafting i.e. raft in your back pack as opposed to inflatable boating. Therefore I would steer away from 'duckies' / inflatable canoes as those are super heavy and I would be avoid cheap brands there are a couple companies that actually produce their boats in China at factories that do in fact produce pool toys.

Do you want 1 person or 2?

What kind of conditions, flat water or rapids?
Yes actually packing it. 1 person. Class iii
My next boat is going to be either a Alpacka Raft Gnarwhal or Wolverine. Gnarwhal is a bit bigger and more stable, wolverine is more nimble. Less likely to swim in a gnarwhal but easier to roll a wolverine. I think if you are comfortable in a hardshell you might go with the wolverine. Most of my paddling experience is in rafts or canoes so I like the forgiveness of the gnarwhal.

I used a gnarwhal this week and really liked it, we were paddling class II with a section of III. As far as hunting you could probably get a dall sheep/muley/ caribou out in one.

My boat had the whitewater deck which I think would be my preference, I think the self bailer would be better for warmer rivers.

Definitely think about dry suits as well, pretty much mandatory for a lot of paddling.
I agree on the spray skirt and I definitely don't need to roll, hell I can't do that in a hardshell consistently.

What about the internal tube storage?
I agree on the spray skirt and I definitely don't need to roll, hell I can't do that in a hardshell consistently.

What about the internal tube storage?
For packing rafting I think it’s basically mandatory to have the cargo fly. I wouldn’t want to paddle class III with a 40lb pack in my lap.
@neffa3 Have you looked at some of the rental options? If not one close, there are outfits who ship. It would hard to get a rental done for under $150-$200 for a couple day trip, hard to know if that's worth it, but maybe. Especially if you're weighing 1 vs 2 person capability.
I guess I would add, that if you are day floating most of the time then you don't need the cargo fly. I'm thinking more multiday floats.
@neffa3 Have you looked at some of the rental options? If not one close, there are outfits who ship. It would hard to get a rental done for under $150-$200 for a couple day trip, hard to know if that's worth it, but maybe. Especially if you're weighing 1 vs 2 person capability.

This is a great point, I there were a couple places in AK that were renting pack raft gear. I've been super lucky because my friends + family are pack rafting nuts so I've gotten to borrow the Forager, Mule, Caribou, Gnarwhal, and the Classic or the last couple of years. That really helped me figure out what I wanted.

Also, the Forager is a total blast for 2 people, IMHO the team work aspect of paddling means that class II is super fun, definitely more interesting than running class II in a solo boat. I got the forager because I can run it solo for hunting and then do fun paddles with my wife and dog.
Rentals are an option, but I'd like to spend enough time in one and get enough experience to plan then successfully handle a decently technical trip. I don't want to be learning on the fly.
I have the Pristine Ventures PR-49.

A bit on the pricey side but it seems to be very durable and the key that I was looking for was the ability to hold a couple guys or a guy and a bear.

I haven't really used it enough to know one way or the other but so far it works for what I need it to.

I have packed it on a 5 mile 4,000 foot elevation gain hike to a mountain lake a couple summers ago but generally it has been getting used just as a regular raft.
I guess I didn't remember the price on the Alpackas. The Pristine Ventures isn't very far off from a comparable Alpacka.

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