
Have you thought about donating it? I think you can to a veteran or something
Yea, I'm thinking I will. There's a very slim chance that i get an elk early enough that is still have time on that trip to go from 16E down to the burros but I'm not sure I'm gonna bank on that. Probably better to build some good karma.
Hello, I am looking for tips and tricks for hunting Coues in November for the rifle hunt. I did not get the Burro MT and this will be my first Coues hunt for me and my brother. I have been planning to scouting on some of my weekends but not sure what to do. Anything is helpful at this point cause I haven't clue what to look for in terms of proper habitat.

I am used to hunting in the Northern regions of NM (49, 53, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58). But I have hunted Unit 21 Archery a few years back and was successful harvesting a Mule deer with my recurve. but that is the only time I've hunted around those areas and it was a hard then I can only imagine what its like now.
I almost put in for this hunt and pulled it at the last minute.

I'm torn as it's a 12-13 hour drive from Houston for what looks like a small WT. I'm interested in it for the hunt experience but having a hard time finding a partner. May just try it solo one year.

I did draw a NM muley tag in a marginal deer unit (great elk unit) so I'm looking forward to that. My biggest contemplation with that hunt is deciding if I should focus on the mountainous regions of the wilderness area or the lower country close to town. I know everyone says most of the deer or close to town or farm land but so are the hunters and a lot of road hunters is my fear.

Sorry to derail Op, just rambling a bit.
Hello, I am looking for tips and tricks for hunting Coues in November for the rifle hunt. I did not get the Burro MT and this will be my first Coues hunt for me and my brother. I have been planning to scouting on some of my weekends but not sure what to do. Anything is helpful at this point cause I haven't clue what to look for in terms of proper habitat.

I am used to hunting in the Northern regions of NM (49, 53, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58). But I have hunted Unit 21 Archery a few years back and was successful harvesting a Mule deer with my recurve. but that is the only time I've hunted around those areas and it was a hard then I can only imagine what its like now.

For general tips and tricks for hunting coues deer. I would reccomend the following resources:
-Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast. Search coues deer and a ton of episodes will come up and you can listen for hours on the subject. Find episodes with Duwane Adams, Phil Cramer, Creed Cristainat, Ben Brochu.
- Read "How to Hunt Coues Deer" by Duwane Adam's and Tony Mandile
Hello, I am looking for tips and tricks for hunting Coues in November for the rifle hunt. I did not get the Burro MT and this will be my first Coues hunt for me and my brother. I have been planning to scouting on some of my weekends but not sure what to do. Anything is helpful at this point cause I haven't clue what to look for in terms of proper habitat.

I am used to hunting in the Northern regions of NM (49, 53, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58). But I have hunted Unit 21 Archery a few years back and was successful harvesting a Mule deer with my recurve. but that is the only time I've hunted around those areas and it was a hard then I can only imagine what its like now.
Dm me I can help a bit
Going to revive an old thread, and I’m gonna be that guy. I put in for my archery hunts as always. And, as usual, I came up mostly empty handed… with the exception of my fourth choice. I drew a Sept. coues deer tag in 23.

I’ll admit right up front I’m no coues hunter. I never even think coues when I think hunting and it didn’t even cross my mind that I would be given a coues tag. I was thinking I’d get a 21 or 23 Sept. muley tag.

Oh well, I’m going to do some e scouting and I’ll at least put in a couple of long weekends looking for water sources to sit and look for some bears.

If anyone is just feeling generous and wants to throw out a spot or two I’ll take it.

I wanted to post a follow up to my question. I know I’m propping up an old thread..again but, seems people always ask for info on hunts then never come back.

I did not kill a coues. Had a great time minus the unbelievable marauding hordes of vampire mosquitoes. Saw some pretty awesome country. Saw some mulies, some pretty nice elk. Bugleing bulls at night is always nice. Never saw another hunter while out away from the roads.

Seriously doubt I am going to do the 4th choice again.

Thanks to the people I communicated with about the hunt.
I wanted to post a follow up to my question. I know I’m propping up an old thread..again but, seems people always ask for info on hunts then never come back.

I did not kill a coues. Had a great time minus the unbelievable marauding hordes of vampire mosquitoes. Saw some pretty awesome country. Saw some mulies, some pretty nice elk. Bugleing bulls at night is always nice. Never saw another hunter while out away from the roads.

Seriously doubt I am going to do the 4th choice again.

Thanks to the people I communicated with about the hunt.
The mosquitoes were unreal down in the gila area this year! I got probably upwards of 100 bites in one evening elk hunting... 23 is some awesome country though, always fun to hang out in, maybe not in Sept though...
It’s safe to assume Sept elk tags are probably going to be a 4 to 5 years apart. This coming year I’ll be on top of the SD hunt situation but I’m definitely going to head to Northern NM for some bear hunting next year. This was my first year going after them specifically and I might be getting kind of addicted to it.
Been a hunter in NM all my life but never for Coues in unit 23. Archery Sept hunt seems daunting right now as I do not know GMU 23 at all. Been e-scouting and looking near Blue Creek Wilderness area since my hunt is outside of the Burro area. Looking for water and noticing the Gila river running through it. All the research I have done, seems no bucks are ever harvested near rivers, rather in the high desert low water areas. Any pointers I'm all open. Thank you in advance!
Been a hunter in NM all my life but never for Coues in unit 23. Archery Sept hunt seems daunting right now as I do not know GMU 23 at all. Been e-scouting and looking near Blue Creek Wilderness area since my hunt is outside of the Burro area. Looking for water and noticing the Gila river running through it. All the research I have done, seems no bucks are ever harvested near rivers, rather in the high desert low water areas. Any pointers I'm all open. Thank you in advance!
I personally was never able to find any coues on my hunt but I was pointed in a direction another hunted suggested that they killed one on a rifle hunt. Coues dont have a very large range so id imagine with more time you can turn some up. Send me your phone number and ill send you the pins. I also have heard that people have found them anywhere along FR 209. "big coues bucks" is how they described them. I was never lucky enough to lay eyes on them.

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