2013 WY bear


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I kicked off the 2013 Wyoming deer/bear season this last week.

I decided to try an area that Greenhorn and I had hunted several years ago for the deer opener. I phoned Kurt to make sure that he was good with me hunting this location since he was gracious enough to show me the area.

So opening morning, after a couple hour hike in the dark, I was glassing a basin where we'd seen some bucks in the past. I located a nice black bear in a distant drainage, but didnt see any deer. I decided to move down a ridge to another great vantage point and about half way there I bumped 3 mule deer bucks from the base of a 250 foot cliff. I knew one of the bucks was very good, but in this place, you dont want to shoot a deer unless the effort required to pack it out is well worth that kind of investment. In hindsight, I should have just shot the biggest of the 3 right then, but for whatever reason, I decided I needed a look through the spotter. One look through the spotter confirmed the deer was everything you look for...no question an exceptional buck. At this point they were heading quickly to a ridge with scattered timber. They eventually started feeding on the ridge and I watched them for a long time, never having a perfect shot. Finally the buck I wanted walked into a nice open area and I ranged it. I got set up for the shot, but just as I was about to press the trigger...he walked into some trees, but heading to another opening. I "thought" he would be a bit further in the next opening, so when he stopped in that opening, I put my dot on the top of the back. I felt the break of the trigger and saw dirt fly about 3 inches over its back. I ranged the second opening, and it was no further than the first one he was in. I walked over just to confirm what I already knew...sure enough shot right over it.

I flat blew it...all the way around. I failed to see them first, I wasnt really as prepared as I should have been (rangefinder and spotter more handy, etc.), and then I "out-smarted" myself with the shot. My failure(s) cost me a great buck, possibly the best I'll ever get a chance at.

But, thats why I hunt...for the failures, as well as the the success. In reflection, I've been on the other side of these situations more times than not. I'm happy for the opportunity....but giving that buck a lift out of that high basin via a mystery ranch, wouldnt have sucked either!

My "trophy" from the shot I took at that deer...


The next day I decided to walk up a different drainage and see if I could find where I thought those 3 bucks went. I didnt see a single deer, but found the drainage infested with bears.

I shot this one (the 9th bear I saw that morning) at about 100 yards with my 7-08 and 140 grain accubonds. I really liked the color...and a good boar.

nice trophies there Buzz. congrats on the bear. beautiful color.
That is a pretty good concentration of bears in one spot. There must be a good food source there. Good hunt. It would have been perfect with the deer, but then you may not have killed the bear if you had gotten he deer.
Love that chocolate color on your bear. Having seen some of the animals you've shot before, I'd love to see the deer that you felt was exceptional. Congrats!
Looks like a good time Buzz. Too bad about the deer, but that bear makes for a nice consolation prize.

I need to find a bear infestation someday...

Good luck with the rest of your season!
Nice bear Buzz.

Was the valley loaded with berries or something? That's a heck of a lot of bears in one spot.
Buzz, nice story. I take away several key points from your hunt......

Nice courtesy to Greehorn on "his" hunting spot.

I should always been in alert hunting mode, even when I'm "moving to the next drainage"

Great attitude towards the failure to connect on that deer. Find the learning moments and build on them.

Nice color in the bear. What was attracting all those bruins to that small area?
Congrats, great way to start the season. Can't wait to see what follows.
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