Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

2010 buck


Active member
May 9, 2009
Western CO
Well, I finally decided to pull the trigger... and shot a descent buck. My father and I had a tag for the season prior and used it for a little scouting expedition. Dad ended up shooting a 3x3 and we were pretty stoked- even though we saw bigger bucks in the area.

Day 1 started off well seeing a lot of bucks that were actively pursuing the ladies. We ran into one descent 4x4 that had a great time chasing chaunch through the oak brush. The first picture is of him. Only minutes later did we see a true monster. He was huge- great width, super tall, but didn't carry too much mass (still a great buck). Before I could ready myself he jumped onto private land- I blew it. I wasted my time checking him out in the binos. I knew this was the buck I'd be chasing the next few days and he would probably ruin my hunt as I would compare all the other bucks to him.

Day 2 we saw my buck first thing in the morning as we drove in to our parking area. He had moved 300 yards south and I am kicking myself that I didn't take enough time to glass the area efficiently. We park the vehicle, run to the canyon and watch as he glides into private. Minutes later we see a 4x3- looks like a baby compared to the monster. Dad and I spend the rest of the day passing bucks. One was was bedded down (3rd pic) and the other was a pretty good buck (4th pic). He was tall and an ok 4 on the left side- didn't quite pass his ears. His right was more like a whitetail with a main beam which was wider than his ears. Dad and I argued, but he just wasn't the "one". Another buck was spotted on our way out- he was super tall, good mass, but his antlers curved in and nearly touched. Another argument with dad :) No pic, but he was a neat buck too.

Day 3 I hunted with my father-in-law and the first thing we saw was the 4x3. He was much wider than I had thought but I still had my sights set high. Never found my monster. We passed a lot of bucks that day... we talked over a few 4x4s and that 3x4- I just couldn't do it.

Day before last day- hunted hard and covered a lot of ground. Passed some more- and father-in-law is now worried (myself included) if I have lost my opportunity at a large buck. We head to a water hole and see a descent buck. I load my rifle, set it on him and judge... nope- not the monster. I walk back to my father-in-law who politely explains, "Shoot that son of a bitch" We discuss and he talks me into checking him out again. I go about 100 yards and glass him again. He's got good mass and is pretty symmetrical- just not that wide. Now I'm fighting with myself as to the decision I'm going to make. The weather the next day was supposed to snow and have winds up to 40+ mph. In my limited experience- the wind has caused my critters to hunker down- making it extremely difficult to spot. Would I see another buck like this on the last day? BLAH, blah, blah. So, I shoot. He's not the biggest buck (in fact, after I shot, a larger buck blew up out of the brush :( ) but I am extremely happy with the hunt and the buck. And I would never trade the time I spent hunting with my dad (and father-in-law) for any buck out there. Thanks Boys!


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Well, I'll be!!! I was born in N.H. and hunted white tail for 16 years before moving to Alaska. I got 4 deer in those 16 years. The first was a young fork. The next 2 were does (legal ) the last was a button buck.
Many seasons my friends and I never saw a deer. So you can imagine how I would have reacted just seeing one of the deer you've see. That is one beautiful buck Congratulations.

P.S. My first black tail hunt in AK I shot 4 bucks. That years limit. I hunted Kodiak every year since 1976 and always got what was allowed even seven deer a few times. Thanks for posting.
geez, after seeing that brute, im glad i couldnt get the pics of mine to upload! great buck, great hunt, congrats!
No one would need to coax me into pulling the trigger on that stud! Either that is a tremendous muley or I know nothng about taking a pic. Big time congrats.
I don't know what the monster and the other buck that jumped up look like but even so, it would be hard passing that buck up. I am glad your father-in-law talked you into shooting, that is an AWESOME buck. Symmetrical, heavy, and good forks, Congrats !! -Fish
Addict - That is a great buck. Hesitating or debating on a buck like that would be costly if you were hunting with most the guys I hang out with. We shoot at those kind of bucks at first chance and worry about asking questions later.

Congrats! Glad it worked out for you. One for the wall, I suspect.
Love the mass on that buck. The one in the first photo is no slouch either. Congrats!
Geez man at least smile for the picture after shooting a monster like that. Congrats!! Perhaps you need some new binos after thinking you were going to pass on that buck. I'd take your sloppy seconds any day.
Are you originally from Utah? They seem to always complain after shooting a big animal.

Heck of a buck, congrats.

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