'20- What Worked, What Didn't?

All high and mighty on the cheese then throw out a pic of Surgarized Motor oil Cool Whip? WTF
That item is definitely in the fridge currently.

Items that worked: Frozen Cranberry Salad

I drop the walnuts... it's always a huge Thanksgiving hit ;)
That item is definitely in the fridge currently.

Items that worked: Frozen Cranberry Salad

I drop the walnuts... it's always a huge Thanksgiving hit ;)
So gross dude... so gross.

Why would you do that when you could just eat Tillamook Ice Cream, or at least Reddi Wip?
I can tell you what did not work well:
  • Hunting in unfamiliar terrain in a high hunt pressure area. I can make hunt pressure work in my favor IF I have an idea where the game is likely to travel before, during and after pressure.
  • Drought. Wyoming is in high drought state right now as you can see from the fires. This also has led to lower birth rates among almost all big game
  • Memory - one time I forgot my gun, next time bullets, next time water to clean my hands so I drove home with bloody hands because I was too lazy to use gloves.
  • Out of shape. Due to surgeries and neuropathy, I was not in good enough shape to keep up with everyone and had to use still and blind hunt methods. Worked for deer and antelope but no tags for that area LOL.
Serious though, knowing my terrain during the elk hunt would of helped. I spent most of my time scoping elk from 1-2 ridges away and watching how they interacted with the hunters.

What did work:
  • Found section of creek with massive wild rainbow trout that had pink meat like salmon and taste completely different from the stocker trout most caught.
  • Spent a ton of time talking to locals to give me hints on movement patterns of wild game, especially those I plan to hunt.
  • Build camaraderie within my hunt group. This helps when you can work together instead of as individuals.
Worked -
Kuiu Superdown has been great for glassing on windy ridges as has the Outdoorsmans bino adapter. Definitely have helped me spot more game.
Dan Coffin - per @mtmuley recommendation, he quickly solved some issues that I've been chasing my tail on with my rifle for years.

Didn't Work -
Myself. My struggle with depression the last few years have really taken a toll on my hunting along with the rest of my life. Can't get motivated to go out, don't hunt very long or very hard. Don't have anyone to hunt with so no one to keep me motivated. Wife finally said she had enough of it and got me an appointment with a head doctor. Hopefully I can get it work out cause it sucks.

Oh my Lowa Tibets are shot after 4 years, kinda ticked about that.
Hang in there HighWild! Depression sucks, but can be managed. Keep after it and keep finding ways to stay positive. You got this!!
Everything worked as expected. The only new piece that I was really impressed with was the Katadyn be free filter. Great flow and really simple design. My buddy did a good review of it.

The only new item I purchased this year was a new chronograph, Magnetospeed which I love.
Much more reliable than optical chronograph at low sun angles.

Old reliable things that worked on our moose hunts:
Katadyn Base Camp 10-liter gravity filter
Backpacker Thermocell for repelling mosquitoes at a calling location
Barnes TTSX in 7mm Rem Mag, 300 H & H Mag, 338 Win Mag
Cutco knife with double-D edge
Brush Loppers for quick cutting of rib slabs
Stanely sharp-tooth saw for cutting antlers
2 rope come-alongs
3 jet sleds
many 28" X 60 TAG Bags

Things that did not work:
Our old meat pole between 2 spruce trees,
that went crash in the middle of the night due to too much moose weight.

My old waders started leaking pinholes after applying too much DEET-based mosquito repellent
in prep of butchering a bull in thigh deep water. DEET can be nasty on plastics and some materials.
What no longer works: Copenhagen

I debated sharing this. If this comes out as preachy, I apologize. It's not meant to be and there is no self-edification involved. I've chatted with other members here about this previously, so maybe this will resonate with someone who is in the same place I am.

I've been very cavalier with photos of Copenhagen. I value my health, and devote time and effort to fitness and proper diet. Yet, I've rationalized the chewing because it was only "recreational" and I would buy a can for a hunt. Recently, while driving across Wyoming I realized having two different cans going at the same time was a far cry from the "occasional and recreational" conditions I'd imposed upon myself, and that the "one can" was routinely morphing into numerous cans.

The final straw was a conversation with my wife recently. I've watched her struggles this year as she's reconciled the rather unexpected death of her dad. Some words really hit home and provoked some serious introspection. There is no redeeming quality to tobacco. I know that and have for, well forever. I've minimized the risk in my mind because I was "minimizing the use".

Two weeks off it, and from now on, what "works" is spearmint gum.
Good for you @JLS I used to enjoy Copenhagen and Red Man. Just one or two chews a day or when I was stressed out at work but I gave it up when I had a little girl that smiled up at me and I decided I wasn’t gonna do something that could impact me being around for her.
Good for you @JLS I used to enjoy Copenhagen and Red Man. Just one or two chews a day or when I was stressed out at work but I gave it up when I had a little girl that smiled up at me and I decided I wasn’t gonna do something that could impact me being around for her.
Yep. Quitting tobacco is good. I smoked two packs of cowboy killers a day when I stopped. My daughter is 26. I quit a bit before she was born. mtmuley
Probably the best thing that I added this year was the Klymit inflatable seat that I used while glassing. Rolls up very small and really made glassing more comfortable. Pretty good $20 spent
What worked:
- This board, I got significant help with where to hunt, and bagged an elk
- My new camp trailer, a tin teepee is a nice way to pitch camp
- My hunting partner - my wife is a tremendous hunting partner

What didn't:
- My pack wasn't the best for hauling out the first load (till I got back to get my frame pack)
- My old body isn't what it used to be after 62 years of hard use....that first load out was a doozy.

Crazycreek Hex 2.0 power lounger. High back, double padding under the butt, and then doubles as a mid day sleeping pad. Best new gear for the year!

Stealthpod x poles for working through high deadfall. Great to have the extra height. (Until I snapped one)

Throwback 89’ world ski championships elan neon pink hat!

New hunting partner that agreed to come tag along at 10pm the night before the opener when I found out my old hunting partner was MIA.

Didn’t work:

Vortex kaibabs, not enough of an advantage to bring in addition to my 10/42s.

My shooting while someone else surprises me with a shot 100-200 yards away as I’m squeezing the trigger

Old hunting partner. Hunted 1.5 days of 5 day elk season, and ghosted me the night before deer season.

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