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100% true stories..


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Now, Everyone is gonig to think I'm talking about them.. But I'd like to know percentages.

How much of a Story that is posted on is True ? I'll give you an example of one. My Utah trip, The BS that flowed through that post was Unreal. That being said I think most of it was true. All of the Basic stuff. 10feet over the back was wrong but I did hold high. I'd give that post a 80% true factor. We also didn't go to Artic Circle but I did eat alot of food....

But it makes me wonder. I see pictures and read stories and Hear the "REAL" stories all the time on the phone and such. People leave things out like "I actually shot it in the Guts first but then followed up with a Good shot". Usually you hear " I was fortunate enough to kill it at 180 yards".

Leaving all the Current event's BS out, How true are your posts ? I'd say mine are around the 75% part on Average. Just more then 1/2 the truth to make the guys I'm with know what really happened but enough BS to keep it funny and Force the Remarks out in the direction you're going.

Fess up Beotchs' !!
Thanks for letting us know that you are full of shit, because none of us would have guessed it otherwise.
Everything I post in the hunting forums is true. Self deprecation is good for the soul. Everything I post in CE or SI is mostly b/s....just like everyone elses.

...and that's a fact.
I usually hunt by myself so no one knows what the truth is except me. I do hold out on some info though. Like maybe the thread I just posted. :)
Boatfool said:
What makes a good story is leaving a little room for imagination and leaving the reader wondering.

...then you're gonna love Moosie's stories, especially his 'life changing news' themes.;)
OK, I'll admit it. The cliff I was crawling down DID give way and I did fall and slide 10 feet straight down until a caught another grip. I still don't know how I did it. What wasn't quite true was the extra 100 feet I had to fall if I hadn't stopped falling. It was more like 30 or 40. It really wouldn't have mattered, I would have been just as smashed and busted up as if it would have been 500 feet.
The story of a guy nearly blowing my head off with a .30-30 while unloading it is totally true and I've got witnesses. Honest D.D.
I always dropped a 100lbs off the story when I picked up a chick at the bar.

Kinda the same thing.
I'm sure the guy that posted the "ram by the road/flipflops" story was just b.sing.

I heard he packed that thing 10 miles out of the wilderness, whole, just to pose for the picture and mess with the hunttalkers.