Stalker bow/gun mount decoys for turkeys


New member
Apr 13, 2017
I am wanting to buy a “stalker” decoy for turkey hunting this year and a deer one for deer hunting. Wondering if anybody has had any experience with an ultimate stalker decoy, heads up decoy or the mojo scoot and shoot. Looking for recommendations. Please no comments about them being dangerous just looking for recommendations. Thanks!
I have a friend that has a turkey fan decoy. Turkey came across an open field 100+ yards. It works. I don't have one, but I am looking into a heads up decoy for archery elk hunting for next year.
I would only consider using a stalking decoy for turkeys if it was an archery only season, that or I'm on private land and I'm 100% confident that no one is on the property hunting or the neighboring properties. Some people just don't take other peoples safety into consideration while hunting. I just don't get how you can just shoot at a tail fan without knowing exactly what it is...... Anyhow I have and do really like my headsup turkey decoy!
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I like to use the scoot and shoot, the wings fold out and give you a little more cover. I also replace the fake fan with a real one. Make a few extra holders for the fan out of plexiglass, they tend to break over time while tightening the fan down.
To answer your question, I have no experience with it.

As an avid turkey hunter, there is no way I would ever do this, even off fenced, private land. Way too many accidents happen this way.

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