NOSLER wants to see your success


7mm Magnum, 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip in Federal Factory Ammo. 200 yards. Alabama Buck
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All taken with Nosler Ballistic tips. Absolutely love this ammo and use it with all my guns it definitely gets the job done keep up the good work!
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My 2016 DIY OTC North Idaho buck

With tons of Publicland pressure I stayed patient watching some last year's clearcuts and with fresh snow it had the does wanting to eat. With the does there came this guy hot on there butts. Shooting my 7mm with 150 grain Nosler ballistic tip custom loads he dropped in his tracks at 100 yards. IMG_20161201_065515.jpgPicsArt_11-25-12.42.56.jpg
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Colorado elk hunt. 2nd rifle. Used a .300 WSM with a 180 grain AB in Nosler Trophy grade ammo. 173 yards. Shot it a little after 8 AM on the first morning of the hunt! Little did I know I'd be tagged out after the first day with my mule deer!

Shot this bad boy the same day as my elk. My guide said to me as we were heading in "I'd love to see what that .300 WSM does to a deer!" Well, needless to say the 180 gr AB took care of business! First rifle season for mule deer in CO, 2016. First trip out west! Couldn't be happier with the results of the .300 WSM And the AB's!!
2016 West Yellowstone Bison

I was one of the lucky few to draw a Bison tag in West Yellowstone this year and my awesome wife made plans to spend Christmas and hunt the first two days while we were there. My younger son and I ran into a small herd of 45 bison on the Madison River almost immediately, the same Bison we had seen the weekend before during a brief scouting trip. Two young bulls were in the group, one finally gave me a clear shot. My .300 Win mag 180 grain Nosler Accubond did the trick; one shot to the head and he dropped like a ton of bricks and the rest of the bison headed to the trees. I was blessed to have my wife, mother, two sons, and two good friends help me quarter up the animal and pack him out of there. Very beautiful country; I feel very blessed and privileged to have this great opportunity to hunt such a magnificent animal! Thank God for Montana and our Public Lands!

2016 Nosler

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South Dakota Mule Deer
300 WM with 180 g Nosler Partition

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New Mexico Cow Elk
308 WIN with 165 g Nosler Accubond
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2016 Wyoming ram
Kimber 280AI
Nosler Trophy Grade 140 grn Acubond

First day, first ram. Sat on him all day. With fading light he stepped out and gave me the broadside shot I thought only existed in my dreams.IMG_0191.jpgIMG_0207.jpg
270 WSM Nosler Acubond - Put little brother on him after a mile long stock and he shot his brother. I didn't even have a gun so after a quick switch on the pack he made the fatal mistake and looked back at 300yrds. 2 days to get them packed out.
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2016 Oregon success. All taken with Nosler hand loads. The buck and cougar from central Oregon were with a 30-06 shooting the 180gr ballistic tip the Roosevelt was with a 300win shooting the 180gr accubond. The bullet was recovered from the cougar. 15134582_10154366939462655_8267586246792599719_n.jpgIMG_20161008_083157_268.jpg
First elk, diy Colorado.

.325 WSM with 200 grain Nosler Accubond Trophy Grade ammunition, dropped him at 300 yards

2008 Sask Ca Moose hunt on the Churchill water way. Shots from a ridge over a muskeg. Shooting a Browning 300 win mag. 4 shots connected 3 in the boiler room 180 gr Nosler partitions, 2 bullets retrieved between briskets and hide.
2016 Alaskan DIY public land Moose- first moose! .338 win mag with 225 gr Nosler Accubond, Nosler trophy grade ammunition!

My partner and I's first western kill! Got her at 481 with a nosler accubond out of a 300 short mag!20160901_131327.jpg

Figured I would attach a pic of her not going for a ride haha
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One and Done AZ Bull Elk 210 Nosler ABLR

My son Kaden (10 years old) holding our first ever Elk harvested in Arizona. I had been anticipating my first Bull Elk hunt since I was a young Hunter. Finally my application was selected and the preparation began. I have been shooting Nosler bullets since I began reloading over 10 years ago so there was no question on bullet brand to use. With the extended ranges and open terrain I would be hunting I wanted to ensure I was effective at a long way off. The rifle I selected for my hunt was a SAKO M995 chambered in 7.82 Warbird. I choose to use the 210gr Accubond Long Range bullet due to the high BC and reputation for controlled expansion and weight retention on big game. The muzzel velocity for the load I developed was 2,995fps. Fortunately I was able to get the Elk to within 100 yards. He gave me quartering to shot and that was it. One shot through the humerus bone and then heart. The bullet was recovered in the farside flank. As my son stated "that was epic" thanks Nosler for developing such an effective bullet it made all the difference.


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All 3 of these gorgeous boys were taken with my Ruger American 7mm-08, using 150 grain Federal Premium with the Nosler Partition. All 3 were one shot and down, with the elk actually dropping in his tracks, the bear and the deer not going more than 40 yds. Absolutely love this round!
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